Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 15 June 2013

Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
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The stories thus far published by the Guardian are already leading to concrete improvements in accountability and transparency. The ACLU quickly filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the legality, including the constitutionality, of the NSA's collection of the phone records of all Americans.

Perhaps, Georg Orwell's worst nightmare has come true in the wake of whistleblower Edward Snowden's startling revelations of secret government surveillance. Writing under the title, "So Are We Living in 1984?" Ian Crouch of New Yorker argued that Edward Snowden, sounded, in the Guardian interview in which he came forward, like he'd been guided by Orwell's pen.
By Franklin Lamb
Why Obama is Declaring War on Syria
Obama was apparently serious earlier about a negotiated diplomatic settlement pre-Qusayr and there were even some positives signs coming from Damascus, Moscow, and even Tehran John Kerry claimed. But that has changed partly because Russia and the US have both hardened their demands.
There are millions of sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists who make life miserable at best and, who, at worst, hurt, financially destroy and mentally damage tens of millions of Americans. Sandra Brown trains psychotherapists to help the victims of these people who are diagnosed as Cluster B Personality Disorders. She discusses how to identify them, how to deal with them and more

The U.S. government's "war on terror" and its companion "surveillance state" have become troubling issues not only for the civil liberties of Americans but even more so for the rest of the world where popular movements are arising to challenge the electronic penetration of people's information and violation of their privacy.
By Joe Giambrone
Turnkey Tyranny
Heroic whistleblower Edward Snowden becomes the latest target of imperial crimes and persecution. Stop NSA and defend the Constitution before there is no longer a Constitution.
By Dennis Loo
Those Who Cry Treason
Whistleblowers Manning and Snowden are accused of treason. What is it that they have revealed to al-Qaeda that al-Qaeda didn't already know and couldn't have found out in the 1990s in 5 minutes of Google searching, including from the NSA's own website?
Do you believe someone else's pathology is none of your business? Or it's simply an 'unfortunate turn of events' for the person in a Pathological Love Relationship? Or that what happens to someone else doesn't affect you? What happens because of pathology affects us all.

By William Boardman
Syria Awaits U.S. Intervention
Tired of Spying on Americans?
In the latest recovery, 93 percent of the gains went to the top 1 percent. How long will it take before the 99 percent realize they're getting shafted? When will American workers revolt?
By Elmer Brunsman
This June is Golden Anniversary of class that changed America
This 50th anniversary of the college class of 1963 celebrates the transition generation (the term silent generation is not descriptive of the significance of this generation) that presided over and led the most remarkable historical changes in the country and world. Where we were and where we've come, reflection as we move forward to address the issues that face us, that for which we are responsible.
By Steve Bhaerman
America's Tiananmen Square - Confronting Not-Seeism
So ... America is waking up left and right, even as the mainstream media continues to distract and divert, willfully ignorant that we stand at a most significant moment in modern American history.
Jillian Barclay (a pseudonym,) has written 39 articles for Opednews. I just got this email from her:

A ground-rattling explosion Thursday at a chemical plant in Louisiana ignited a blaze that killed one person and injured dozens of others, authorities said. Witnesses described a chaotic scene of flames as high as 200 feet into the air and workers scrambling over gates to escape the plant. Residents several miles from the plant described feeling the ground shaking.
The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) today released a new report outlining the health risks to pregnant women and young children from harmful chemicals used in fracking. The report, Toxic and Dirty Secrets: The Truth About Fracking and Your Family's Health, shows how chemicals related to the oil and gas industry when conducting fracking operations can pollute the air and water in communities around fracking sites and pose health risks especially to pregnant women and children, who are most vulnerable to chemical exposures.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who is touted as a top GOP presidential prospect in 2016, thinks it should be legal to fire someone for their sexual orientation. Though Rubio bristles at the notion of being called a "bigot," he showed no willingness to help protect LGBT workers from discrimination. "I'm not for any special protections based on orientation," Rubio told ThinkProgress.
A report on a lifestyle makeover prompted by a visit to the doctor.
Can we have it both ways? Lower prices and living wages for the working poor. Yes we can as long as we're willing to pay the taxes that support the social programs they use to survive.
By Patrick Walker
What about a Blue-Green Revolt Movement?
Faced with burgeoning fascism that excludes progressives' desperately needed voice, we progressives need to build a "big tent" revolt that combines the passionate "movement" aspect of Occupy with a real--and menacing--electoral presence. I offer here a new proposal, a Blue-Green Revolt movement that lets Greens and progressive Dems keep their identity while still collaborating, and offers Dems VERY flexible pressure tactics.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange said on Friday that Britain had prevented NSA leaker Edward Snowden from flying to London out of loyalty to its ally, the United States. In an interview given to Reuters and others ahead of the first anniversary of his seeking refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, Assange said he was concerned by reports that Britain had told airlines to stop Snowden from flying to London.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a massive defense bill on Friday that includes measures to block President Barack Obama's plans to close the Guantanamo Bay prison, underscoring the tough fight ahead for the White House as it seeks to shutter the controversial detention camp. The Republican-controlled House voted, 315-108, for the $638 billion National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes money for weapons, troops and the war in Afghanistan. But it also addresses a range of policy matters, including this year's efforts to combat sexual assault in the military and provisions intended to prevent the closure of the prison camp at the base in Cuba.
Syria and Russia have both slammed US allegations that Syrian government forces have used chemical weapons against opposition fighters in the country's civil war, with the Syrian government terming the charge "full of lies." President Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, said the US president was planning to step up military assistance to Syrian rebels, as a response to intelligence estimates indicating the use of chemical weapons in the conflict.
By Uri Avnery
Triumph and Tragedy
The vast majority of today's Israelis, anyone less than 60 years old, cannot even imagine an Israel without the occupied territories. On the 46th anniversary of that great drama, we can only wish that it had never happened, that it was all a bad dream.
Experts said the Justice Department faces challenges in bringing criminal charges against self-proclaimed leaker Edward Snowden but probably was moving as quickly as possible to take the 29-year-old former National Security Agency contractor into custody before he spills additional intelligence secrets. Justice Department officials have said they are preparing criminal charges against Snowden, who is in hiding in Hong Kong after disclosing details of NSA surveillance programs to the news media, but no charges have been formally announced. On Wednesday, Snowden gave an interview to another newspaper, the South China Morning Post, and said he will fight any attempts to extradite him to the U.S.
We have learned, painfully, of the damage derivatives can do to an economy in a financial crisis. But derivatives are hurting the economy even on its best days, according to a new study.
When Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in 2010, Rep Darrell Issa was supposed to become a star. Issa, who made no secret of his ambition, took over the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, vowing to use the power of his chairmanship to stage hundreds of hearings and hold the Obama administration to account. Although he turned up embarrassing material,he hasn't made the all-important connection to the White House. And he may not be able to. The news that he won't release the full transcripts of his interviews with IRS officials--interviews he selectively quoted from to imply White House complicity--suggests that what they contain may in fact exonerate the administration of the very charge Issa is laboring so hard to prosecute.
By Abdus-Sattar Ghazali
Republican Congressman broad-brushes American Muslims
The American Muslim community was alarmed by Republican Congressman Mike Pompeo's statement that the Muslims here have not condemned acts of terrorism against the U.S. and therefore are complicit in those and any future attacks.
First and foremost, the backlash reveals that Permanent Washington doesn't work for We the People -- it works to protect itself. We know this because whereas Snowden is vilified for disclosing information that's inconvenient to Permanent Washington, those who leak classified information that is advantageous to Permanent Washington are left alone.

Snowden is betting that with the information he has on US spying abroad, he can keep the US at bay. He already has China's -- and Hong Kong's attention. Now if he get just get Americans to pay attention too, says TCBH! journalist Dave Lindorff
By David Swanson
Syria: Pros and Cons
Mr. President, if I were a professional con artist paid to give you the pros and cons on engaging in a war in Syria, here's what they would be:

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Sources: US to send small arms, ammo to Syrian rebels -
Just like you thought; another setup, like we have no memories. I'm insulted, and am considering not paying for it.
What we know is that the people in charge will possess the capacity to be tyrants - to use power oppressively and unjustly - to a degree that Americans in 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, or 2000, could have scarcely imagined. To an increasing degree, we are counting on having angels in office and making ourselves vulnerable to devils.