Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 17 June 2013

Sunday 06-16-2013                                               Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser


Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21
Target to Eliminate GMOs from Simply Balanced Brand
House Passes Ban on Drone Strikes Against US Citizens

Skynet to Launch October, 2013

Gaza Under Siege
Dylan Murphy

Chronicling the Eventual Rebirth of Freedom
Bernie Suarez

US Military to Spread Propaganda With 10 Online Personas Each 

NSA admits they listen to U.S. phone calls without a warrant,
more than half the Senate skips briefing

Madison Ruppert

It’s Never Too Late to Learn About Vaccines
Catherine J. Frompovich

One-Sided Anti-Syrian Human Rights Council Resolution

NSA Copies All Internet Data, Creates Dossiers on Every User 

New Must-See Videos
Today's Forum Topics

Love the Fathers Before They Are Extinct
(A Father's Day Transformational Story)

Living Large

Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden and The Never Ending Fight For Liberty


Other Key Articles From Around the Web

Breaking News: Japan Suspends Recommendation of HPV Vaccines

Iceland Decides Against Joining The EU

Seahawks Coach Peppered 4-Star General With 9/11 ‘Conspiracy’ Questions

Could Your Morning Coffee Ward Off Skin Cancer?

New details on U.S. govt’s national security requests leave much to be desired

Facebook on NSA Spying: No Big Deal, Only 18,000 Users Violated

The Chemical Weapons Hoax

Ten unconventional additions to your emergency medical kit

The Sunday Survival Buzz

The Weekend Dollar Vigilante

Florida makes owning a marijuana pipe a felony even if you didn't use it

Prism just a small part of a much more expansive  eavesdropping effort

Russia says illegal to impose Syria no-fly zone

Cato Scholars Defend NSA, Libertarians Revolt

Iran Now Sending Troops to Syria