Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Just Imperial propaganda. There is no connection between Anglo-American terrorism in Syria and terrorism in France. Hollande-Valls need terrorism for the 2017 Presidential elections. They hire terrorists wherever they can create and use them...

Saturday 14 November 2015

Just Imperial propaganda. There is no connection between Anglo-American terrorism in Syria and terrorism in France. Hollande-Valls need terrorism for the 2017 Presidential elections. They hire terrorists wherever they can create and use them...


Putin 1 Obama Nil
By Finian Cunningham
The Western governments and their media have been fully complicit in supporting a terrorist conspiracy to destabilise and overthrow the Syrian state. -
What Preceded The Islamic State Attacks In France 
By Moon Of Alabama
Dec 2012 - France funding Syrian rebels in new push to oust Assad. -
Paris Attacks Highlight Western Vulnerability, And Our Selective Grief And Outrage 
By Chris Graham
As France enters yet another period of mourning, Lebanon is just emerging from one. Not that you probably heard anything about it. -
Some Observations About the Carnage in Paris By As'ad AbuKhalil
All Arabs today have noticed something that can't be ignored: how ISIS and Al-Qa`idah terrorists travel the world to inflict their terrorism by yet spare Israel and its interests. -
Blowback in Paris: Terrorists Kill at Least 140
By Reuters
Gunmen and suicide bombers attacked locations around Paris Friday, killing scores of people in what a shaken President Francois Hollande described as an unprecedented terrorist attack. -
Paris Attacks: 'They Were Shooting at us Like If We Were Birds'
By Chris Harris
The men entered the venue with AK-47s, hurling explosives into clusters of music fans. The massacre ended around midnight. -
Reaping the Whirlwind of Western Support for Extremist Violence
By Chris Floyd
Let's be as clear as possible: the hellish world we live in today is the result of deliberate policies and actions undertaken by the United States and its allies over the past decades. -
A Battle With No Front 
By Gilad Atzmon
Welcome to World War III - a global conflict with unlimited battlefronts. We, as people of the world, are all caught in the middle of this disaster. -
Syrian Passport Found on Paris Attacker's Body Belonged To Refugee By The Guardian
Statement claiming to be from Islamic State says France is 'key target' - Attacks were retaliation for France's bombing in Syria, Isis says -
The Islamic State on Refugees Leaving Syria
By Aaron Y. Zelin
For those who want to blame the attacks on Paris on refugees, you might want to get your facts straight. -
Another Paris False Flag Attack?
By Paul Craig Roberts
What do refugees have to gain from making themselves unwelcome with acts of violence committed against the host country -
The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag?
By WashingtonsBlog
In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it. -
CONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Attack
By Tony Cartalucci
The problem is not something the French government can solve, because the problem is clearly the French government itself. -
Ex-CIA Director:
White House Ignored Months of Warnings About 9/11 To Avoid Leaving 'Paper Trail' Of Culpability

By Tom Boggioni
Statement claiming to be from Islamic State says France is 'key target' - Attacks were retaliation for France's bombing in Syria, Isis says -
Donald Trump "I'd Bomb The S--- Out Of Them" Video
Donald Trump delivered an angry, freewheeling speech Thursday night in which he used a four-letter epithet, sarcastically assailed rival Ben Carson and called voters "stupid" -

Hard News
France vows 'merciless' response after attacks kill 129:
An angry President Francois Hollande on Saturday promised a "merciless" response to a wave of attacks by gunmen and bombers that killed 129 people across Paris, describing the assault claimed by Islamic State as an act of war against France.
Hollande calls Paris attacks an 'act of war':
French president declares three days of mourning as ISIL claims responsibility for attacks that killed 129 people.
ISIS claims Paris attacks and releases video threat:
It said "eight brothers wearing explosive belts and carrying assault rifles" conducted a "blessed attack on... Crusader France." The statement, published in both Arabic and French, threatened further attacks against France "as long as it continues its Crusader campaign."
France Pays Price for Front-Line Role From Syria to West Africa:
French special forces have been tracking Islamist militants in the Sahara since 2013. France was the first European country to join the U.S. air strikes on Islamic State in Iraq last year and is the only European country to join the U.S. in air strikes in Syria.
'Unprecedented terrorist attacks': French President declares state of emergency, closes borders:
Amid the "unprecedented terrorist attacks" that have resulted in dozens of deaths, French President Francois Hollande has declared a state of emergency and announced that France will close its borders.
Witness accounts from across Paris: 'I saw my final hour unfurl before me':
Dozens of people are reported to have been killed in and around Paris, in a series of explosions and shootings on Friday night. Witnesses to the attacks have written on social media and spoken to various media outlets to describe what they have seen.
Poland won't accept refugees after Paris attacks: Incoming minister:
Poland will not take in refugees under a hotly contested EU programme to distribute them among member states because of the Paris attacks, the country's incoming European affairs minister said on Saturday.
Refugee boy drowns near Greek island after boat engine explodes:
A three-year-old refugee boy drowned early Saturday near the Greek island of Chios after the engine of the boat his group was sailing in exploded, the Greek coastguard said.
Five Ukrainian soldiers killed in Donetsk clashes: Army:
Ukraine's military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said Saturday the soldiers lost their lives in the north and west of Donetsk. He added that four more Ukrainian soldiers were injured in the clashes, which were the deadliest since a September ceasefire.
Kurdish forces kill 300 jihadists in Iraq: Report:
"In the course of the two-day operation, 28 villages were retaken from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant; more than 300 terrorists were killed by Peshmerga forces and Coalition warplanes, and over 200 square kilometers were cleared and returned to the Kurdish region,' the press release stated.
IS suicide blast, roadside bomb hit Baghdad Shiites, kill 26:
The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a suicide blast and a roadside bombing that targeted Shiites in Baghdad on Friday, killing a total of 26 people and wounding dozens.
Syrian Forces Kill Dozens of ISIL Terrorists in Deir Ezzor :
Syrian army troops backed by volunteer forces managed to advance in ISIL-held areas in Deir Ezzor in the eastern part of the country, killing dozens of the foreign-backed militants, local reports said.
Syria talks produce election road map:
Russia, the United States and powers from Europe and the Middle East outlined a plan on Saturday for a political process in Syria leading to elections within two years, but differences remained on key issues such as President Bashar al-Assad's fate.
Assad compares Paris terror to plight of Syria:
"Wrong polices adopted by western states, particularly France, towards events in the region, and its ignorance of the support of a number of its allies to terrorists are reasons behind the expansion of terrorism," President al-Assad said,
France will continue strikes in Syria with aim of hitting ISIS, PM Manuel Valls says:
Valls told TF1 television the government also planned to extend a state of emergency imposed across France after Friday's attacks in and around Paris, giving authorities expanded resources to combat what he called "a very well organized" enemy.
5 Syrians, one Palestinian detained over Beirut bombings:
Authorities in Lebanon have arrested six suspects in connection with the recent deadly twin bombings in central part of the capital, Beirut. A senior security source said on Saturday that the detainees include five Syrians and a Palestinian.
Turkish military kills four Islamic State militants across Syria border:
The Turkish troops returned fire on the militants, who were travelling in two vehicles along the border across from the southeastern town of Oguzeli in Gaziantep province, the sources said. The militants first fired on the soldiers after being warned to leave the area, the sources said.
Two Turkish soldiers killed in PKK bomb attack:
Two Turkish soldiers were killed when a makeshift explosive planted by militants from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) on a highway went off in the southeastern town of Lice
Thousands attend funerals of two Palestinians slain in clashes:
Thousands of Palestinians gathered in the Hebron and Ramallah districts of the occupied West Bank Saturday for separate funerals of Palestinians shot dead by Israeli forces during clashes.
Israel demolishes 4 West Bank homes of Palestinians accused of attacks: -
Israeli authorities overnight Friday demolished four homes belonging to the families of Palestinians accused of carrying out deadly attacks on Israeli settlers, the Israeli army said.
Israel's cruelest punishments reserved for Palestinians:
Israel only implements the practice for suspected Palestinian attackers, never for Jewish perpetrators or suspects or their families.
Pro-Palestinian Scottish lawmaker strip-searched on Israel trip:
A Scottish lawmaker travelling to the occupied Palestinian territories on a parliamentary fact-finding mission has been strip-searched by Israeli forces upon arrival and refused entry.
Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard set to be released on parole after almost 30 years:
US and Israel deny release next week tied to tension over Iran nuclear deal
Islamic State in Libya fights to emulate Iraq, Syria success:
Far from the battlefields of Iraq and Syria, Islamic State has steadily grown in Libya's chaos, controlling the city of Sirte, and worrying Western governments who fear it can only become stronger in the post-revolution mess.
US launches airstrike on ISIS leader in Libya: US officials:
The U.S. military launched an airstrike targeting the ISIS leader in Libya, U.S. officials told Reuters on Saturday, adding two F-15 aircraft were used in the attack.
Dozens of Afghan troops defect to Taliban in Helmand fighting:
At least 65 Afghan soldiers have defected to the Taliban, taking their weapons and equipment with them and 88 have been killed in days of heavy fighting in the volatile southern province of Helmand, the local provincial Governor said on Saturday.
Robots could steal 80 million US jobs: Bank of England:
80 million jobs in the United States are at risk of being taken over by robots in the next few decades, a Bank of England (BoE) official warned on Thursday. With U.S. data showing that total nonfarm employment hit 142.6 million in October, that's roughly over half of the total jobs at risk.
Trump surges among likely Republican primary voters: Reuters/Ipsos poll:
According to the five-day rolling Reuters/Ipsos presidential poll, Trump has leapt some 17 percentage points among likely Republican voters since Nov. 6, when he was essentially tied with Ben Carson at about 25 percent. Trump now captures 42 percent of those voters while Carson has fallen off slightly.
US Senate Passes Law to Legalize Space Mining:
Congress passed H.R. 2262, a celestial "Finders Keepers" law, that grants U.S. citizens to legally claim natural resources mined in space.