Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 17 June 2013

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        June 16, 2013
nukewBEWARE: 9/11 and (now) 6/22 Terrorism foretold in "The Simpsons"
In numerous TV shows and movies produced prior to Sept. 2001, the numbers 9 and 11 were shown next to each other...
ScreenHunter_1812 Jun. 16 16.22Roi Tov
What if Netanyahu Won the Elections in Iran?
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - June 16, 2013
Richard_FalkStuart Littlewood
UN Justice Champion Richard Falk Targeted (Again)
syria raidJim Fetzer
7 Reasons War with Syria is a Really Bad Idea
genocide 1915Veterans Today
Taksim Square Belongs to Armenians
ScreenHunter_1811 Jun. 16 12.44Hamid Abbasi
Baluchistan: Between Culprits; the Accomplices
Chemotherapy drugs are highly toxicEd Mattson
SARCOMAS and hope for veterans exposed to Agent Orange and DU
vetlikemeHardy Stone
VetLikeMe, 4.4, June 2013
ScreenHunter_1808 Jun. 15 14.41Roi Tov
$100 Million and 4 Guns
rogers-now-2Rick Rogers
Military Headline News: Week In Review
Iowa Review Showcases Contemporary Writing by Veterans
Veterans Explore Experiences in Poetry and Prose »»
Russian Presidential Aide Yuri Ushakov
Moscow unconvinced by US evidence of Syrian chemical weapons use
"The Americans tried to present us with information on the use of chemical weapons by the regime, but frankly we thought that it was not convincing," said presidential aide Yury Ushakov »»
Spy on the Government
Government Spying: Should We Be Shocked?
The government does not need to know more about what we are doing. We need to know more about what the government is doing. We need to turn the cameras on the police and on the government, not the other way around. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Sysmex Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Union Bank Joins
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
Veterans struggle to land civilian jobs
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
VA Should Do Better Job of Informing Veterans of Property Tax Benefits, says Senator
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
Veterans Affairs Tech Center Accidently Deletes 464,000 Home Loan Data Files
Jonas E. Alexis
The Jewification of the World Is Now in Session (Part I)..
"The danger here is that we fall into a totalitarian state. This is something the KGB, the Stasi or the Gestapo would have loved to have had." »»
E. Paul Newell
It is not Death, The tragedy.
All humans have just one thing in common, that is the ultimated and pre-arranged end to the unusual struggles of life. Death. »»
Gordon Duff
Are whistleblowers sometimes 'too good to be true'?..
"The NSA is the largest signals intelligence agency in the world and has quite publicly recorded, and quite publicly admitted to as well, every international communications from every nation to any nation for many years. Everyone here knows that, or I thought they knew that, everyone but "the press" it seems." »»
ScreenHunter_1807 Jun. 15 11.37
ScreenHunter_1806 Jun. 15 11.17
Gordon Duff
Duff Does Gonzo Car Show
Starring Vesper Williams II (gonzo attorney) and a cast of a dozen or more...(available in semi-glorious HD video shot with a $59 dollar Samsung camera) »»
Gilad Atzmon
The Israeli Lab and the Palestinian Guinea Pigs..
Gaza is now a vast Laboratory - the Israelis are the 'scientists' and the 'technicians', the Palestinians are the 'guinea pigs' »»
thelab vt pic
Michael Noonan
S & P - Longer Trend Weakening, Daily Trend Turning.
Charts are not predictive in nature, rather they are instructive on how to best prepare and get an edge when deciding to enter into a position, [or exit one]. »»
Michael Noonan
Gold And Silver - Greater Certainty Is Found In Charts
That pretty much sums up what has been proposed and "re-proposed" as to the lofty heights that both gold and silver will/may/should attain. For many, the anticipated higher prices should have already been attained. »»
Johnny Punish
U.S. Fear Economy Sinks Fast in Face of Global Economic Power Shift
In a roles reversal, developing nations are shifting the economic leverage while USA wallows willingly in the fear economy. With many of the world's leading financial states deeply submerged in debt, developing economies are taking center stage signaling big changes in the world of finance. »»