Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 23 June 2013

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        June 23, 2013
navarreVT Was Right: Illuminati Sacrifice Busted!
On Monday June 17, 2013 Sammie Lamont Wallace, 37, walked into the Walmart in Midwest City, Oklahoma and snatched a 2-year-old girl from her mother's shopping cart and took her hostage. 
syria(2)Sami Jamil Jadallah
Syria; Losing the Revolution
The Selling of "Snowden"Gordon Duff
Veil of Lies, Snowden and Wikileaks
ScreenHunter_1841 Jun. 22 15.14Roi Tov
Chronicle of a Slow State Assassination: Rabbi Meshulam Died
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - June 22, 2013
Eileen Landies, Chair of the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, is packing some serious...heat.Kevin Barrett
Liberty or death! American Revolution 2.0 begins in New Hampshire
extra-newsVeterans Today
Veterans' Education Policy Subject of House Hearing
sexual assaultVeterans Today
Senators Say VA Must Do More for Military Sex Assault Victims
New VA Study Takes Issue with FDA's Warnings about Citalopram
hitlerDr. Ingrid R. Zundel
A Defense of Hitler the Veteran?
Josie holding forth in her Antioch thrift shopAllen L Roland
East County Peer to Peer Band of Brothers - A Dream Becomes Reality
The emergence of Hassan Rouhani, a soft-spoken, moderate cleric, as the victor in Iran's presidential election contest serves as a timely reminder that for all the setbacks it has endured, the country's reform movement remains a key player in Iranian politics.
Kam Zarrabi
Iran and The United States It Takes Two To Tango; Let The Dance Begin
The election of Hassan Rouhani, a highly educated, moderate, reform minded cleric, is the signal we need here in the United States that the long awaited pretexts do finally exist to try a rapprochement with Iran. »»
Jack Speer-Williams
The Obama Era: When Hope Became Despair
Is Obama a Congenital Liar and Sadistic Torturer, or Just a Man Caught in a Job Much Too Big for Him? »»
Radiation Obama combined  Impact 28 white
Stephen Lendman
Obama's Nuclear Arms Reduction Hoax
America's current arsenal includes state-of-the-art nuclear, chemical, biological, and other type weapons of mass destruction. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
C.R. England Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Sysmex Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Union Bank Joins
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
VA Should Do Better Job of Informing Veterans of Property Tax Benefits, says Senator
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
Veterans Affairs Tech Center Accidently Deletes 464,000 Home Loan Data Files
Jim Fetzer
Israel and the NSA Scandal..
Steve Sailer has an article on the tie-in between Israeli high tech firms and the NSA spying on American citizens ("Does Israel Have a Backdoor to US Intelligence?"). »»
Moti Nissani
The Gladio Conspiracy (Part III of: A Bird's Eye View of Contrived Terror)
Before moving on to the contemporary phony war on terror, we must remind ourselves of its earlier clone, the Gladio Conspiracy. »»
Franklin Lamb
Hezbollah's Palestinian Problem - and Vice Versa..
- The Hamas disagreement with Hezbollah still stands but both parties have agreed to discuss in a series of meetings »»
Gordon Duff
'Flight 800 investigators admit they lied about plane crash'
In 1996, an airliner, TWA Flight 800, bound from New York to Paris with 230 passengers mysteriously exploded off Long Island... »»
Michael Shrimpton
The Woolwich Terrorist Attack (5)..
I make no apology for staying with this topic. It's not just to see what misspelling of 'Woolwich' the guys can come up with this time! The rest of the media have almost stopped talking about the attack, for PC reasons. »»
Michael Noonan
S & P - Charts Speak Loudest, Clearest, and Most Accurately.
Not that charts actually "speak," but the information taken from them can be the most reliable for anyone wanting to accumulate profits. Does not everyone want to accumulate profits? »»
Michael Noonan
Gold And Silver - The End Is Near; Just Not In Sight.
Whatever expectation[s] you may have, expect the unexpected and unlike what you may expect. So far, that has been playing out quite nicely, and one of our expectations is that it will continue to unfold in the same manner, and to the ongoing surprise of most. »»
Michael Lombardi
Did the Federal Reserve Just Kill the Stock Market Rally?
Yesterday afternoon, the Federal Reserve announced it might cut back on its $85.0-billion-a-month money printing program later this year. »»