Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 20 June 2013

Latest NewsJun 20, 2013
What Afghanistan, United States, Taliban Seek From Doha Talks
It's possible that they won't all sit at the same negotiation table, but the Afghan government, the United States, and the Taliban all have their own wish list for peace negotiations. ...
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U.S. Defends Peace Talk Efforts With Taliban As Kabul Responds Coolly
U.S. President Barack Obama has defended U.S. efforts to get Afghan peace talks started at a new Taliban office in Qatar.
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Obama Calls for Further Cuts in Nuclear Arms
President Barack Obama announced his intention to seek deeper cuts in the U.S. nuclear arsenal, provided Russia is willing to negotiate similar reductions. ...
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In Berlin Speech, Obama Calls for Nuclear Reductions
U.S. President Barack Obama set forth his vision for advancing toward a world free of nuclear weapons in a speech Wednesday at the historic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. ...
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Obama: US Surveillance Has Averted at Least 50 Threats
President Barack Obama has defended U.S. government surveillance activities.
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US FBI Chief Says Drones Used Domestically
The director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation says the agency is occasionally using drones over the U.S., but did not say what the purpose of the surveillance is. ...
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Obama Silent on US Arms to Syrian Rebels
U.S. President Barack Obama says Syria's government has lost its legitimacy by killing tens of thousands of its citizens in a bloody civil war.
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Analysts Assess Impact of Military Attack on Iran
The United States and the European Union believe Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons.
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