Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: 'Flight 800 investigators admit they lied about plane crash'

Saturday, 22 June 2013

'Flight 800 investigators admit they lied about plane crash'

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        June 22, 2013
namvar20130620074917403'Flight 800 investigators admit they lied about plane crash'
In 1996, an airliner, TWA Flight 800, bound from New York to Paris with 230 passengers mysteriously exploded off Long Island...
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - June 22, 2013
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Liberty or death! American Revolution 2.0 begins in New Hampshire
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Is Obama a Congenital Liar and Sadistic Torturer, or Just a Man Caught in a Job Much Too Big for Him? »»
Radiation Obama combined  Impact 28 white
Stephen Lendman
Obama's Nuclear Arms Reduction Hoax
America's current arsenal includes state-of-the-art nuclear, chemical, biological, and other type weapons of mass destruction. »»
Obama Berlin Speech 3
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Russia Right to Dismiss Obama Nuke Fakery
What Obama says and what the American imperialist war machine does are two very different matters; and Russia is prudent to not confuse the two. »»
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Robert Rosebrock
Who is Terry Richards?..
Like a thief in the night, Terry Richards snuck into town last year on a Greyhound bus from St. Petersburg, Florida and finagled himself a room at the Los Angeles VA with a warm bed, hot meals, shower, TV, computer, etc. »»
terry richards
World News Tommorrow
How Much Does Foreign Investors Lose in South Africa?
ow much does Foreign investors lose in South Africa. Few will dare to tell the truth and most media in South Africa will report using weasel words such as, firmer rand, softer currency and instead of weaker or down when reporting currency changes on television within the country of South Africa. »»
Roi Tov
Shalit Splits Canada..
"Helmut" is a nickname given to IDF soldiers who are considered clumsy. The soldier who always places the rubber band holding his trousers lower end on the shoe, instead than on the leg just above the shoe. »»
ScreenHunter_1838 Jun. 21 15.19
David Swanson
Prisons Full of Innocents
There are probably more innocent men and women in prison in the United States now than there were people in prison here total -- innocent and guilty -- 30 years ago, or than there are total people in prison (proportionately or as an absolute number) in most nations on earth. »»
Jonas E. Alexis
Alan Moore, Freemasonry, and Aleister Crowley on Pop Culture..
"Virtually every form of Western mysticism and spiritualism known today draws upon Jewish mythic and occult teachings-magic, prayer, angelology, numerology, astral projection, dream interpretation, astrology, amulets, divination, altered states of consciousness, alternative healing and ritual power-all have roots in the Jewish occult." »»
Michael Noonan
Gold And Silver - The End Is Near; Just Not In Sight.
Whatever expectation[s] you may have, expect the unexpected and unlike what you may expect. So far, that has been playing out quite nicely, and one of our expectations is that it will continue to unfold in the same manner, and to the ongoing surprise of most. »»
Michael Lombardi
Did the Federal Reserve Just Kill the Stock Market Rally?
Yesterday afternoon, the Federal Reserve announced it might cut back on its $85.0-billion-a-month money printing program later this year. »»
leadership development
Samon Bagons
5 Impeachable factors about Yard Sign Business
Out of all the lucrative marketing tools, yard signs are the most popular and widely used. Nowadays, many small and large sized businesses are making the best use of this advertising tool as they provide the convenient option to spread the business message to the audience. »»