Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 15 June 2013

4 New Messages

Digest #4725


Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:51 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

Finnish Broadcasting Company
June 14, 2013

Survey: Finns wary of following Sweden into NATO

According to a fresh Yle survey, a majority of Finns don’t think that Finland should join the NATO military alliance, even if neighbouring Sweden is on board.

Moreover, a slightly larger percentage still didn’t take a liking to the idea of NATO membership, even if neighbouring Sweden were to also join the alliance – some 59 percent. Just 28 percent supported the idea of following Sweden into the military pact.

Taloustutkimus research director Juho Rahkonen said that the position of ordinary Finns on NATO membership has remained more or less constant across a number of different surveys since the beginning of the 1990s.  It came as no surprise that Swedish membership in NATO did not sweeten the deal for most Finns.

“The majority of Finns think that Finland should make its own decisions regardless of what neighbouring countries do. For example when Baltic countries joined NATO in 2004, that also wasn’t enough to influence the Finnish stance on NATO,” he explained.

“Finland no longer non-aligned”

Researchers also asked respondents whether or not they thought Finland was still a non-aligned state. A recent report by the cabinet’s Foreign Affairs Committee conjectured that complete military non-alignment might no longer be possible.

The survey showed that nearly half of Finns had arrived at the same conclusion. Altogether 49 percent of respondents agreed fully or in part that Finland is no longer non-aligned, compared to 24 percent who disagreed fully or partly. A fairly significant portion – 28 percent of respondents – didn’t take a position on the question.

Taloustutkimus interviewed 1,000 respondents between June 5 and 11 for the survey. The margin of error was plus or minus three percent.
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Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:51 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
June 14, 2013

NATO Secretary General: Alliance open to closer ties with Moldova

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told Moldova’s Prime Minister that the Alliance stood ready to develop closer ties during talks at NATO headquarters on Friday (14 June 2013). “We agree that we should make the most of the Individual Partnership Action Plan between NATO and Moldova and develop it further,” the Secretary General said.

The Alliance is grateful for Moldova’s offer to contribute to the Kosovo mission, Mr. Fogh Rasmussen said, adding that NATO looks forward to cooperation in other areas as well. Issues of common interest, including how NATO can assist Moldova to reform its security sector were discussed during the talks between the Secretary General and Prime Minister Iurie Leanca. “We are already working together on defence education and on building integrity and we stand ready to do more,” Mr. Fogh Rasmussen said.

The Secretary General welcomed Moldova’s efforts to move closer to the European Union and NATO and he urged the prime minister to take forward ambitious reforms “to guarantee a better future for your people.” The Alliance will continue to support Moldova’s independence, sovereignty, and ***territorial integrity*** the Secretary General said. He also said that while NATO is not involved, it closely follows developments related to the Transnistria settlement process.
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Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:44 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

Stars and Stripes
June 14, 2013

US increasing number of Marines on rotation to Australia

DARWIN, Australia: The U.S. will send a Marine battalion and support personnel to Australia next year, bringing the total number of Marines deployed there on rotation to 1,150, the Australian government announced Friday.

Defense Minister Stephen Smith said in emailed comments that his government has approved plans to increase the number of Marines in the northern city of Darwin — currently 200 to 250 who deployed there this year.

The U.S. military is building up its presence in Australia’s Northern Territory in phases and plans to send a 2,500-strong Marine Air Ground Task Force to Darwin on six-month rotations each year starting in 2016.

Six month rotations of U.S. Marines were announced in 2011 by President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

“These six month rotations will better position both nations to join with other regional partners to respond in a timely and effective manner to a range of contingencies in the Indo-Pacific...,” said a statement from the Australian Defence Department.


Government leaders also announced Friday that about 1,000 Marines would undertake a 13-day exercise starting Aug. 15, following the joint U.S.-Australian biennial exercise Talisman Saber, which takes place from July 15-Aug. 5. About 20,000 U.S. personnel are to participate, the statement said.

Marine Rotational Force-Darwin lives and works out of prefabricated buildings at Robertson Barracks, an Australian base on the outskirts of Darwin that is home to the Australian army’s 1st Brigade.

Australian officials said a smaller aviation support contingent of around 130 personnel will be based at a Royal Australian Air Force base - RAAF Darwin, along with four heavy lift helicopters, next year.

The Marines share many facilities with the Australians, such as a gymnasium, sports fields, Olympic swimming pool and dining halls. But the base was a hive of activity this week with an army of construction workers expanding living and work space in preparation for the new arrivals.

The current senior U.S. officer there, Marine Maj. Maurice Brown, said the gradual end of the war in Afghanistan means Marines are...coming into the Pacific to take advantage of training opportunities.

“There are great training opportunities in Australia, and even some of the countries outside of Australia,” Brown said. “We are offered space here to exercise all our capabilities within the Marine Air Ground Task Force.”

Lt. Col. Richard Barrett, commander of 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, said his unit is partnered with the Marines in Darwin and will establish a relationship with the U.S. battalion that’s headed there next year.

“We are taking all the opportunities we can to maximize training with each other...,” said Barrett, who deployed with the U.S. 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade to Helmand province, Afghanistan, in 2009.

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Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:04 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

Russian Information Agency Novosti
June 15, 2013

No-Fly Zone in Syria Would Break International Law - Lavrov

MOSCOW: The creation of a no-fly zone in war-torn Syria would contravene international law, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday, amid media speculation that the US plans to do just that.

“You don’t have to be a great expert to realize that this will be a violation of international law. We hope our American colleagues will direct all their practical activity into implementing a joint US-Russian initiative to convene a conference devoted to improving the situation in Syria,” Lavrov said after meeting with his Italian counterpart.

Media reports on Friday cited unidentified Western diplomats as saying that the US, which said this week that it would provide military support to the Syrian opposition, was considering establishing a no-fly zone in Syria. US fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles were sent to Syria's neighbor Jordan earlier this month for military exercises.

The US said this week that it had clear evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government had used chemical weapons against the rebels. The claim was supported by Britain, but dismissed as “unconvincing” on Friday by Russia, which is widely viewed as an ally of Syria and has vetoed several Western-backed UN Security Council resolutions aimed to pressure Assad into ending the use of force. Lavrov, who said Friday that the US decision to arm the rebels could lead to the further escalation of violence in the country, repeated Russia’s doubt over the chemical weapons claim on Saturday, saying it made no sense for the government to have used chemical warfare when it is gaining ground against the rebels.

“Our Western partners told us [earlier], yes, it’s probably not in the interests of the regime, but if it finds itself against the wall, then it could, out of desperation, use these weapons as a last resort. Right now the regime is not against the wall; the regime, as the opposition itself is saying, is seeing military success on the ground. Why would the regime use chemical weapons, especially in such small quantities [as is being claimed]? Just to expose itself? From a military point of view, it makes no sense,” Lavrov said.

Syria's government denies having used chemical weapons and has in turn accused the rebels themselves of the same crime.

Last month, Russia and the US agreed to set up an international conference with the aim of ending the two-year conflict in Syria through dialogue between the two sides, but so far, no date or list of participants has been confirmed.


Russian Information Agency Novosti
June 15, 2013

US Military Aid May Aggravate Tensions in Syria - Lavrov

MOSCOW: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that US military aid to Syrian rebels may lead to further escalation of violence in the country, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.

Lavrov had a phone conversation with US Secretary of State John Kerry earlier in the day. The two top diplomats discussed “situation in Syria in the context of Washington’s plans to render military aid to the Syrian opposition,” the ministry said.

“Lavrov stressed that such a move could further escalate tensions in the region, while US accusations of chemical weapons use by Damascus are not supported by reliable facts,” the statement reads.

The US said Thursday it will provide military support to the Syrian rebels after it confirms the evidence Syrian government forces have used nerve gas against rebel groups. The Syrian government denied the accusations.


June 15, 2013

Lavrov doubts about use of chemical weapons in Syria

MOSCOW: The Russian foreign minister voiced the doubts on Saturday that the Syrian authorities used the chemical weapons.

“The incumbent authorities are not driven to the wall now. Does this make any sense for them to use the chemical weapons, moreover at such a large scale? Just to expose themselves?” Lavrov said after the negotiations with his visiting Italian counterpart Emma Bonino.