Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 23 November 2014

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        November 23, 2014
Evil with a Nice Face - The Janus Principle
What is the Unfathomable Evil behind Establishment Liars and Mass-Media "Talking Heads"?
4Allen L Roland
Climate Change or Climate Justice
Battle of the BulgeEd Mattson
Part 2. Battle of the Bulge and the Malmedy Massacres
GhaniVeterans Today
Afghanistan: Empty Peace
MOS_8248Gordon Duff
Black Saturday Sale Starring New .308 SASS Tacticals
Gen. Daniel P. Bolger, author of Why We LostKevin Barrett
Gen. Daniel Bolger: "We need hearings on 9/11, wars"
king obamaJack Speer-Williams
America Approaches Third World World Status!
Obama1Stephen Lendman
Obama's Sham Immigration Reform
zionist-crimes1Jonas E. Alexis
The Incorrigible Sam Harris and Zionist Group-Think
danielAlan Hart
Palestine: If America won't do what is needed Europe should and here's why
zionismAnthony Hall
Iran and the Israeli-Americano Imperium
Russia warns the U.S. against supplying weapons to Ukrainians. Vice President Biden arrived in Kiev, Ukraine hours after Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said U.S. support of Ukraine would be a "major change" in policy and a "serious signal."
Finian Cunningham
Biden in Kiev on US Regime-Change Victory Tour
Russia this week condemned the dangerous escalation of US military involvement in Ukraine. Moscow's foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said the arms announcement «broke all agreements» »»
Arnaldo Rodgers
Veterans Say Loyola Recovery Foundation Closure is Vital Loss 
The Loyola Recoery Foundation in Albany closed its doors Friday. The Foundation provided treatment and services to veterans dealing with substance abuse, including detoxification. »»
Arnaldo Rodgers
V.F.W. Goes Gender Neutral, Recognizing Female Veterans
When the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States secured its congressional charter in 1936, "veterans" were usually men and the spouses of those who fell in battle were "widows." »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Hiring Immediatly DPI Joins
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
Veteran, Mother Turning Dreams Into Reality
Military Veteran Job News    John Allen
Youngest veterans struggle most with unemployment, data shows
Veterans Today
Murderers attend Maidan killings ceremony...Oh the gall!..
- Jim W. Dean..."The nationalist thugs are still parading around doing all kinds of political thuggery, beating up selected office holders and prospective candidates." »»
Poroshenko stands before the cross...when he should be on it
Kevin Barrett
US aid worker beheading video a set-up?
"Another real beheading or another staged one, or who knows?" »»
Veterans Today
At-risk veterans need help on suicide, senators say..
Veterans at risk of suicide have to wait too long to get mental health treatment from the Department of Veterans Affairs, senators said Wednesday at a hearing to learn how to stem the rising number of suicides. »»
Hardy Stone
VetLikeMe Weekly 11/20/2014
A recent VA OIG audit addressed the following question: are systematic deficiencies in the Veterans Health Administration's (VHA) contracting processes causing money to be wasted on support service contracts? »»
Jim W. Dean
NEO - US-Armed Syrian Opposition "Surrenders" to Al Qaeda?..
- 'NEO's Ulson Gunnar gives us a review of "terror org musical chairs", a game hard to follow as the order of battle changes weekly, if not more often.' »»
Arnaldo Rodgers
Giving thanks for big stock gains
U.S. stock investors head into the Thanksgiving holiday thankful for the market's recent strength, which puts major indexes on track for another year of double-digit gains, though the swiftness of the advance has raised eyebrows. »»
Arnaldo Rodgers
Fed Reviews Bank Supervision as Senate Panel Begins Hearings
On the eve of a Senate hearing today into whether the Federal Reserve has been "captured" by the institutions it is supposed to regulate, the Fed announced a broad review of its supervision of the largest banks, and a top official acknowledged there's a danger that examiners could be too easy on them. »»
Stock Broker
James Patrick
Searching For a Career as a Stockbroker - Here Are Some Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goal
Stockbrokers, financial consultant or assistant, etc, are the brokers, who work on behalf of their association to help people manage their investments without any hassle »»