 | Must Read: Illuminati Assassins Illuminati
mass mind control is predicated on a numbing steady delivery of
6th-grade level non-news to the masses, combined with the occasional
911/Kennedy Assassination fear-inducing shock, designed to cement
obedience and allegiance to their resource monopoly. Read More »» |
| Editor Israel: The End of the Dream When
I was very young, I thrilled to the strains of "Exodus" - the music
that accompanied the popular movie depicting the Israeli fight for
independence. »» |
Veterans Today VA Guarantees 20 Millionth Home Loan.. Today
the Department of Veterans Affairs announced it has guaranteed 20
million home loans since its home loan program was established in 1944
as part of the original GI Bill of Rights for returning World War II
Veterans. »» |
| Gilad Atzmon Jew-Ish Is
it a coincidence that our leading 'pro'-Palestinian Jews are so
determined to stifle any critical discourse to do with the Jewish State
and Jewish identity? »» |
Stephen Lendman Remembering Russell Means.. Over
a year ago, he knew he had inoperable esophageal cancer. It spread to
his tongue, lymph nodes and lungs. It was just a matter of time. On
October 22, it took him. His journey to the spirit world began. »» |