Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Monday 06-17-2013                                               Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser


Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21

Vaccination Lies and Other Tales

The Great American Dragnet: Over 200 Million People Are in the Facial
Recognition Database

The 12 Principles of Enslavement

The Politics of the Human Heart
Janet Phelan

Detroit Goes Under: “There Is No Way Out But Collapse”
They Know: Billionaires Quietly, Rapidly Dumping Millions Stock Shares

Researchers Discover Flaxseed Regresses Cardiovascular Plaque in Animals

Papers, Please – Unless You’re Voting
US House Passes Amendment to NDAA Regarding the Natl Defense of…Israel? 

Cops access massive facial recognition databases with few legal standards 
High-end surveillance cameras can be used by hackers to spy on sensitive facilities
Madison Ruppert

Stasi Puts Halt on Raw Milk Bill in Nevada

Washington Is Insane

21 Facts About NSA Snooping That Every American Should Know
Rotting, Decaying And Bankrupt – If You Want To See The Future Of America
Just Look At Detroit

New Must-See Videos
Today's Forum Topics

Author/Activist Eileen Fleming on We Cannot Be Silent, Mon 6/17, 11pm EST


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Intel Agencies Use Fake Internet Cafes to Spy on Foreign Officials at Global Summits

Police are asking mail carriers and garbage collectors to spy on citizens

After US Supreme Court ruling, police departments expand DNA seizure program

Gov't Surveillance is Linked to Expansion of Power

Hello total information awareness, goodbye freedom

"Freedom" was a keyword the NSA ironically deemed to be a red flag

3 NSA veterans: We told you so

Former Bank of America workers allege it lied to home owners