Hillary Clinton's Psychopathic Behavior Caught on Video (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: McLuhan Bernays for 5th Estate Media Email:digital82711@gmail.com. 105 Reasons Americans Should Vote Libertarian Clinton Psychopathic Behavior Exposed...
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Urgent, Shocking News! Antichrist About To Appear--The Illuminati Has Come Out of the Closet--See Their New Commercial! Openly, Boldly On Facebook, Twitter, Official Website, and YouTube! (Chilling Video) (video)
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An Asteroid Will Hit The Earth On September 24, 2015???!!! (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Renee M. The governments of the world know that a very large asteroid will hit the earth on September 24, 2015, and they have publicly announced it already through the French foreign minister Laurent Fabius on May 13, 2014. They will attempt to nuke this asteroid, which will break it into smaller...
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Alert! Democrats Warn Backers: Obama Could go To Prison! Video: Michael Brown Ferguson Verdict Pending (video)
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What CNN Didn’t Want Their Audience To Hear; RT’s Anissa Naouai Full Answers To Christiane Amanpour (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Blogdog. CNN UNCUT: RT’s Anissa Naouai full answers to Christiane Amanpour (VIDEO) - YouTube In the Now host Anissa Naouai was invited to discuss Media coverage and the situation in Ukraine on Amanpour with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. The version that aired on CNN was only a small portion of the...
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Our Final Collapse Warning Given? 2015 7-Year, 70-Year, Blood Moon Cycles And Major Signs Of Change! (video)
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How To Avoid Being Sent To A FEMA Camp
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.“ Serenity Prayer There are certain realities that are transpiring in the world today that none of us has any control over....
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Portal to Hell Opens When Ouija Board Victims Go Haywire with Demon Possession... (video)
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Sandy Hook and The Janus Principle
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D.I.Y. Prepper: Build This Cozy Cabin For Under $4,000
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CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America - All News PipeLine
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
Exhausted Obama, One Eye Closed, The Other Faltering, Is Heckled In Vegas (Incredible Video) (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala
CONTRIBUTOR: Weeping Eagle
CONTRIBUTOR: Guerilla Media Network