Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 14 June 2013

7 New Messages

Digest #4724


Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:13 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

Stars and Stripes
June 12, 2013

US participating in international Eager Lion exercise in Jordan
By Hendrick Simoes


Eager Lion includes field training, multiple live-fire exercises, reconnaissance training, and Harrier, Cobra and Osprey aircraft...

Last week, Jordanian officials said the U.S. was likely to leave Patriot missile batteries and F-16s in Jordan after the exercise.


AMMAN, Jordan: Eager Lion, a 12-day annual military exercise involving 8,000 personnel from 19 countries, is underway as the civil war rages next door in Syria.

About 5,000 Americans from all services are participating in the Jordanian-led exercise, which will focus on “issues such as integrated air and missile defense and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to address current and future conflicts’ security issues,” said Maj. Gen. Awni al Adwan of the Jordanian army and chairman of the joint task force.


“This exercise provides us with the opportunity to develop relationships and capabilities,” said U.S. Maj. Gen. Robert Catalanotti, the U.S. Central Command director of exercises and training.

A major participant in the exercise, which runs through June 20, is Expeditionary Strike Group 5, bringing the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group that includes the USS Kearsarge; USS San Antonio; and USS Carter Hall.

The land component includes a mixture of special operations forces and Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, which played a role in Operation Odyssey Dawn to enforce the no-fly zone over Libya in March 2011.

“The exercise has started smoothly...the JAF [Jordanian Armed Forces] are integrating nicely with U.S. forces,” said Lt. Dawn Stankus, the Expeditionary Strike Group 5 spokeswoman.

Eager Lion includes field training, multiple live-fire exercises, reconnaissance training, and Harrier, Cobra and Osprey aircraft...

Last week, Jordanian officials said the U.S. was likely to leave Patriot missile batteries and F-16s in Jordan after the exercise.
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Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:13 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
June 12, 2013

NATO Week raises awareness of Georgia’s path to integration

The annual NATO Week in Georgia was launched in the capital Tbilisi on Monday 3 June. The opening ceremony was followed by a seminar involving representatives from three Western Balkans countries that, like Georgia, aspire to NATO membership. In parallel, a two-day event briefed Georgian journalists about NATO’s current policies and agenda. Other events involving school children, students, and representatives of civil society and local and national media took place across the country in the days that followed.

"The European and Euro-Atlantic choice of Georgia does not belong to any particular government or any particular party. It is foremost the choice of the Georgian people who have made their firm decision,” emphasised Alex Petriashvili, Georgian State Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, at the opening ceremony.

“At its core, NATO is about values and the respect of these values: democracy, human rights, rule of law,” explained James Appathurai, the NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia.

“These values don’t belong to the Euro-Atlantic area. They are universal and no-one wishes to impose them. But if you wish to join our community we expect you to share them – and uphold them. NATO Week is an excellent opportunity to talk about these values,” added Appathurai.

Raising public awareness

Raising awareness of NATO’s integration policy and communicating to the public about participation in NATO-led operations was the main focus of a seminar involving Georgian officials and diplomatic representatives from other countries aspiring to join NATO, namely Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.1

A photo exhibition on the contribution of Georgia and Romania to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan allowed participants to get visually acquainted with the daily life of the servicemen in the mission. They also had the opportunity to meet Georgian officers who have served in Afghanistan and hear about their experiences.

In addition, two days of high-level briefings gave Georgian journalists an overview of NATO’s history, mission and fundamental tasks; its current operations and security challenges; and its decision-making processes. Another key focus of discussions was global security in the 21st century and the importance of NATO’s partnerships, including its relations with Russia.

Journalists were also briefed about Georgia’s reform efforts on the path to integration...

Both the Georgian government and NATO are committed to informing and educating the population about NATO and NATO membership, including rights and obligations.

The NATO Week is an important part of these efforts. It was organised by the Office of the State Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration and the Information Center on NATO and the EU, with the support of the NATO Liaison Office and the Romanian Embassy, which currently serves as NATO’s Contact Point Embassy in Georgia. The journalists’ seminar was organised in cooperation with “Integration - Road to NATO and EU”, a non-governmental organisation.

1. Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.
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Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:13 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

Beta News Agency
June 10, 2013

14 years since end of NATO's attacks on Serbia

BELGRADE: Monday marks 14 years since NATO's air campaign against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ended after 78 days.

A day earlier, representatives of the Yugoslav Army (VJ) and NATO signed a military-technical agreement which detailed the withdrawal of VJ troops from Kosovo, and deployment in the province of an international, NATO-led military mission.

After several failed diplomatic attempts, the war ended with a deal reached through the mediation of former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari and former Russian PM Viktor Chernomyrdin.

The western military alliance launched air strikes against Serbia on March 24, 1999, and sustained the campaign for 11 weeks, killing between 1,200 and 2,500 people.

The attacks - which the Yugoslav authorities, but also numerous legal experts considered an aggression - started after the failed talks in Rambouillet, France, which were called to resolve the Kosovo crisis.

Beside the loss of lives, NATO's campaign also resulted in serious damage to the country's infracture, economy, educational, health-care, and media facilities, and historical and cultural monuments.
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Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:03 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Operations
June 13, 2013

NATOs Allied Force Command Madrid Deactivated


Since 1999, the Headquarters in Madrid formed the core of NATO’s missions in the Balkans and in Afghanistan and even commanded important subordinate headquarters such as the Joint Logistic Support Group in Kosovo (KFOR). In 2005, Force Command Madrid assisted the African Union by training personnel. More recently the Headquarters provided reinforcements of approximately 200 soldiers to the ISAF Headquarters in Kabul. Additionally, Force Command Madrid soldiers were also involved in the NATO Response Force (NRF).


On Thursday, 13 June 2013, Headquarters Allied Force Command Madrid (HQ FC MD) held a ceremony to mark its deactivation. This deactivation is a part of a major reform process in NATO's Command Structure to make it more efficient, flexible, and responsive. Responsibility for the readiness and support of Land Operations will transfer to Allied Land Command in Izmir, Turkey.

The deactivation ceremony was presided over by Allied Joint Force Command Commander Admiral Bruce W. Clingan and attended amongst others by the Spanish Chief of Defence, Admiral Fernando García Sánchez. The families of the serving soldiers and the civilian staff were also present at the ceremony

The Headquarters has played a central role within NATO throughout its presence in Madrid since 1999. With a staff of around 450 soldiers from 16 nations, Allied Force Command Madrid participated in land operations within the entire spectrum of NATO. The current commander, General Cardona Torres, has commanded the Headquarters since 2010.

Once deactivated, the role of Allied Force Command Madrid will be assumed by Allied Land Command in Izmir. This Command is tasked to support readiness, competency and standardisation of land forces, including evaluation and certification. The commander of LANDCOM reports directly to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and is the leading voice on land issues within the Alliance.

Since 1999, the Headquarters in Madrid formed the core of NATO’s missions in the Balkans and in Afghanistan and even commanded important subordinate headquarters such as the Joint Logistic Support Group in Kosovo (KFOR). In 2005, Force Command Madrid assisted the African Union by training personnel. More recently the Headquarters provided reinforcements of approximately 200 soldiers to the ISAF Headquarters in Kabul. Additionally, Force Command Madrid soldiers were also involved in the NATO Response Force (NRF).

A closure team of about 60 staff, under the command of Colonel Roland Goebel, will manage the transfer of buildings and facilities to the Spanish Army, which will be complete no later than December 2013.
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Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:05 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

U.S. Air Forces in Europe
June 13, 2013

HAW welcomes new commander
By Tech. Sgt. Patrick Mitchell
U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa Public Affairs


"Yes we are fully operational capable, but the ice is still very thin, as we say in the Netherlands." said Rombouts. "We do fly all missions, but we now need to start working up to being a military unit. I sometimes use the airdrop mission to explain what I mean with this. We can do airdrop; we can do it in Afghanistan. But can we do it on day one of Gulf war scenario from low level? This is the question we must ask ourselves."


PAPA AIR BASE, Hungary: Col. Frank Rombouts, Royal Netherlands Air Force commander, assumed command of the Heavy Airlift Wing during a ceremony here June 12.

The Strategic Airlift Capability Heavy Airlift Wing is the operational arm of the multinational Strategic Airlift Capability. It operates three Boeing C-17 Globemaster III long-range cargo jets providing strategic military airlift capability to the SAC Nations consisting of NATO members Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and the United States, as well as NATO Partnership for Peace nations Finland and Sweden.

Brig. Gen. Thomas Sharpy, Director of Plan, Programs and Analyses for U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa and the Chairman, Strategic Airlift Capability Steering Board, served as the presiding officer for the assumption of command.


After accepting the unit guidon from Sharpy, Rombouts addressed his Airmen for the first time as commander of the HAW.

"Yes we are fully operational capable, but the ice is still very thin, as we say in the Netherlands." said Rombouts. "We do fly all missions, but we now need to start working up to being a military unit. I sometimes use the airdrop mission to explain what I mean with this. We can do airdrop; we can do it in Afghanistan. But can we do it on day one of Gulf war scenario from low level? This is the question we must ask ourselves."

Rombouts said his goal is to ensure the 12 nations of the HAW work seamlessly as one. He calls his method the 13th nation.

"For those of you in the audience who don't know what I mean; I am speaking of the culture of the HAW, of the work atmosphere," Rombouts said. "I have told you that the old paradigm of treat others as you want to be treated does not work here. I have also told you that you will insult people and that you will be insulted. You must realize this, for if you do, you can cope with it much easier."


North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Operations
June 13, 2013

For the first time, a European Officer assumes Command of the Heavy Airlift Wing
By Strategic Airlift Capability, Heavy Airlift Wing (HAW) Public Affairs 

PAPA, Hungary: A Colonel from the Royal Netherlands Air Force assumed command of the Strategic Airlift Capability Heavy Airlift Wing in an official ceremony on 12 June 2013 at the wing's home field, Pápa Air Base.

Colonel Frank Rombouts is the third commander in the history of the wing since its start of operations in 2009 and the first European officer in this position.

In the ceremony, Colonel Frank Rombouts was presented with the flag of the Heavy Airlift Wing by Brigadier General Thomas J. Sharpy, the Chairman of the Strategic Airlift Capability Steering Board, symbolising the assumption of command of the multinational airlift wing. 

Colonel Frank Rombouts has been serving with the Heavy Airlift Wing since March 2011, first as the Vice Commander of the HAW and since February 2013 as the acting Wing Commander.

During its first four years of operations the Strategic Airlift Capability programme and its operational arm Heavy Airlift Wing have reached significant milestones by turning the idea of sharing and operating the fleet of three Boeing C-17 Globemaster IIIs as a consortium of 12 nations into reality. 

A clear show of its performance is the fact that the wing C-17 fleet has reached over 10.000 flight hours and has declared Full Operational Capability (FOC). According to Colonel Rombouts, the next goal is to take its capabilities a step further.

"The HAW achieved Full Operational Capability on November 2012, which means we have the ability to carry out the set of various airlift missions. Among other things we can do single ship airdrop, cooperate with air tankers and do operations with Night Vision Goggles. However there are still limitations to our capability in the most demanding operational scenarios. Now our post-FOC challenge is to build and train this capability”, Rombouts said.
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Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:05 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Operations
June 13, 2013


One of SFN’s missions is to seamlessly integrate U.S. carrier or expeditionary strike groups into a NATO-led operation.

"We learned quite a few lessons from past operations such as Odyssey Dawn and Unified Protector that we folded into this integration exercise,” said Capt. Jack Thomas, SFN, director of operations.


A week of training onboard the USS Mount Whitney wraps up
By Chief Mass Communication Specialist Allison Pittam, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa, Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs

While embarked on the command and control ship, USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20) in the Baltic Sea, members of Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (SFN) and U.S. 6th Fleet completed a week of training 7 June 2013 that focused on integrating U.S. forces with NATO.

One of SFN’s missions is to seamlessly integrate U.S. carrier or expeditionary strike groups into a NATO-led operation.

The embark allowed the two staffs to practice how to do that, while also learning the cultural and language differences of the 11 nations that make up SFN.

"We exist to integrate U.S. forces into the wider NATO maritime piece,” said Rear Adm. Tim Lowe, deputy commander SFN. "It is the distinct combination of capabilities that exist aboard Mount Whitney that makes it the optimum strategic location for 6th Fleet and SFN maritime headquarters to be based.”

"Mount Whitney is the command ship for U.S. 6th Fleet commander Vice Adm. Frank Pandolfe, who also commands SFN. The flagship is the first choice for a command and control platform in the event of a SFN maritime operation,” said Craig Linderman, 6th Fleet’s Joint Training Readiness and Exercises division chief. 

Linderman explained that the integration training was also an opportunity for the two staffs get to know each other’s capabilities.


"Working in a multinational environment provides an opportunity to learn and understand each other’s languages, different points of view and experiences. It is the combination of all of these elements that gives us the ability to reach solutions together, making us stronger as one force, rather than individual nations operating separately,” said Rear Adm. Lowe.

For French navy Lt. Cmdr. Julian Glasson, who spent the past 15 years flying maritime patrol aircraft for the French navy, working in a multinational environment on board Mount Whitney was a new experience.

Glasson joined last year to work in the SFN air branch managing air space planning and operations and said that for him, getting to know the people was the most valuable part of the integration training.


At the close of the training the SFN and 6th Fleet staff gathered together to discuss what they had accomplished during the extended embark on board Mount Whitney.

"We learned quite a few lessons from past operations such as Odyssey Dawn and Unified Protector that we folded into this integration exercise,” said Capt. Jack Thomas, SFN, director of operations.

"Fundamentally, we learned that the effective integration of U.S. and NATO forces requires detailed planning and very close working relationships to achieve the level of teamwork demanded by today's threat environments,” said Thomas. "We achieved these two things during this evolution. "The US and NATO teams are now better poised to roll up their sleeves together and tackle collective problems successfully."

Mount Whitney, home-ported in Gaeta, Italy, is the U.S. 6th Fleet flagship and operates with a combined crew of U.S. sailors and MSC civil service mariners. The civil service mariners perform navigation; deck engineering and supply service operations while military personnel aboard support communications, weapons systems and security. 
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Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:31 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff

June 14, 2013

US support for Syria opposition may lead to direct military interference

MOSCOW: Supplies of arms from the United States for the Syrian opposition are unlikely to lead to overthrow of Bashar Assad's regime, State Duma International Affairs Committee head Alexei Pushkov told Itar-Tass on Friday.

Assad has support of a considerable part, if not most, of the Syrian population. It is his substantial reserve. Assad's army shows a high degree of firmness. With the enlargement of supplies of arms to the rebels alone, the United State will not radically change the balance of forces, Pushkov believes.

There is a question in this connection - what further steps the United States will take. “I think the United State will go the way of escalation. Now they arm rebels, then they will come to some form of direct armed interference," he said. Air missile strikes and direct military interference are not ruled out, he noted.

Earlier Pushkov said the United States had fabricated the information about the use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar Assad.

"The information about Assad's use of chemical weapons is fabricated ibid where the lie about mass destruction weapons of Hussein was fabricated. Obama goes the way of George Bush," the legislator wrote on his Twitter blog.

On Thursday, U.S. Deputy Presidential National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, who is in charge of strategic communications affairs, stated the U.S. administration came to the conclusion that Syrian authorities had used chemical weapons against opposition forces and thus violated the international law. In this connection, Washington decided to revise its former position and to begin to render military aid to Syrian opposition forces. According to Rhodes, President Barack Obama has decided to provide more support for the opposition, including in light of the conclusions about the use of chemical weapons by Syrian authorities. The aid will be provided directly for the so-called Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, Rhodes said. It includes military support, he confirmed.


June 14, 2013

U.S., British, French experts fail to convince Russia that Syria govt used chemical weapons - ministry

MOSCOW: U.S., British and French experts have failed to produce solid proof that the Syrian authorities used chemical weapons, spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Lukashevich told briefing on Friday.

"We had a series of consultations on these issues at the expert level with representatives of the United States, as well as the United Kingdom and France. One should say that the references that our partners gave us about alleged instances of using chemical weapons by Syrian troops were not substantiated by convincing facts," Lukashevich said.


Russian Information Agency Novosti
June 12, 2013

Kremlin Plays Down US Report on Chemical Weapons in Syria

MOSCOW: Russia is not convinced by a US report on the alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian government forces against rebels, Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov said on Friday.

“The Americans have tried to provide us with information on the use by the [Syrian President Bashar Assad] regime of chemical weapons, but I will be frank: The report does not seem convincing to us,” Ushakov said.

The Kremlin aide suggested Washington was trying to play up the fact that it had provided Moscow with the information. “Of course, the essence of this information has not been revealed, but I repeat, it is not convincing,” Ushakov said.

The White House said on Thursday it now believes with “high confidence” that Syrian government forces have used chemical weapons repeatedly during the two-year conflict there, and vowed to boost US aid to the armed opposition fighting to remove Assad from power.

Alexei Pushkov, head of Russia’s parliamentary foreign affairs committee, dismissed the US report on Syrian chemical weapon use as “a fabrication” earlier on Friday.

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he welcomed the “clear US statement” and urged the Syrian regime to grant access to United Nations inspectors to investigate all the reports of chemical weapons use in the country – something the government has so far refused to do.