Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 17 June 2013

Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
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Today's newsletter includes the transcript of my interview with Jeremy Scahill. There's some VERY interesting information there. It's worth the read. 
Also, I discovered, much to my chagrin, that a podcast headlined earlier this week did not have the promised audio. That's been corrected. Here's the link:
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in a riveting interview, I talk with Scahill about Obama's murders, his assassination diplomacy, Training troops for repression in foreign lands, Murder Inc., the more dangerous aspect of the Obama presidency, Liberals on shaky ground, being killed for what you might become-- a "grotesque form of pre-crime.

On July 1, interest rates will double for millions of students -- from 3.4% to 6.8% -- unless Congress acts; and the legislative fixes on the table are largely just compromises. Only one proposal promises real relief -- Sen. Elizabeth Warren's "Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act." This bill has been dismissed out of hand as "shameless populist demagoguery" and "a cheap political gimmick," but is it?

By Patrick Walker
"Democracy Unchained"--Blueprint for a Revitalized Occupy
Perhaps my most important--and ambitious--OEN article proposes a new but logical reincarnation of the OWS movement, Democracy Unchained, that aims to make Occupy's ideal of a society for everyone, not just the 1%, a political reality. Just as Occupy focused its criticisms on the 1% and corporatocracy, Democracy Unchained attacks the corrupt Democrat-Republican duopoly that maintains corporatocracy. D.U.'s strategy's included
Wealth disparity, the number of people in poverty and the social stress that disparity causes are all growing but our understanding of how these things are actually related is not growing. Pundits and most of the main stream media aren't sounding the alarm. Instead they are echoing the false naratives that mask the real motivations driving this economy.

Most comments about PFC Bradley Manning miss the obviously obvious here. To see what Manning accomplished in his nearly-impossible situation, we must take into account at least five sets of rules: those for his job as a security analyst; for his oath; for the regulations, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice; and for the Nuremberg Principles. What he did with the myriad documents precisely satisfies each of these rules.

By Philip Giraldi
Don't Forget Syria
Syria in danger of ceasing to exist as a nation-state. Its collapse could inspire a new global jihad and provoke violence throughout the Middle East, while its chemical weapons could easily fall into dangerous hands. Israel is already threatening to intervene, which could produce a major regional conflict.

By William Boardman
Military Judge Runs A Shell Game
Court-martial judge Col. Denise Lind hasn't exactly banned the public -- or reporters, who are part of the public -- from the courtroom or its extensions, but she has presided over a system that, so far, seems designed to protect the public's right to know as little as possible.

Former Congressman Ron Paul has sharply criticized the Obama administration for "escalating" the war in Syria by sending weapons to foreign-backed militants in the country. He said "we heard from President Obama that the war in Syria will be escalated. He now has agreed to send weaponry in to assist the rebels. It's escalation, that's a proper word, because we've already been involved for quite a few months. We've been supporting the rebels for probably the past two years, supposedly for humanitarian reasons."

How can anyone think that it's remotely healthy in a democracy to have the NSA building a massive spying apparatus about which even members of Congress, including Senators on the Homeland Security Committee, are totally ignorant and find "astounding" when they learn of them?

What causes us to be so biased? Is there a good way to deal with our prejudices? It only takes avoiding the use of one word.

By Heidi Yewman
My Newtown Moment
Millions of other moms around the country have joined voices to change laws in order to reduce gun violence in our country. My Newtown moment came in 1999 as I sat at the funeral of my former basketball coach, Dave Sanders. He was murdered along with 12 students at Columbine High School. Just like the teachers at Sandy Hook, Dave Sanders died saving lives. Just like the teachers at Sandy Hook, Dave Sanders died a hero.
By Rafe Pilgrim
They Got Manning. They Will Get Snowden
They will get Snowden because of their need to get him, born of their insatiable power lust.
A brief inquiry into why we have budgets, what makes them so important, how they divide people, and what makes them so difficult.

By Suzana Megles
What Countries Lead in Animal Compassion?
How wonderful it would be to find a country leading in animal compassion. That is task of humongous porportions. I hope someone will be able to achieve it.
By Herbert Calhoun
A Review of : "The Future of American Progressiveism," by Roberto M. Unger and Cornel West
A book review of "The Future of American Progressivism," by Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Cornel West. It is a thin volume packed with solutions to our nation's problems.
Bill Still's newest film "Jekyll Island." For those who've seen "The Money Masters," and especially the more recent "The Secret of OZ" (2009), they won't find too much new here, although a lot has happened in the last 4 years, and Still takes us all the way into early 2013. The overall point though is that the Money Masters have been controlling the money supply, creating booms and busts deliberately, for hundreds of years.

The Republicans want to roast donkeys for Father's Day. It looks like all they'll get is a lot of smoke.

Armed citizens like George Zimmerman who killed Trayvon Martin in Florida last year have been accused of vigilante justice--taking the law into their own hands. Now four Illinois state officials are doing the same thing.

By Hamma Mirwaisi
Kurdish people need to adopt USA Constitution !!!
After the Iraq war in 2003, the US Government further assisted the Barzani and Talabani families to reinforce their own military forces; each one had more than one hundred thousand private troops. Now, many generals and politicians from the US, (1) Israel and the EU are partners with the Barzani and Talabani families in corrupt schemes to appropriate the Kurdish people's oil resources.
By Patrick Mattimore
Colleges, not the Supreme Court, Should Control Admissions' Policies
The upcoming affirmative action case to be decided by the Supreme Court is about more than race.
The National Security Agency's blanket collection of US citizens' phone records was "not really the American way", Al Gore said on Friday, declaring that he believed the practice to be unlawful.

In a striking repudiation of the ultraconservatives who wield power in Iran, voters here overwhelmingly elected a mild-mannered cleric who advocates greater personal freedoms and a more conciliatory approach to the world. The cleric, Hassan Rowhani, 64, won a commanding 50.7 percent of the vote in the six-way race, according to final results released Saturday, avoiding a runoff in the race to replace the departing president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose tenure was defined largely by confrontation with the West and a seriously hobbled economy at home.

The US is conveniently ignoring accusations that the Syrian rebels themselves might have engaged in crimes against humanity, while throwing blame at Syria for unproven chemical weapon use to justify further military, political and diplomatic pressure against the Syrian government.

As the Senate Armed Services Committee meets Wednesday to take up its version of the Defense Authorization bill, senators will likely devote at least as much verbiage to discussion of sexual assault in the military ranks as they do to the finer points of the Pentagon budget that is the bill's main focus. But missing from the committee's final version of the bill will be the one measure that advocates for survivors of sexual assault and rape say is critical to ending the crisis that grips the military: removing the reporting and prosecution of sexual assault cases from the chain of command.

By earl ofari hutchinson
The FBI Walks a Perilous Line between Surveillance and Outright Spying
Outgoing FBI director Robert Mueller was asked sharp questions by a House Judiciary Committee panel about the FBI's massive collection, intercept, and listening in on millions of phone conversations. There were two obvious concerns behind the questioning and one concern that should be a concern to all given the FBI's past.
Do you believe someone else's pathology is none of your business? Or it's simply an 'unfortunate turn of events' for the person in a Pathological Love Relationship? Or that what happens to someone else doesn't affect you? What happens because of pathology affects us all.

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Tell me something I don't know, Edward Joseph Snowden.
Edward Snowden is a former systems administrator and CIA employee who worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), before disclosing details of classified NSA mass surveillance programs to the press. Snowden shared classified material on top-secret NSA programs with The Guardian and The Washington Post. So what have we learned if anything?

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For two years, President Obama has resisted being drawn deeper into the civil war in Syria. It was a miserable problem, he told aides, and not one he thought he could solve. At most, it could be managed. And besides, he wanted to be remembered for getting out of Middle East wars, not embarking on new ones. So when Mr. Obama agreed this week for the first time to send small arms and ammunition to Syrian rebel forces, he had to be almost dragged into the decision at a time when critics, some advisers and even Bill Clinton were pressing for more action.

"By applying pressure, we were able to transform a normally dense, nonporous material into a range of new porous materials that can hold twice as much stuff," Chapman said. "This counterintuitive discovery will likely double the amount of available porous framework materials, which will greatly expand their use in pharmaceutical delivery, sequestration, material separation and catalysis."