Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 20 June 2013

Wednesday 06-19-2013                                               Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser


Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21

Foreign Death Squad Network in Syria Larger Than Stated by West

McDonald's Sued by Employee Over Debit Card Wage Fees

Impeach or Not to Impeach: That IS the Question

Obesity Officially Declared a ‘Disease’ Requiring ‘Treatment’

Despite Irrefutable Evidence of Toxicity and Death, Monsanto’s Friends at
the EPA Raise Allowable Glysophate Levels

Gun Control by Proxy: Insurance Companies Vow to Drop Schools if
Teachers Carry Concealed Under New Law

Obama Bankrupts Coal, Boosts Fracking

The Cascadia Fault Line: Locked, Loaded And Ready To Fire

The Forced Depopulation of America’s Rural Areas

50 More Reasons To Advance The Total Surveillance State?

High Level Opposition to Escalating Syria's Conflict
Stephen Lendman

Obama attempts to defend NSA surveillance program in Germany in
response to heavy criticism

Madison Ruppert

Think the Anti-GMO Movement is Unscientific? Think Again

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Today's Forum Topics

Skynet Awakens and Demands Immunity

Statins Provide No Benefit: Study of 4 Million People

Greece: UN rights expert to assess impact of austerity measures

Urgent: take action today Wisconsin wants your DNA


Other Key Articles From Around the Web

GMO Legislative Update from Washington, DC

China Intent On Producing Genetically Modified Cow Milk To Replace
Human Breast Milk And Sold At Your Grocery

Icy Revolt: Putin send clear message to G8 that Russia won’t support Syria ‘nightmare’

Loosen Up! How Daily Stretching Can Improve Your Health.

Putin Alone at G8

First Andrew Breitbart, Now Journalist Michael Hastings?

Bilderberg Spy Tech and Google Regime Change: Our Brave New World

Kerry Called For “Immediate” Air Strikes on Syria, Smacked Down by JCS

FBI director admits domestic use of drones

Wearing a Mask at Protests Becomes a Crime Today in Canada

Booz Allen Owned by The Carlyle Group

Want to keep up with the Kardashians? Have a radioactive baby

High levels of radiation found in groundwater at Fukushima

U.S. and NASA Wants Permanent Mars base

Silver makes antibiotics thousands of times more effective

Brazilian Cities Roll Back Transport Fare Hikes After Protests

How to Heal Your Thyroid Naturally