Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 17 June 2013


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David Versus Goliath

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"Men are at war with each other because each man is at war with himself": Francis Meehan

"Only the winners decide what were war crimes." -   Gary Wills - Author:

"I believe that even amid today's motor bursts and whining bullets, there is still hope for a brighter tomorrow.": -  Martin Luther King's Acceptance Speech, - Nobel Peace Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1964

I Believe

"Cause I believe that love is the answer
I believe that love will find the way"

Video and Lyrics -
June 16, 2013
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Fact Or Fiction?
Iran to send 4,000 troops to aid President Assad forces in Syria
By Robert Fisk
Washington's decision to arm Syria's Sunni Muslim rebels has plunged America into the great Sunni-Shia conflict of the Islamic Middle East, entering a struggle that now dwarfs the Arab revolutions which overthrew dictatorships across the region.
US Sarin Gas Claims
Pat Buchanan: This Has Tonkin Gulf Written All Over It
1 Minute Video
"We are getting ourselves into a conflict, Iran, Russia, Hezbollah on one side and us, Saudi Arabia, Qatar on the other side. It is Insane!"
Zbigniew Brzezinski on Syria:
US Engaging In "Mass Propaganda", "Who's Fighting for Democracy?"
2 Minute Video
The west is absolutely engaging in mass propaganda by portraying the Syrian conflict as a fight for democracy when many of the rebels want anything but.
Jonathan Manthorpe: Saudi Arabia Funding Fuels Jihadist Terror
By Jonathan Manthorpe
Big chunks of the country's huge oil earnings have been spent on spreading a violent and intolerant variety of Islam.
George Galloway on Syria:
 One Minute Video
 If Woolwich murderer had gone to Damascus Hague would have given him money.
Israel and U.S. Coordinating How to Target Assad's Arsenal
By Karl Vick
52 days after an Israeli general publicly declared that Syria has used chemical weapons against rebels, the Obama administration reached the same conclusion, and used the finding to justify announcing it would send small arms to the side of the victims.
Moderate Cleric Rowhani Declared New Iran President
For The Israeli Government, Iran Will Never Change
By Barak Ravid
Post-election Iran could become an opportunity for a diplomatic breakthrough, but Netanyahu and Ya'alon insist on exaggerating the threats and sanctifying the status quo.
U.S. House Passes Bill to Ensure Israel Can Remove Existential "Threats"
National Defense Authorization Act instructs U.S. to take 'all necessary steps' to help Israel defend its vital national interests, among them preventing a nuclear Iran.
Assange: America is at the Precipice of Turnkey Totalitarianism
By Hasan Suroor
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tells Hasan Suroor in an interview that people cannot really remain anonymous today, even if they use the right tools on the Internet.
NSA Copies All Internet Data, Creates Dossiers on Every User
By J.P. Hicks
The NSA copies ALL INTERNET traffic in and out of the United States for analysis by hoovering all data that passes through fiber lines.

Hard News  
At least 32 killed in Iraq bombings:
Bomb attacks across Iraq targeting mostly Shiite Muslims have left at least 32 people dead. Concerns are that if attacks carry on, it could bring the country back to a full-scale sectarian war.
Deadly' rocket attack kills 3 at Iran exile (MEK) camp near Baghdad:
 Members were moved to Camp Liberty late last year at Iraq's insistence from Ashraf, their historic paramilitary camp of the 1980s.
Armed commando kills 4 Shiites in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley;
Unidentified gunmen killed four Shiites in the Bekaa region of eastern Lebanon on Sunday, a security source told AFP, as the conflict in Syria raised fresh tensions in its neighbour.
Iraqi al-Qaeda chief rejects Zawahiri orders:
In new audio recording, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reaffirms commitment to merging with Syrian "rebel" al-Nusra Front.
CIA preparing to deliver rebels arms through Turkey and Jordan:
Within the past year, the CIA also created a new office at its headquarters in Langley to oversee its expanding operational role in Syria.
Saudi Arabia Plans to Supply Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Syrian Rebels:
Der Spiegel noted the shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles can target low-flying aircraft including helicopters and had given mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan a decisive edge against Soviet troops in the 1980s.
Russia says illegal to impose Syria no-fly zone from Jordan:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday any attempt to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria using F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missiles from Jordan would violate international law. eventually backed by special forces
U.S. to Keep Warplanes in Jordan, Pressing Syria:
Ratcheting up the pressure on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, the United States will keep American warplanes and antimissile batteries in Jordan, officials said Saturday.
G8 Summit: David Cameron pushes for action to curb Bashar al-Assad:
David Cameron will support US plans to impose a no-fly zone over parts of Syria, as he attempts to convince world leaders to act against the "dictatorial and brutal leader" President Bashar al-Assad during the G8 summit in Northern Ireland this week.
British Troops Head For Mid-East:
BRITISH troops are on their way to the Syrian border this week for war games as the UK faces being sucked into the conflict.
Jordan ready to fight any threat from Syrian conflict: king:
Jordan's King Abdullah said on Sunday the kingdom was ready to fight to protect itself against any threat to its security from the escalating civil war in neighbouring Syria. He was speaking as Jordanian and U.S. forces proceeded with joint military exercises with the participation of 17 other countries
Preparing for war:
Egypt to cut off diplomatic relations with Syria: Video -
The Egyptian president, Mohammed Morsi, has announced that Cairo is cutting off diplomatic relations with Syria. Addressing a rally in support of the Syrian opposition, Mr Morsi said the Syrian embassy in Cairo would be closed.
Russia questions Syrian chemical weapons evidence:
Russia's foreign minister said Saturday that the evidence put forth by the United States of chemical weapons use in Syria apparently doesn't meet stringent criteria for reliability.
Patrick Cockburn on U.S. Plans to Arm Syrian Rebels:
Where Is the Skepticism About Chemical Weapons? - Video
Obama's Lies About Chemical Weapons In Syria: Syrian Girl:
We heard all these lies before during the Iraq war.
Syria: Sunni extremists blow up Shiite mosque:
Sunni extremists blew up a Shiite mosque in a village in eastern Syria stormed by rebels earlier this week, another sign of the sectarian hatred growing in the country's civil war, activists said Sunday.
Saudi Arabia funding fuels jihadist terror:
Big chunks of the country's huge oil earnings have been spent on spreading a violent and intolerant variety of Islam
Iran celebrates Rouhani's presidential win:
Moderate cleric Hassan Rouhani has called his defeat of conservative hardliners a victory of moderation over extremism and pledged a new tone of respect in international affairs.
Rohani urges West to recognize Iran''s rights:
Rohani said those who really respect people's sovereignty and free dialogue should talk with "our great people" in respect, and recognize the rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran so that they could get the appropriate response.
With a moderate as Iran's new face, Netanyahu will struggle to draw up support for an attack;
 Ahmadinejad's designated successor, Hasan Rowhani, who was the surprise victor in this weekend's presidential election, is a different story entirely. Rowhani's election is good news for the Iranian people. It remains to be seen whether it will also be good news for Israel.
Pakistan bus blast kills 15 women's university students; 11 dead in hospital blast:
At least 25 people were killed in troubled southwest Pakistan on Saturday when militants blew up a bus carrying women students and attacked a hospital treating survivors, officials said.
Four killed in Afghan blast:
Four civilians were killed Sunday when a roadside bomb struck a vehicle in southern Afghanistan's Uruzgan province, Xinhua reported
Riot police evict Turkish protesters from Istanbul park:
Hundreds of riot police evicted protesters in Gezi Park at dusk Saturday, firing tear gas and rubber bullets and using water hoses in a bid to put down anti-government demonstrations that have been raging for more than two weeks.
Ankara police block activist funeral cortege, raid memorial protest with tear gas:
Turkish police used tear gas and water cannon in Ankara's Kizilay Square to stop a memorial demonstration for an activist fatally shot in the head during protests. As police clashed with the hundreds-strong crowd a ban on downtown protests was announced.
Six Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi violence:
Six soldiers were killed and five injured in clashes between Libyan special forces and armed protesters outside a special forces base in the eastern city of Benghazi on Saturday, military officials said on Saturday. Last week at least 31 people were killed and 100 injured in clashes between armed protesters
Ethiopia discards Egypt threats over Nile dam:
 Foreign ministry says it is not intimidated by Egypt's "psychological warfare" and dam project will proceed.
James Bamford on NSA Secrets, Keith Alexander's Influence &Massive Growth of Surveillance, Cyberwar Video -
 In his latest reporting for Wired Magazine, Bamford profiles NSA Director General Keith Alexander and connects the dots on PRISM, phone surveillance, and the NSA's massive spy center in Bluffdale, Utah.
Do not extradite Edward Snowden, protesters urge Hong Kong:
Demonstrators call on government to protect NSA whistleblower and attack US over internet spying programmes
War criminal:
Cheney defends NSA programs, says Snowden a 'traitor,' Obama 'lacks credibility':
Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday strongly defended the recently exposed U.S. surveillance programs, which he helped craft in the aftermath of 9/11, but sharply criticized President Obama for his handling of a range of issues from the Syrian civil war to the Benghazi terror attacks.
Rationalizing a police state: :
NSA programs broke plots in 20 nations: officials:
Top U.S. intelligence officials said Saturday that information gleaned from two controversial data-collection programs run by the National Security Agency thwarted potential terrorist plots in the U.S. and more than 20 other countries - and that gathered data is destroyed every five years.
Facebook Gives Gov't Access to Nearly 20,000 User Accounts:
According to a statement posted on the company's website Friday, June 14, government agencies - including federal, state, and local authorities - requested user data on between 18,000 and 19,000 account holders.
Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate and energy shocks:
NSA Prism is motivated in part by fears that environmentally-linked disasters could spur anti-government activism.
Looters vs. Armed Homeowners after Tornado, Other Natural Disasters:
"We are seeing people take everything from copper to pipes to scrap metal to all kinds of electronics," Moore police spokesman Jeremy Lewis said.


"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,883

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,335
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001