Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Tuesday 06-18-2013                                               Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser


Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21
Third Week of Bradley Manning Trial Highlights Circumstantial Evidence

Farmers' Market Sues City over 'Pave or Vacate' Mandate

Bye 5th Amendment: Anything You Don't Say Will be Used Against You

Canada Joins  U.S. Dominated North American Security Perimeter
Dana Gabriel

Huge Area of Sea Floor Movement Off Iberian Coast
Will It Be “Lights Out” For Parts of America This Summer?

Spy Drama On U.S. Bound Plane? “I’m Dead Already, They’re Gonna Kill Me”
Watch Your Cash: BAIL-IN Rules Will Force “Failed Bank Losses on Investors”
Mac Slavo

PRISM barely scratches the surface ... 50 years of global surveillance

United Stasi of America through the Echelon Prism

Lawless NSA Global Spying
Syria and Iran: In America's Crosshairs
Stephen Lendman

Gov't twisting facts on NSA ‘targeting’ Americans for surveillance 
Madison Ruppert

NSA scandal: the deepest secret of the Ed Snowden operation

The Chinese Version of Agenda 21 and Why the US Should Care

Farewell Bernanke, Thanks For The Biggest Ever Bond Bubble 
Whenever Margin Debt Goes Over 2.25% Of GDP The Stock Market Crashes
Frustrated American Homeowners Are Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

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