Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 24 June 2013

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.
Physical Possession GOLD and Silver IRA

NSA Has Total Access Via Your Computer System

NSA Has Total Access Via Your Computer System CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator. 'They can effectively compromise your entire operating system' WND F. Michael Maloof WASHINGTON – The National Security Agency has backdoor access to all Windows software since the release of Windows 95, according to informed sources, a development which follows the insistence by the agency and federal law enforcement for backdoor...


Snowden Not in Russia; Not Safe in Ecuador: U.S. Government has kidnapped U.S. citizens in that Counry...

CURATOR: Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian. Ed Snowden beware: U.S. State Dept. has confirmed history of running covert abductions of Americans in Ecuador What AP doesn't know -- and neither do most Americans -- is that the U.S. government has a well-established track record of running covert kidnapping and abduction operations in Ecuador to capture anyone...


WATCH – Gun-Rights Rallygoers Defy Local Law, Confront ‘Police State’ Actions

CONTRIBUTOR: Pat Dollard. WICU12/WSEE Erie, PA News, Sports, Weather and Events Excerpted from THE BLAZE Protesters showed up to a gun-rights rally in Erie, Pa., with their firearms out in the open—purposely defying a local ordinance that prohibits guns at city parks. “We are American patriots, and we are a force to be...


Moscow Rebukes Weak & Preening Barack Obama Flies Snowden Out Of Hong Kong

Moscow Rebukes Weak & Preening Barack Obama  Flies Snowden Out Of Hong KongCURATOR: John Rolls. World leaders have little to no real respect for Barack Obama. Time and again, reports come out following a meeting between some nation’s leader and the American president that detail just how shallow and insubstantial those other leaders view Obama. Last month, President Obama met with China’s President, and just...


Harry Reid Buys Anti-Gun Votes From His ‘Secret Room’

Harry Reid Buys Anti-Gun Votes From His ‘Secret Room’CONTRIBUTOR: AmmoLand. Harry Reid Buys Anti-gun Votes from his “Secret Room”, This battle is ObamaCare II . Gun Owners of America Washington, DC --( “The most annoying thing is the phone calls.” – a Senior Senate Staffer commenting on the effectiveness of thousands of phone calls pouring into their offices (June 21,...


One Week Of US Military Spending Would Wipe Out World Hunger

One Week Of US Military Spending Would Wipe Out World HungerCURATOR: Mort Amsel. As continued reports of expensive and devastating military drone strikes roll in from overseas, which have actually taken the lives of US citizens in addition to countless innocents, virtually no one is talking about the very realistic expense of literally solving world hunger. An overall expense that has been calculated...


Global Financial Warfare Simulation (video)

Global Financial Warfare SimulationCONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. According to videographer bobbychristopher, this video is a consolidated visual representation of the book "Currency Wars" by James Rickards. Will the current 'global financial war' going on have the same results as this? The debasement of the dollar, bailouts in Greece and Ireland, and Chinese currency manipulation are unmistakable signs...


AC130 Specter Gunship in Iraq Using Night-Vision Technology Spot Men Planting Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Shoot and Kill them with Chain-Gun from Maximum Distance (video)

CURATOR: Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian. On the one side, the Debt-based Anglo-American European alliance with trade agreements across the board that encourage the mechanization of labor (NAFTA contributed to part of the U.S. Immigration Crisis when millions of out-of-work Mexicans descended on Texas and California) and on the other, for reasons not quite fully explained...


Soy: It's Bad For You & Everywhere; Here's How To Identify & Avoid It (video)

Soy: It's Bad For You & Everywhere; Here's How To Identify & Avoid ItCONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. "Soy beans are GREAT for making plastic and paint; however, they're DEADLY as food!" I have to give props to my friends over at Godlike Productions for flagging this excellent video that just was released by TRUTHstreammedia. A recent story in CNN Health had a headline that read: "If American's...


Uzbekistan Bans Meaningless Songs That "Don't Praise The Motherland"

CONTRIBUTOR: Confessions of a Closet Republican. If you think our government has too much control over our lives, check this out: In a statement on its website, Uzbekistan's Culture and Sports Ministry has announced a ban on "meaningless" songs that fail to "praise the motherland." In a rather insensitively worded ruling, the music of pop groups...


CONTRIBUTOR: Philosophers Stone



CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CURATOR: John Rolls