Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Latest NewsJun 19, 2013
Even if things seem to be going well, your business could be dying a slow death. Here’s how to keep it alive and thriving. via 3 Deadly Leadership Mistakes You're Probably Making | The New OPEN Forum.   ...

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I say "surprising" in the title because common decency is not one of the qualities that often comes to mind when we think of the tools management has at its disposal. Yet over the years in management I observed its power on many occasions. via The Surprising [...] ...

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Heres a fact that may surprise you. The most successful people in business are the most humble.Please dont misunderstand. Humble doesnt mean weak. In fact, experts say that the best CEO is someone who has drive and passion, but tempers those qualities with humility. Successful leaders know [...] ...

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In Adobe Connect Essential Training, author Tim Plumer, Jr. explains how to deliver and host interactive web meetings, webinars, and e-learning tutorials using Adobe Connect.
I have a motto in business and life, “give before you get.” It's a philosophy, really. And it applies to business relationships and networking as much as it does to remuneration in the workplace. It seems we live in an era of “ask.” I see it on [...] ...

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I bet most people who read the title think this relates to the chaos that HR teams face on a regular basis.  Add up the number of people in an organization and multiply that by each individuals thoughts, ideas and perspectives and you are bound to have [...] ...

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Turns out something as small as signature size can make a big statement about leadership quality. According to research highlighted by Harvard Business Review, an analysis of CEO signatures from ten years of S&P 500 annual reports revealed companies led by CEOs with large signatures fell short [...] ...

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