Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 17 June 2013

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.
Physical Possession GOLD and Silver IRA

Glenn Beck Discusses DHS Insider, “Its About To Get Ugly!”

CONTRIBUTOR: Northeast Intelligence Network. Written by The Producer of The Hagmann and Hagmann Report. On Monday of this week, June 10, 2013, Glenn Beck broke this story on his own syndicated radio show, “Its about to get ugly!” We have edited the clip down to only 4 minutes and 6 seconds so all of...


Chilling Video:Ron Paul's Predictions In 2002 Came True 2013 (video)

Chilling Video:Ron Paul's Predictions In 2002 Came True 2013 CURATOR: youngneill. This is Ron Paul's famous Predictions speech from April 24, 2002. This is the original video compiling recent images and video to give his speech a chilling effect."I have no timetable for these predictions, but just in case, keep them around and look at them in 5-10 years. Let's hope...


John Hopkins Scientist Blasts CDC Over Flu Shots (video)

John Hopkins Scientist Blasts CDC Over Flu ShotsCONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Dr. Peter Doshi from John Hopkins University has come out strong against flu shots, blasting the CDC and conventional medicine as shared in this NewsMax report. It's great to see someone of Dr. Doshi's stature coming out against the CDC and vaccinations! Federal health authorities vastly overstate the benefits of...


$9,000,000,000,000 Missing From The Federal Reserve. Why should any American pay their taxes? (video)

$9,000,000,000,000 Missing From The Federal Reserve. Why should any American pay their taxes?CONTRIBUTOR: LedaOhio9. Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General where $9 TRillion dollars went... and Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn't a clue... Dunno whether to laugh or cry - I am still getting over the shock and have watched 4 times - LISTEN carefully to what she says - "THEY HAVE...


World Catastrophe and Large Quake Analysis (video)

CURATOR: Zen Gardner. Another great analysis from Suspicious Observers. Keep an eye on these trends, they're important to track in order to get the big picture of the earth changes we're in the throes of. - Zen...


2 Min. News: Saudi Coup, China Virus, Missing Protesters & More 6-17-2013 (video)

2 Min. News: Saudi Coup, China Virus, Missing Protesters & More 6-17-2013CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Today's two minute news break has all the national and global news you need to know from FullSpectrumSurvival for Monday, June 17th, 2013. Protestors Missing In Turkey - Missiles For Rebels - Enteric Virus in China - Fracking In The US - Earthquakes in Greece - Weather Control - Dengue...


Roundup Herbicide And GMOs Destroy The Digestive System

Roundup Herbicide And GMOs Destroy The Digestive SystemCONTRIBUTOR: Natural Health 365. (NaturalHealth365) The most popular herbicide worldwide is called Roundup and it uses an active ingredient called glyphosate. Foods stuffs that are produced in fields that are sprayed by glyphosate carry residue of the chemical into the marketplace where they are consumed. In North America, bioengineered foods are ubiquitous and it...


Benghazi Murders – The Obama Way

Benghazi Murders – The Obama WayCURATOR: John Rolls. by LittleBoca * The Center for Western Journalism They are experts at covering up, hiding, and withholding information. It’s a way of life for the Obama Administration. Obama directs every scandal that comes our way from a distance – he is the director behind the director, unscathed and free as...


Trillions of Your Pension Dollars Stolen in Broad Daylight... And it's All "Legal." (video)

CURATOR: Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian. Skip the introductions and professional back slapping & go straight to the speaker......


Snowden: Fake Net Cafes Used at G20 to Read Diplomat's Emails Calls etc.

Snowden: Fake Net Cafes Used at G20 to Read Diplomat's Emails Calls etc.CONTRIBUTOR: LedaOhio9. G20 summits: GCHQ intercepted foreign politicians' communications Very SLICK! Fake Internet Cafes even.. *smh* Have "THEY" not already done this (See PRISM) by plugging directly into the Net's major Backbones though? Heck, The E.A.C. (Emergency Broadcast System) already plugs into damn near everything this side of Ham Radio that they...


CURATOR: Josey Wales



CONTRIBUTOR: 21st Century Wire

CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator


CURATOR: John Rolls

CONTRIBUTOR: The Total Investor

CONTRIBUTOR: survivalistdaily