Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Top 10 Trending Stories

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Physical Possession GOLD and Silver IRA

Gallup Poll: Virtually No One Trusts the Mainstream Media

CONTRIBUTOR: Story Leak. The results are in: virtually no one trusts the scripted mainstream media. We’ve known it for years, but a new Gallup poll shows that a whopping 77% of Americans distrust mainstream media television.  Only a bit more ‘trustworthy’ than Congress, which scored in at a record low of 90% saying...


‘Ark’ 2.0: Largest Private Shelter on Earth Prepping Below Kansas Town

‘Ark’ 2.0: Largest Private Shelter on Earth Prepping Below Kansas TownCONTRIBUTOR: 21st Century Wire. 21st Century WireBrave New Underworld: Now accepting applicationsATCHISON, KANSAS — The ‘Ark’ is buried 130 feet below the Earth’s surface and carved out of a small mountain made of solid limestone. It’s the vision of Robert Vicino, founder of The Vivos Group, and will cater to “preparedness minded families” who...


21 Facts About NSA Snooping That Every American Should Know

21 Facts About NSA Snooping That Every American Should KnowCONTRIBUTOR: maxton. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what the NSA is actually doing. Are they reading our emails? Are they listening to our telephone calls? Do they target American citizens or is it only foreigners that they are targeting? Unfortunately, the truth is that we aren’t going...


Supreme Court Tears Into Fifth Amendment, Rules Silence Can Be Used Against You If Questioned

Supreme Court Tears Into Fifth Amendment, Rules Silence Can Be Used Against You If QuestionedCONTRIBUTOR: Prince Vega. Scott Shackford In a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court ruled today that a potential defendant’s silence can be used against him if he is being interviewed by police but is not arrested (and read his Miranda rights) and has not verbally invoked the protection of the Fifth Amendment. Tim...


Congressman Calls For Investigation Into Obama Identity Fraud (video)

Congressman Calls For Investigation Into Obama Identity FraudCONTRIBUTOR: Breaking: Congressman Jeff Duncan Calls For Investigation Into Obama Identity Fraud AUDIO HERE: ( Audio via TruNews - Hat tip MARSHMAN ) Congressman Calls For New Birther Investigation, Questions ‘The President’s Validity’ By Scott Keyes @ Think Progress Another Republican is accusing President Obama of secretly being a Kenyan...


Is It Too Late For America? Takeover Is Near Complete.

Is It Too Late For America? Takeover Is Near Complete.CONTRIBUTOR: Georgia Patriot. Obama signed an Executive Order authorizing a commission to find ways to make it easier to vote at state and local levels. This is very concerning. Voter fraud has been rampant and of course, ignored by the mainstream media. What does the Executive Order really mean? “This is the...


Sharyl Attkisson: “I think I Know” Who Hacked Into My Computers” (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Nice Deb . Last Friday, CBS News investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson revealed that her computers had been hacked into “by an unauthorized, external, unknown party on multiple occasions in late 2012.” She talked about the breach of her privacy on the CBS morning show, Monday. Monday evening, Attkisson had even more information for...


The Real Story Behind the Spying Program: Privatized Hit Lists for Our New Neoliberal Totalitarian State

CONTRIBUTOR: American Everyman. by Scott Creighton As I have written before, this is not about catching terrorists before they strike. They have been scoping up your personal data and communications for over a decade knowing full well that you aren’t a terrorist while so-called “terrorist” attacks and lone-wolf mass casualty events occur on...


Could This Keep NSA From Listening In?

Could This Keep NSA From Listening In? CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator. 'People are getting it, suddenly realizing mobile is not secure' WND Drew Zahn Americans worried about National Security Agency surveillance are flocking to alternative technology providers and apps that will actually encrypt their phone calls, according to a Fox News report. “Sales of online apps to encrypt cell calls are...


Gun Control Works In Chicago, Leaves 47 Shot , Eight Dead, Over Weekend

Gun Control Works In Chicago, Leaves 47 Shot , Eight Dead, Over WeekendCONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America. By Susan Duclos Take guns away from law abiding citizens and criminals are the ones that benefit. That is how gun control works and it worked exactly like that last weekend in Chicago, Illinois, a state and city with some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation. Those...


CONTRIBUTOR: Northeast Intelligence Network

CURATOR: Josey Wales



CURATOR: Mort Amsel


CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CURATOR: John Rolls

CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator

CONTRIBUTOR: The Total Investor