Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 24 November 2014

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 03:17 AM PST
“On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

We have this strange need or conditioning to not take responsibility for our own happiness. We expect it to come from an outside source.

It can happen, but it’s fleeting. True happiness has to come from within.

True happiness comes from a connection to our true being.

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Posted: 23 Nov 2014 02:54 AM PST
There comes a time in everyone’s life when we just have to be real and face the facts.

Not all crop circles are made by humans. Sure there's plenty that are and you can easily tell.

The differences between ones made by humans and ones made by… well, “not humans” is astounding. The idea of these being created from an other-worldly source is not strange or farfetched at all when you think of the big picture unfolding here on Earth.

Crop circles are all around the world, but majority of them are found in the United Kingdom and around Europe. There are thousands of documented crop circles, and still new ones each day.

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Posted: 23 Nov 2014 02:35 AM PST
Possibly a 'Archaeological Site' spotted in NASA "Global Mars Surveyor Mission" photo.

Mars Global Surveyor arrived at Mars on September 11, 1997, and has contributed a multitude of findings, including signs of past, persistent water such as an ancient delta and currently active water features in the gullies of canyon walls.

After nearly a decade of discovery, MGS went silent in November, 2006.

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Posted: 22 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PST
Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) was the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman.

The purpose of the committee was stated in the Wilbert Smith memo to have been to investigate the slew of reports of "flying saucer" sightings that were then being received by U.S. military intelligence and in particular to look into the possible physics and technology of propulsion of the aerial objects that were being reported.

The formation of the committee is, because of the timing, widely believed to have been precipitated by the recovery of a UFO north of Roswell, New Mexico during 1947.

Indications of MJ-12's existence may have first appeared in 1978 in declassified Canadian documents naming Dr. Vannevar Bush as heading a highly secret UFO investigation group within the U.S. Research and Development Board.

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