Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 22 June 2013

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TRNN This Week June 16 - June 21
June 22, 2013

June 21

Largest demonstration in Salvador's history marred by police violence
Clashes erupt as military police attack protesters marching on FIFA stadium at opening confederation game in Salvador
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A million people across Brazil say "it's not about 20 cents"
More than a million people demonstrate in a hundred cities across Brazil, and raise new demands.
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Nurses, Environmentalists Lead Keystone XL Protest in San Francisco
National Nurses United lead protest against Keystone XL pipeline highlighting possible health impact.
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Ex-Employees Say Bank of America Rewarded Fradulent Forelcosures
Bill Black: Bank of America and other financial giants undeterred by Obama Admins weak oversight and enforcement of industry
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June 20

Violent eviction of Gezi Park gives rise to "standing protesters"
Night of "shocking violence" in Turkey's major cities results in wave of silent demonstrations
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US Claims of Chemical Weapons Use By Syria A Pretext for Arming Rebels
Omar Dahi: Despite escalating humanitarian catastrophe, G8 summit failed to advance diplomatic settlement
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Brazilian Authorities Rescind Bus Fare Hike Yet Massive Protests Continue
Brazil protest that began over increasing cost of public transportation continues to draw tens of thousands to the streets
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June 19

Hundreds of Thousands of Brazilians Protest Country's Harsh Inequities
Protest against bus fare increase sparked nationwide protest movement demanding systemic change
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Obama Fails to Reappoint Serious Regulator to CFTC
Bob Pollin: If President Obama was serious about regulation and closing the income gap, he would have reappointed Gary Gensler.
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Wall Street Getting Rich At Expense of Farmers and the Poor
More protections needed to safeguard the health of the global food and farming system
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June 18

Edward Snowden: War on Whistleblowers "Only Builds Better Whistleblowers"
Larry Wilkerson: Snowden's expertise allowed him to understand the threat of the NSA's surveillance programs on civil liberties - government power exercised in secret will be abused
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Iran's New President a Regime Insider - Wide Mandate for More Civil Liberties
Hamid Dabashi: President-elect Hassan Rohani will not change Iran's Neo-liberal capitalism but may be inspired by popular support for more political rights and nuclear transparency
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Senate Immigration Bill Fails to Advance Immigrant Rights
Comprehensive immigration reform fails to address root causes of migration
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June 17

"Moral Mondays" Draws Thousands to Protest Legislative Attacks on Voting Rights and The Poor
Hundreds arrested opposing Republican controlled legislature's 'barbaric' attacks on North Carolina's most vulnerable populations
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Philadelphia Slashes Schools Budget While State Spends $400 Million on New Prisons
Philadelphia communities fighting back against planned cuts that disproportionally impact low income and African American communities
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No Substantial Iran Negotiations Possible Without Offer of a Suspension of Sanctions
Lawrence Wilkerson: If the US is serious about negotiating with Iran it must offer a suspension of sanctions and a permanent end to sanctions once safeguards are in place - Iran has to come forward and tell the IAEA everything about the past and present of their nuclear program
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US Iran Policy Can't Abide an Independent Middle East State
Hillary Mann-Leverett and Flynt Leverett: American policy based on hegemony in the Middle East - a major regional player not within the US system of supported states is a target
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June 16

Ellsberg: A Coup Against the Constitution
Daniel Ellsberg, the man who released the Pentagon papers, says the FISA court is a sham and warrantless wiretapping, which has being going on for years before 9/11, is a violation of the US Constitution no matter what law Congress passes
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Police Brutality Against Blocupy Frankfurt Protest Makes Headlines
What began as a protest against the ECB, German banks and the German government turned into a protest against police brutality
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'The Americans have been Dishonest Negotiators' says Afghan Militants' Representative
The Political Chief of Hizb-e-Islami, one of the three main factions fighting Nato in Afghanistan, tells The Real News that his group has withdrawn from peace talks
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Seven Months After Sandy Some Communities Still Waiting for Aid
Communities in Rockaway Islands say Wall Street connected charity denying them access to funds raised through public donations after Sandy
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Thousands Strike Greek Gov't Pulling the Plug on State TV
Costas Lapavitsas: State TV shutdown affront to democracy, time is ripe for Left to gain power
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Brazil's social protests turn violent   
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Republican\'s \"Man Brain\" Makes Him More Rational About Money   
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