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Ed Snowden has landed in Moscow, apparently on his way to Ecuador, the same country whose embassy Julian Assange has been staying in, to evade capture and extradition back to the US.
Today, David Gregory, on Meet the Press, asked Glenn Greenwald why HE shouldn't be arrested. Putting it in plain words, Greenwald replied that it takes a real asshole to ask a question like that of a journalist.
Shortly afterwards, Glenn tweeted:
Gregory replied, suggesting that Greenwald was challenging Gregory's asking a question-- something that journalists do.
In response to Gregory, I tweeted:
MSM lackey David Gregory tries to defend his stenographic service to Spy state-- attacks @ ggreenwald # MeetThePressFail # p2 # snowden
Support Opednews. Make a tax deductible donation to make OEN Strong.Thank goodness we have people like Glenn Greenwald. I stopped watching David Gregory several years ago. We're closing on the end of the month and haven't raised $2000 yet. We shoot for $4800, so we're way behind. Please click here to donate today to help. or Sign up as a paying, premium member. Click here for details and options. best, rob kall reports that Edward Snowden has flown from Hong Kong to Moscow, on his way to a third country.
It is getting to the point where the mark of international distinction and service to humanity is no longer the Nobel Peace Prize, but an espionage indictment from the US Department of Justice.
Everybody's talking about Snowden, his revelations and their significance. But government officials and their subservients in the mainstream media aren't participating in a debate; they are attempting to avoid one. It's to hide the most important truth: we, the people of the United States, are the real target of this surveillance.
By Daily kos
German magazine Spiegel says "Obama's Soft Totalitarianism: Europe Must Protect Itself from America"
Quote from Der Spiegel:
After Mitch McConnell became Senate Minority Leader in 2007, the yearly total of filibusters doubled . It's now assumed that any legislation over which there is disagreement requires a super-majority of 60 votes to pass. Democrats could use the nuclear option to break McConnell's stranglehold. Yet they lack the will to do so.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a secret Free Trade Agreement under negotiation. It continues the WTO assault on food sovereignty. Access to food is a basic human right. Instead, TPP expands the notion that food is just another commodity subject to economic speculation and exploitation solely to increase the profits of multinational corporations.
My last OEN article promoted a revitalized Occupy movement--called Democracy Unchained--that targets the corrupt Democrat-Republican duopoly. This article provides some incentive by exposing one of the worst instances of that corrupt duopoly at work--the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In fact, the TPP should have us angrily, rebelliously opposing the Totally Purple Partnership, the harmonious, pro-corporate blend of Red and Blue.
In early 2003, as the U.S. and British governments were seeking international acquiescence to their aggressive war on Iraq, an unexpected cog thrown into the propaganda machine was the disclosure that the National Security Agency was spying on UN Security Council members in search of blackmail material.
By Ann Wright
Anti-Drone Activists Stopped at U.S. Canadian Border due to "Orders of Protection" given to Commander of Drone Base
In a Gandhian action at the Drone Convergence on April 29, 2013 at Hancock Field near Syracuse NY, Valerie Niederhoffer and 30 others were arrested at the main gate. The 31 arrestees were protesting our government's drone policy by lying down in front of the main entrance to the Hancock Field drone base and covering themselves with "bloodied" sheets.
How many people do you know who, hearing that the NSA was busy obliterating privacy, have reacted to the effect of: well, duh, or that's old news, or worse: didn't we make that legal? It's not as though the NSA is carrying out break-ins, is it?
here's a heartwarming example of a corporation doing some good in the world. OEN usually criticizes corporations for the bad they do. When does some good, it deserves recognition.
Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.
Greens are still in shock from Bob Carr's allegations, but it is Bob Carr who is unable to explain his conduct.
Lambda Legal is an organization at the forefront of gay liberty.
My Attempts at Maintaining Friendship Without a Cellphone in The 21st Century
By Joanie Schirm
UN World Refugee Day - June 20, 2013 --74 years hence my dad was one Honor United Nations World Refugee Day, June 20. It could be you someday.
By David McBain
Reckless Bankers and Rotting Fish Heads It seems some bankers are to be jailed for reckless conduct in the UK in future. Calling for a new criminal offence to deal with "reckless conduct in the management of a bank," with automatic prison sentences a Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards wants senior bankers to take more responsibility for their actions. On the other hand, someone was reminding us that fish rot from the head.
China and America, as the two twenty-first-century superpowers, must build trust and act together to steer the world away from rapid environmental degradation and war. A shared interest in universal dignity serves as common ground for the trust-building process. Principles of dignitarian governance can reinforce accountability and provide a basis for concerted action.
Within hours of news breaking that the US had filed charges against Snowden, the South China Morning Post reported that the whistleblower had handed over a series of documents to the paper detailing how the US had targeted Chinese phone companies as part of a widespread attempt to get its hands on a mass of data. Snowden reportedly told the paper: "The NSA does all kinds of things like hack Chinese cellphone companies to steal all of your SMS data." The paper said Snowden had also passed on information detailing NSA attacks on China's prestigious Tsinghua University, the hub of a major digital network from which data on millions of Chinese citizens could be harvested.
AT LONG last, the way was clear. Peres assumed the leadership of the party and ran for elections. The Labor Party was bound to win, as it always had before. But the Gods only laughed. After 44 years of continuous Labor Party dominance, in the Yishuv and the state, Peres managed to achieve the unthinkable: he lost.
By David Swanson
Global Rescue Plan When the wealthy nations of the world meet as the G8 or in any other gathering, it's interesting to imagine what they would do if they followed the golden rule, valued grandchildren, disliked unnecessary suffering, or wished to outgrow ancient forms of barbarism, or any combination of those.
By christian gilbert
Demagoguery and the Arab Spring A look at the wests recent actions in the Middle East.
A federal judge slashed 10 years off of his prison sentence of former Enron Corp Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling on Friday, a decision that could set him free as early as 2017.
The United States pressured Hong Kong on Saturday to act quickly on its request to extradite Edward Snowden, a former U.S. National Security Agency contractor charged with espionage for exposing secret U.S. surveillance activities. "If Hong Kong doesn't act soon, it will complicate our bilateral relations and raise questions about Hong Kong's commitment to the rule of law," a senior Obama administration official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The Obama administration leaks classified information continuously. They do it to glorify the President, or manipulate public opinion, or even to help produce a pre-election propaganda film about the Osama bin Laden raid. The Obama administration does not hate unauthorized leaks of classified information. What they hate are leaks that embarrass them or expose their wrongdoing.
The Shiites are pouring into Syria in order to fight against the Sunnis. In other words, the 9th Century has come 'a calling. But what is it that has divided them for so long? Read on and learn . . .
Corporate welfare is destroying America.
The organization of American activists Codepink wrapped up a week-long visit to Yemen on Tuesday, over the course of which they met with local human rights organizations, families of Yemeni prisoners in Guantanamo and those whose lives have been affected by American drone strikes as well as Yemeni officials and the American ambassador.
F. David Peat is a remarkable being whose work in quantum physics, education and the arts should be proclaimed as stimuli to the development of a truly humane earth based human culture on this planet. Peat has worked with the physics giant, David Bohm and has written several books that enlighten us to the Nature of Reality. Perhaps his work can enlighten us to know that the Nature out there is one with OUR Nature, or Self.
Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, is believed to have arrived in Moscow after Hong Kong authorities allowed him to leave despite a US request for his arrest. His flight from US authorities, which want to charge him with espionage, appeared set to continue with an onward flight west from Moscow to Havana on Monday. From there, various reports indicated that he would try to get to either Caracas or Quito. The move came two days after the US announced it had charged him with espionage and hours after the US stepped up pressure on Hong Kong to issue a provisional warrant for Snowden's arrest with a view to his surrender.
One of the best descriptions of the debt bubble I've seen in a long time. Also, as I told Max Keiser when he interviewed me (http:// /Diary/Max-Keiser--On-The-Edge --by-Scott-Baker-100320-741.
President Barack Obama said on Saturday that he will outline a climate change plan on Tuesday centered around reducing pollution from carbon emissions as he attempts to make good on a pledge for his second term. "This Tuesday, I'll lay out my vision for where I believe we need to go - a national plan to reduce carbon pollution, prepare our country for the impacts of climate change and lead global efforts to fight it," he said in a White House video.