Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.
Physical Possession GOLD and Silver IRA

Video Expose: Obama's Lifetime of Photoshopped Pictures (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: FreewillOffering. We all know that Obama's "Internet Birth Certificate" is fake and that all his past from schoo, politics etc is zipped up. Yet just one questions looms large: Just how far down does this fraud go? Watch the below video-what do you think?...


Conspiracy Confirmed! TWA Flight 800 Whistleblowers Speak Out - NTSB Told Them To Lie

Conspiracy Confirmed! TWA Flight 800 Whistleblowers Speak Out - NTSB Told Them To LieCONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. We learn tonight that the crash of TWA Flight 800 off of the coast of New York back in 1996 was much more than we had been previously told as whistleblowers have come out stating that the NTSB told them to lie by placing gag orders on this entire episode...


“Doomsday Weapons To Syria”: Putin (video)

“Doomsday Weapons To Syria”: PutinCONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. I'd recommend that the story below be read in its entirety at Veterans Today from Gordon Duff. Has Barack Obama decided to 'take on' Syria? While 70% of Americans feel that any such aid to the Syrian rebels aka cannibals would be 'insane', Washington DC continues to plan on doing...


People Around the World Oppose Arming Syrian “Rebels”

CONTRIBUTOR: Washington's Blog. Americans, Britons, French, Turks Oppose War Against Syria A new Pew poll shows that 70% of Americans oppose arming the Syrian “rebels”. As the Washington Post notes: Opposition in the Pew poll is actually higher than ever before in the two-year-old civil war. And that’s even as much of the...


Maddow Goes Ballistic on Gun Advocates! "Those who think our Gov`t would turn on us are the same Loonies that think Tornados are Weather Weapons." (video)

Maddow Goes Ballistic on Gun Advocates! CONTRIBUTOR: LedaOhio9. The Last Time They Wanted Our Guns "THOSE ARE THE SAME FOLKS".. Today... Rachel Maddow....poking fun and saying that people who believe the Boston bombing was fake and that there is such a thing as weather control are the same loonies that actually are against gun control. They must be...


'Audit The IRS' Rally Live Stream 12 PM EST

'Audit The IRS' Rally Live Stream 12 PM ESTCURATOR: Mort Amsel. Speakers Include: Glenn Beck, Senator Mike Lee, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rand Paul, Jenny Beth Martin, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Dave Camp, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Rep. Jim Bridenstine, Rep. John Fleming, Rep. Tom Graves, Rep. Tom Price, Rep. Mike Kelly,...


US Sends 1,700 Troops To Yemen

US Sends 1,700 Troops To YemenCURATOR: Mort Amsel. Military officials confirmed on Tuesday media reports stating that more U.S. troops have landed in Yemen,, as part of Washington-Sana’a military efforts against al-Qaeda in the region. An estimated 1,700 troops arrived in Yemen on Monday: 1500 soldiers were immediately deployed to Anad strategic airbase in the southern province of...


5 Proven Reasons to Stop Trusting the Government Right Now

CONTRIBUTOR: Story Leak. From injecting citizens with plutonium just to see what happens to funneling your taxpayer dollars into mega banks that fund the illegal drug trade, here’s 5 openly admitted and proven reasons not to trust the United States government.  Reason 1: US Govt Program Secretly Injected Citizens With Plutonium  I write...


Obama Speech To Germans On Why The NSA Spies On Them LIVE Stream 9 AM EST (video)

Obama Speech To Germans On Why The NSA Spies On Them LIVE Stream 9 AM ESTCURATOR: Mort Amsel. 50 years ago to the week, when JFK spoke in Berlin, his speech made history. Today, the US president is in Germany again... and in a far less historic and moving speech is scrambling to explain why the NSA is listening to and recording all German communications. Watch it live...


Turkish TV Broadcaster Shut Down For Reporting Protests

Turkish TV Broadcaster Shut Down For Reporting ProtestsCONTRIBUTOR: Intellihub. A local Turkish broadcaster has been ordered to shut down for reporting on the current protests in the midst of a media blackout. By JG Vibes Intellihub.comJune 19, 2013 The following open letter was released from a local broadcaster in Turkey: Hayat TV to close down Hayat TV, a progressive...


CURATOR: Mort Amsel

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die



CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator

CONTRIBUTOR: 21st Century Wire

CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew

CONTRIBUTOR: Georgia Patriot

CONTRIBUTOR: The Astute Bloggers

CONTRIBUTOR: Vine Of Life News