Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 17 June 2013

2013-06-16 | NO.17(24) epaper |
Obama-Xi Sunnylands Summit
Obama Reaffirms Duty to Sell Arms to Taiwan (2013-06-10)
(CNA) United States President Barack Obama told Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping during their summit in California that the U.S. clearly understood its commitment to Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act, including its obligation to provide Taiwan with arms to protect itself, an Obama aide said.
Obama and Xi Try to Avoid a Cold War Mentality (2013-06-10)
(New York Times, By David E. Sanger) President Obama and Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader, emerged over the weekend in California from their first lengthy talks declaring their determination to keep disputes over cyberespionage and territorial claims in the Pacific from descending into a cold war mentality and to avoid the pitfalls of a rising power confronting an established one.
Next Up After U.S.-China Talks: The Details (2013-06-09)
(Wall Street Journal, By Thomas Catan, Colleen MaCain Nelson, and Jeremy Page) High-level talks between China and the U.S. in July will be the first real test of the mutual understanding and personal chemistry both sides said they forged during an informal summit between presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping this past weekend.
US and China Explore New Relationship (2013-06-11)
(YaleGlobal, By Robert A. Manning) A new type of relationship requires Washington and Beijing to find a balance of interests. The problem is that Beijing views its “core interests” in 19th-century terms – territory, boundaries, sovereignty, while Washington’s core interests are focused on unimpeded access to the global commons – freedom of navigation on land, sea and cyberspace.
U.S.-China Relations and America’s Alliances in Asia (2013-06-11)
(Brookings, By Sheena Chestnut Greitens) Historical analogies are useful, but they require careful interpretation. In this case, Washington and Beijing have focused on one aspect of the Thucydides analogy – the “fear” that he identified as the underlying cause of conflict. In doing so, they have overlooked an equally important lesson: the importance of alliance management.

Realpolitik and Spinning the U.S.-China Summit (2013-06-13)
(New York Times, By Isaac Stone Fish) The Obama-Xi summit meeting raised many questions about whether Washington’s support for Japan trumps other regional interests. Will the United States continue to support Japan in its battle over a small group of islands in the East China Sea?
U.S.-China Relations: Stop Striving for "Trust" (2013-06-07)
(The Diplomat, By Denny Roy) The argument that trust leads to peace is built on the premise that the suspicions between China and the U.S. are unfounded and would evaporate with more and deeper dialogue. Unfortunately, however, at least some of these suspicions are all too warranted.
A 'New Type of Great Power Relations'? Hardly (2013-06-10)
(PacNet #10, Pacific Forum, CSIS, By Brad Glosserman) China says it seeks a "new type of great power relations." Look closely, however, and China seems to want a very traditional type of great power relationship, one characterized by the familiar notion of spheres of influence.
U.S.-China New Pattern of Great Power Relations (2013-06-11)
(PacNet #40A, Pacific Forum, CSIS, By Richard Bush; Pier Ruigi Zanatta) “New pattern of great power relations” is the latest in formulations that Chinese leaders have deployed on a periodic basis, both as a tool to bring coherence to their increasingly unwieldy system and as a means to engage their foreign counterparts.

Sixth KMT-CCP Forum: Wu-Xi Meeting
KMT, CPC Top Brass to Discuss 'Major Issues' (2013-06-10)
(CNA) Top leaders of ruling parties in Taiwan and China will exchange views on “major issues” related to relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait when they meet on June 13 in Beijing, sources from both parties said.
Cross-Strait Ties Not State to State: Ma (2013-06-11)
(China Post) President Ma Ying-jeou stressed that planned cross-strait representative offices will not be embassies, given that the relationship between Taiwan and mainland China is not state to state.
Ma Not Reserved on Cross-Strait Issues: Xi (2013-06-14)
(China Post) KMT Honorary Chairman Wu Po-hsiung relayed Xi's acknowledgement that Ma is not at a standstill in terms of handling cross-strait issues, adding that Xi said he “understands Ma better now.”
'One China' is Republic of China: Official (2013-06-14)
(CNA) Taiwan's top China-policy agency said that no matter how cross-Taiwan Strait relations are described, the government's stance is clear -- the "one China" is the Republic of China.

Important Consensus Reached between KMT, CPC: Chinese Official (2013-06-13)
(CNA) A senior Chinese official said that important consensus had been reached between the ruling parties of Taiwan and China regarding the peaceful development of cross-Taiwan Strait relations.
Opposition Leaders Lay into 'One China' Framework at Forum (2013-06-15)
(China Post) Former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen slammed KMT Honorary Chairman Wu Po-hsiung for using the “one-China” framework in determining cross-strait relations, claiming the ideology would only cripple Taiwan's sovereign rights.
Wu Rejects Opposition 's Accusations of Betrayal (2013-06-15)
(China Post) KMT Honorary Chairman Wu Po-hsiung, after returning from China, rejected accusations that he has betrayed Taiwan.
Former DPP Chair Hsu Calls for 'Bold One China Principle' (2013-06-15)
(Taipei Times) “If the ‘one China’ principle was an inevitable development, we should seek the best ‘one China’ framework for Taiwan, such as the establishment of a China Council which is based on the European Council,” former DPP chairperson Hsu Hsin-liang said.
Cross-Strait Ties Must Not Be Dominated by KMT: Former Premier (2013-06-16)
(China Post) Cross-strait ties must not be dominated by the Chinese communists and the Kuomintang, as it would harm Taiwan's interests, opposition heavyweight Frank Hsieh said.

South China Sea Disputes
Charges Urged in Filipino Raid on Taiwanese Boat (2013-06-14)
(New York Times) Investigators in the Philippines are recommending that criminal charges be filed against the crew of a Philippine Coast Guard vessel that opened fire on a Taiwanese boat, killing one fisherman.

Taipei, Manila Agree to Avoid Shooting (2013-06-16)
(CNA) Taiwan and the Philippines have agreed to avoid use of force when policing their fishing grounds to prevent a recurrence of the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine coast guard officers in May, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Philippines Vows to Defend Territory, Sovereignty  (2013-06-13)
(AP) Philippine President Benigno Aquino III vowed that his country would not back down from any challenge to its sovereignty and territory amid a maritime dispute with China.
Diaoyutai Disputes Resurface
2nd Taiwan-Japan Fishery Committee Meeting to Be Held Next Month: Report (2013-06-12)
(China Post) A new round of Taiwan-Japan fishing committee meetings is scheduled to be held in July to continue bilateral negotiations to address issues related to fishing in disputed East China Sea waters, a diplomatic source told local media.
Sentiment Builds in China to Press Claim for Okinawa (2013-06-14)
(New York Times, By Jane Perlez) The Chinese government itself has not asserted a claim to Okinawa. But the seminar last month, which included state researchers and retired officers from the senior ranks of the People’s Liberation Army, was the latest act in what seems to be a semiofficial campaign in China to question Japanese rule of the islands.

U.S. 'Rebalance' to Asia
Always Ready, Always There: Marines and the Pacific Rebalance (2013-06-12)
(PacNet #42, Pacific Forum, CSIS, By Lt. Gen. Terry Robling) The concept of the preeminent importance of the Asia-Pacific region has long been part of our national strategy.To suggest that we ever turned our backs to this part of the globe is disingenuous.
Energy and American Power (2013-06-15)
(Foreign Affairs, By Tom Donilon) The United States’ new energy posture allows Washington to engage in international affairs from a position of strength. Increasing U.S. energy supplies acts as a cushion that helps reduce the country’s vulnerability to global supply disruptions and price shocks. It also affords Washington a stronger hand in pursuing and implementing its international security goals.

Cross-Strait Issues
Cross-Strait Offices Beneficial: Forum (2013-06-10)
(Taipei Times) KMT-leaning cross-strait relations experts said SEF and ARATS offices represented a transitional phase in the absence of political talks.

US Expert 'Pessimistic' on China, Taiwan
(Taipei Times) Andrew Nathan said that he was “rather pessimistic” about China’s growing sway over Taiwan through closer cross-strait economic integration.

PLA and Military Balance
Shenzhou-10: China Launches Next Manned Space Mission (2013-06-11)
(BBC) This mission, the fifth manned venture by China and scheduled to be the longest, is designated Shenzhou-10. It is the latest step in China's plan to eventually put a permanently manned station above the Earth.

DPP Fully Committed to Taiwan's Self-Defense, Su Says (2013-06-15)
(Taipei Times) Taiwan must demonstrate that it is serious about its defense, DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang said in Washington.

Taiwan's Foreign Relations
Tact Needed to Prevent Foreign Ties Unraveling (2013-06-12)
(Taipei Times, By Tsai Zheng-jia) The US’ increasingly positive attitude toward China’s rise seems to be becoming part of the new international reality. One can therefore expect US-Taiwan relations to change too.
US House Approves Pro-Taiwan Arms, Diplomacy Proposals (2013-06-16)
(Taipei Times) The US House of Representatives passed two new measures supporting Taiwan.

Editor: Dalton Lin