Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Ferguson 'Secret Army' - Martial Law Prep Across America? (video)

Ferguson 'Secret Army' - Martial Law Prep Across America?CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. With potential widespread violence and civil unrest temporarily on hold, the mysterious men in black and tan from the Boston marathon bombing may be back in the picture, in Ferguson, Missouri, as seen in the 1st video below from TheAlexJonesChannel. After the Boston bombing, many 'conspiracy theories' unfolded that the...


Judge Jeanine Ravages Obama’s Lawless Immigration Orders

CONTRIBUTOR: NC Renegade. ...


Secret Army Wearing Similar Costumes As Worn At Boston Bombing And Waco Guarding Missouri Courthouse (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Blogdog. Secret Army Guards Missouri Courthouse - YouTube Even with the increased security in the St. Louis area several men dressed in khaki boots and pants stood out from the crowd. We can't say for sure what the men have planned but we've previously seen groups wearing similar garb outside of...


Artist Manipulates 48 Pools of Water with Her Mind

Artist Manipulates 48 Pools of Water with Her MindCONTRIBUTOR: RiseEarth. by Beckett Mufson Creators Project"Brain power" takes on a literal meaning when it comes to EEG painting, mind-responsive furniture, and the work of Lisa Park. Park combines EEG scanning with speakers and pools of water to visualize her thoughts and emotions. Last year, she exposed her brain patterns to the...


Yesterdays Prophecies Today's Headlines the Hal Lindsey Report (Video) Hear the Truth (video)

Yesterdays Prophecies Today's Headlines the Hal Lindsey Report (Video) Hear the TruthCONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. Yesterdays Prophecies Today's Headlines the Hal Lindsey Report Nov 23 2014 I have also included Hals weekly newsletter as a transcript. Are you prepared? Then get ready. November 21st, 2014 This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'A while back,...


2nd Sun Wormwood Planet Of The Passing | Chemtrails, Figures - What's In Our Skies? (Video) (video)

2nd Sun Wormwood Planet Of The Passing | Chemtrails, Figures - What's In Our Skies? (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill. 2nd Sun Wormwood Planet Of The Passing | Chemtrails, Figures - What's In Our Skies? From JayWill’s alternative surveillance resource network, you are about to view a true story, recorded recently, documenting facts of Nibiru Planet X Wormwood. This story is both dedicated to the faithful and...


JFK, RFK, & MLK Were All Killed By the Same Forces (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. The murders of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King were all orchestrated by the same group. How can I be sure? I can be sure by a simple preponderance of circumstantial evidence which overwhelmingly connects the three most important and horrific assassinations in the 20th...


Not the Chinese, But The NSA That Will Conduct A 'False Flag' Attack Upon The Power Grid!

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. In my former coaching days, I learned the wisdom of concealing the vulnerabilities of my team. If I was being interviewed by the media about an upcoming game, I would never have revealed my vulnerabilities because to do would be moronic! But, this is exactly what NSA Director,...


“Totally Innocent” Unarmed Man “Accidentally” Shot Dead by NYPD Police (video)

“Totally Innocent” Unarmed Man “Accidentally” Shot Dead by NYPD PoliceCONTRIBUTOR: The Daily Sheeple. A rookie NYPD officer “accidentally” shot and killed an unarmed African-American man in a staircase in a New York apartment block. It happened as Ferguson is tensely waiting for a grand jury decision on a police officer who shot Michael Brown. Akai Gurley, 28, and his girlfriend Melissa Butler were...


Distant Giant Planet (X) May Lurk Far Beyond Neptune (video)

Distant Giant Planet (X) May Lurk Far Beyond NeptuneCONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories. Astronomers Find Evidence Of Undiscovered Huge Planet In Our Solar System: The quest for a "Planet X"or Nibiru beyond Neptune has been going on for more than a century. Recently, two dwarf planets Senda and 2102 VP113 have been identified with orbits extending to distances hundreds of times further from...



CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America - All News PipeLine


CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die


CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America - All News PipeLine

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die