Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 17 June 2013

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June 17, 2013
SNOWDEN: The Truth Is Coming, And The Government Can't Stop It By Murdering MeSNOWDEN: The Truth Is Coming, And The Government Can't Stop It By Murdering Me
Shark jumped?

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Edward Snowden Is In The Process Of Destroying Any Support  And Sympathy He Has Built Up
Edward Snowden Is In The Process Of Destroying Any Support And Sympathy He Has Built Up
The whistleblower becomes a straight up leaker.
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EDWARD SNOWDEN: How To Make Sure The NSA Can't Read Your Email
EDWARD SNOWDEN: How To Make Sure The NSA Can't Read Your Email
Using a method called PGP.
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CBS' Bob Schieffer Destroys Edward Snowden In 90 Seconds
CBS' Bob Schieffer Destroys Edward Snowden In 90 Seconds
"I don't remember Martin Luther King, Jr., or Rosa Parks running off and hiding in China."
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SNOWDEN: 'Being Called A Traitor By Dick Cheney Is The Highest Honor'
Not a fan.    Read »
If Edward Snowden Had Watched '60 Minutes' In High School He Could Still Be Living In Hawaii With His Beautiful Girlfriend
The American public has known that the NSA has extensive Internet-spying programs since 2000.   Read »
PRISM Is Just Part Of A Much Larger, Scarier Government Surveillance Program
Which involves "real-time monitoring on the Internet backbone."    Read »

Intelligence Chief Shoots Down Report That NSA Analysts Can Listen To Phone Calls Without A Warrant
Intelligence Chief Shoots Down Report That NSA Analysts Can Listen To Phone Calls Without A Warrant
A CNET report has caused a lot of confusion.
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Officials: NSA Scheme Foiled Terrorist Plots In Over 20 Countries
Officials: NSA Scheme Foiled Terrorist Plots In Over 20 Countries
Including the United States. 
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The NSA Spying Leaks Have Formed An Unlikely Alliance Of Conservative And Liberal Politicians
The NSA Spying Leaks Have Formed An Unlikely Alliance Of Conservative And Liberal Politicians
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US Government Will Allow Tech Firms To Release Information On Surveillance Requests
US Government Will Allow Tech Firms To Release Information On Surveillance Requests
Just the numbers.
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See Also
NSA Leak Reveals US Spied On Russian President And Other Dignitaries At G20 Summit
NSA Leak Reveals US Spied On Russian President And Other Dignitaries At G20 Summit
Even set up fake internet cafes to intercept emails.
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The NSA's PRISM Program Is Shockingly Uncontroversial With The American Public
The NSA's PRISM Program Is Shockingly Uncontroversial With The American Public
Collective shrug to surveillance.
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HUBSPOT CEO: 99% Of Corporate Cultures Are Stuck In The Past
HUBSPOT CEO: 99% Of Corporate Cultures Are Stuck In The Past
Millennials aren't lazy, they're being managed with the wrong playbook.
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The Best Explanation Yet Of How The NSA's PRISM Surveillance Program Works
The Best Explanation Yet Of How The NSA's PRISM Surveillance Program Works
Narrowing the constant stream of data.
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