Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 15 June 2013

Friday 06-14-2013                                               Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser


Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21
7 Reasons War with Syria is a Really Bad Idea

Vernon Hershberger Sentence and Fines Are Decided

"Red Line" Lies Indicate Full Scale War Coming to Syria

Turnkey Tyranny

Glyphosate and Roundup’s Implications on Modern Diseases

U.S. Openly Arms Syrian Rebels After Chemical Weapons ‘Red Line’
Melissa Melton

Unholy Alliance: The Federal Reserve and the Treasury

Learning to Render Fat

Holder: info leaked about NSA program is ‘extremely damaging’ to nat'l security

Gold Buying Panic In China: 10K People Wait For Chance to Own Metals
Look What This ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ Said in 1984:
“A Disgusting Procedure For A Professed Free Society”

Writing Contest Entry

The Real Solution to Agenda 21

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