Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 20 June 2013


Brazil: State response to protests indiscriminate and disproportionate

ARTICLE 19 condemns the indiscriminate use of force by police against protesters across Brazil and calls on the government to enable peaceful demonstrations against public transport price increases. Read more >


Tunisia: Decision in FEMEN protest violates freedom of expression

ARTICLE 19 is alarmed by the sentence, delivered by the Tunisian Court on 12 June, against three French and German feminist activists, from the group FEMEN. We call on the appeal court to immediately quash the sentence and to drop all charges against the activists.  Read more >

Artist Alerts: May 2013  

In this month's Artist Alerts a singer faces trial in Nigeria, police break into a singer's house in Zambia, in Argentina local authorities censor street musicians, and more. Read more >


Cambodia: Report finds marked deterioration in human rights

Human rights defenders in Cambodia are less safe than they were a year ago according to a report published today by ARTICLE 19 and the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR). The risk assessment survey shows the security situation in the country deteriorated significantly in 2012 as the government crackdown on fundamental human rights intensified ahead of July's elections. Read more >

Eritrea: Mandate of UN expert extended

ARTICLE 19 welcomes the decision to renew the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea. 39 countries supported the resolution at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to give Sheila Keetharuth another year to investigate the country. Read more >


Vietnam: ARTICLE 19's submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review

ARTICLE 19, Access, English PEN and PEN International welcome the opportunity to contribute to the second cycle of the UPR process of Vietnam. Given the areas of expertise of these organisations, this submission focuses on Vietnam's compliance with its international human rights obligations in respect to freedom of expression. Read more >


Ukraine: Crucial amendments to enhance Law on Access to Public Information

ARTICLE 19 calls on the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) to immediately adopt Draft Law No. 0947. The draft law contains essential amendments to ensure that citizens’ right to information is guaranteedRead more >


Newsletter: Freedom of Expression in East Africa

This monthly newsletter provides a snapshot of the current state of freedom of expression in Eastern Africa. It was compiled by ARTICLE 19 Kenya and Eastern Africa with the assistance of our partners in the respective countries.  Read more >


Tunisie : Document de référence sur la réglementation relative à Internet

Entre février 2012 et février 2013, ARTICLE 19 a procédé à une analyse globale de l'état de la liberté d'expression sur Internet en Tunisie, aux niveaux de la législation et de la pratique. Nous avons notamment examiné la compatibilité entre le cadre juridique tunisien régissant l'Internet et les standards internationaux en vigueur dans ce domaine, s'agissant en particulier des standards relatifs à la protection de la liberté d'expression, d'une part, et au respect de la vie privée, d'autre part.  En savoir plus >


Iran: Good Days

It must have felt great being an Iranian living in Iran the last few days. Firstly, you have your president of choice winning the election, which is a rare feat in Iran, and then Team Melli qualifying for the World Cup in Brazil, which even though a rare feat, yet more common than free and fair elections in Iran. Read more >


Shouldn’t we, the citizens, decide whether or not to close public service broadcasting?

Last week’s decision by the Greek government to close down the ERT, the national public service broadcaster (PSB), came out of the blue. It was a radical decision that was made within hours and without public debate. Read more >


Cracks growing in the glowing facade of a New Myanmar 

For a while now, ARTICLE 19's position on Myanmar has been that the government is turning a blind eye to people trying to exercise their rights, while doing very little legislatively. Read more >

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