Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 13 November 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 12 Nov 2015 10:00 PM PST
Did you know that your dreams hold coded messages from your higher self and spirit guides? Learn how to decode your dreams with the following simple tools.

by Helen E. Williams, DreamcatcherReality 

What comes to your mind when you hear about dream interpretation? Do you see yourself lying on couch in a psychologist’s office, talking to a Freud like professor?

Sitting before a psychic behind a crystal ball? Using dream dictionaries? Or yourself, alone, in deep mediation reflecting on what the dreams mean?

The last one would gain the least votes, because ever since the medicalization of the western dreams have become a domain for the other.

Dreams have become, or we have allowed them to become, a domain for the certified specialists who can unearth the dream data and systematically recreate the message our unconscious is telling us.

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Posted: 12 Nov 2015 09:00 PM PST
(Dreamcatcher Reality) Hatred, Fear, Resistance and Persistence follow each other in a chain reaction, which is the main cause of keeping our reality stagnant and frozen in time.

Let go of the hatred, which is responsible for creating the fear. Something in the reality that disturbs you to the point of un-centering yourself from zero point, can be termed as something you hate.

Automatically, an extent of fear arises out of this reaction, and immediately you are confined to a reality which includes fear. As a result, you start resisting.

Fear and resistance cannot exist one without the other, just like fear does not exist without hate. It is a nasty chain reaction!

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Posted: 12 Nov 2015 08:00 PM PST
We have all been told that cavities are caused by eating sugary, sticky candy and the lack of good hygienic care.

Once there is tooth decay, the only way to return to a healthy mouth is to drill out the decay and fill the hole with a synthetic compound or even remove the tooth.

According to a published study by the British Medical Journal, tooth decay can be healed with diet.

62 children were split into three groups for a study on nutrition and cavities. Group 1 ate a traditional diet with the addition of oatmeal rich phytic acid.

Group 2 ate a traditional diet with the addition of a Vitamin D supplement. Group 3 ate a grain-free diet with the addition of a Vitamin D supplement as well.

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Posted: 12 Nov 2015 07:00 PM PST
In this interview a Clinton insider, Larry Nichols, claims he was hired by Bill and Hillary Clinton to murder people for money as their “go to hitman”.

Speaking on The Peter Santilli show, Mr Nichols claims that the Clinton’s would send him overseas to kill people “for the good of the country”, and says that the Clinton’s are far more evil than anybody can imagine. reports:

Mr. Nichols has been a voice crying out in the wilderness since he brought to light the sexual brutality of Bill Clinton during his reign as Governor in Arkansas. That information would eventually play a key role to Clinton’s impeachment in the 90′s. Larry says he makes no apologies.

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