Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday 3 November 2015

November 03/04, 2015
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Kerry's Debacle in Vienna
By Mike Whitney
Putin is going to do whatever it takes to defeat the enemy and win the war. If that means he's got to put Russian boots on the ground to get the job done, then that's what he'll do. -
Peace Talks, An Exploded Russian Airliner - and NATO-Trident Juncture
By Peter Koenig
An entire kaleidoscope of events is seemingly coincidentally happening all at the same time. -
Is This War World III?
By Thea Paneth
Human empathy is a road to transformative change - that which we would not want to happen to ourselves is something we must work to prevent happening to our fellow brothers and sisters. -
US Warship Hopes to Sabotage Beijing-Tokyo-Seoul Talks
By Finian Cunningham
The last thing that Washington wants to see is for Asian countries to resolve their historical disputes through dialogue and mutual respect. -
Averting a World of Failed States and Resource Wars
By Michael T. Klare
For the first time, the nations of the world will have to step beyond national thinking and embrace a higher goal: the safety of the ecosphere and all its human inhabitants. -
Jewish Billionaire Behind a New Christian Anti-Iran Group
By Eli Clifton
The Philos Project, is attempting to portray itself as speaking for persecuted Christians while simultaneously promoting the aggressively pro-Israel agenda of a Jewish billionaire. -
The Punishment Society
By Paul Craig Roberts
Protesters, war and otherwise, are beaten, tear gassed, arrested. The American police state is working hard to criminalize all criticism of itself. -
21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In The USA That Will Blow Your Mind
By Michael Snyder
What you are about to see is more evidence that the growth of poverty in the United States is wildly out of control.  -
Sugar Industry Threatens To Scupper WHO
By Sarah Boseley
The sugar industry in the US is threatening to bring the World Health Organisation to its knees by demanding that Congress end its funding unless the WHO scraps guidelines on healthy eating, due to be published on Wednesday. -

Hard News    

Airstrikes kill 23 in ISIS's Syria 'capital:' Pro-rebel activists:
Warplanes pounded ISIS's de facto Syrian capital Raqqa Tuesday, killing at least 23 people including 13 jihadists, activists said.
Russia says bombed Syria targets after 'opposition' gave coordinates:
Russian jets bombed 24 targets in Syria Tuesday after "opposition representatives" gave them coordinates in the first time Moscow has claimed to work with opposition groups during its air campaign.
Russia says has hit 2,084 militant targets so far in Syria - agencies:
Russia's air force has flown 1,631 sorties and struck 2,084 militant targets since the start of its air strikes campaign in Syria, Russian news agencies cited the defence ministry as saying on Tuesday.
Russia says holds air space cooperation exercise with U.S. in Syria:
"There was a joint exercise with air crews and ground troops from the Russian and U.S. air forces," General Andrei Kartapolov said in a statement. Kartapolov also said Russia and Israel, Syria's neighbour to the southwest, were informing each other continually on the situation in Syrian air space.
Russia steps up push for Syria peace deal, proposes talks:
Syrian government officials and members of the country's splintered opposition could meet in Moscow next week as Russia pushes to broker a political solution to the crisis, a senior official said on Tuesday.
Crash victims' injuries show midair explosion likely caused A321 crash - investigator:
The nature of passengers' injuries from the Russian jet that crashed in Egypt's Sinai on Saturday may indicate that an explosion took place aboard before the plane hit the ground, an Egyptian doctor who examined the bodies said, Sputnik news agency reported.
Satellite Shows Heat Flash When Russian Metrojet Plane Crashed, But No Missile: U.S. Officials:
 U.S. intelligence analysts believe it could have been some kind of explosion on the aircraft itself, either a fuel tank or a bomb, but that there's no indication that a surface-to-air missile brought the plane down.
Turkey strikes Kurd rebel bases, rules out new talks;
Turkish warplanes have bombed Kurdish rebel bases in Turkey and northern Iraq, the army said Tuesday, as the government ruled out an immediate resumption of stalled peace talks.
ISIS attack kills four in Kurdish-held Iraq town:
Militants from ISIS killed four people and wounded 15 on Tuesday in a relatively rare attack behind Kurdish lines in northern Iraq, officials said.
War criminal:
Ahmed Chalabi dies of heart attack:
Living in exile as head of the Iraqi National Congress (INC), which opposed Saddam Hussein, Chalabi became a White House favourite after he provided information that supported the US justification for invading Iraq in 2003.
Air strikes in Yemeni city kill over 33 people:
The officials said on Tuesday that 21 rebels, known as Houthis, died in airstrikes by a Saudi-led coalition that opposes them. Eight civilians died when their bus hit a land mine and four fighters from the anti-Houthi forces were killed in street clashes.
Russia preparing contract to supply Iran with S-300 missiles: Interfax:
Russian state-owned arms exporter Rosoboron export said Monday it is preparing a contract to supply Iran with S-300 missile systems, Interfax news agency reported.
Russia, Iran in Talks on Arms Cooperation, Missile Systems Supplies Ongoing:
Director general of Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport said that Russia has been supplying Iran with air defense systems and several types of radio electronics, while continuing negotiations on military-technical cooperation.
15 Somali government soldiers killed by Somali extremists:
At least 15 government soldiers were killed in an ambush by fighters from the Somali Islamic extremist rebel group al-Shabab, one day after the same group of extremists killed a dozen people in an attack in the capital, a military official said Monday.
Gunmen kidnap Tripoli government minister in Libya:
Gunmen have kidnapped a minister in Libya's Tripoli-based government, parliament said on Tuesday, and accused a group linked to its own interior minister of being behind the abduction.
Egyptian President Sisi tells UK: finish job in Libya to stop another Syria: Exclusive:
Egypt's President will demand that David Cameron completes his "mission" in Libya to prevent the country being dominated by Islamists
Afghan woman stoned to death for 'adultery':
The 30-second clip run in Afghan media shows a woman in a hole in the ground as men gather around and hurl stones at her with chilling nonchalance. The woman, named by officials as Rokhsahana and aged between 19 and 21, is heard repeating the shahada, or Muslim profession of faith, her voice growing increasingly high-pitched as stones strike her with sickening thuds.
World ignores calls for inquiry into US bombing of Afghan hospital-charity head:
Joanne Liu, said appeals from MSF to about 76 governments asking for backing for an impartial investigation to clarify what went wrong and prevent any future such tragedy had failed to win support. "The silence is embarrassing," Liu told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview on Monday one month after the attack.
Human-rights groups sound alarm about Canada selling arms to Ukraine;
Two human-rights groups have teamed up to oppose a plan by the outgoing Conservative government to allow the sale of so-called prohibited weapons to Ukraine, including automatic assault rifles and armoured vehicles.
As morgue fills, aid group pledges more money for refugees in Greece:
Bishop Iakovos of Mytilene (Lesbos) said about 20 people were still unburied on the island due to a lack of space. "A special freezer car has been brought and people are placed in there until they can be buried. Most of them are unidentified, and that includes children," he told Mega TV.
15 freezing migrants saved from refrigerated truck in France:
Fifteen migrants suffering from hypothermia were found alive in the back of a refrigerated lorry in northern France after a blind search by emergency services triggered by a call from one of the trapped men.
Merkel warns of Balkans fighting amid migrant influx:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that fighting could break out in the Balkans, along the main route of migrants trying to reach Europe, if Germany closed its border with Austria, in remarks published Nov. 3.
Police seek powers to access browsing history of UK computer users:
Police have lobbied the government for the power to view the internet browsing history of every computer user in Britain ahead of the publication of legislation on regulating surveillance powers.
Company Behind Keystone Pipeline Is Now Officially Stalling Until Obama's Out of Office:
The company behind the Keystone XL pipeline on Monday asked the U.S. to put on hold the review of its proposal to build the controversial 1,179-mile pipeline connecting the tar sands of Canada with the Gulf of Mexico.
Austin, Texas Targeted as a Debtors' Prison:
Austin, Texas is the latest city to face a federal class action accusing it of reinstituting debtors' prisons by jailing people who are too poor to pay fines for traffic tickets and petty misdemeanors.
State Law Makes it a Felony to Touch a Police Officer Even Off-Duty and Out of Uniform:
A newly enacted Oklahoma statute that makes any "assault" on an off-duty law enforcement officer a felony - and it is standard practice to treat nearly any physical contact with an officer as an "assault."
The disappearing middle class is threatening American mega brands:
The share of households in the middle tier of income earners has fallen to 43% from 55% since the 1970s, according to The New York Times.
21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Will Blow Your Mind:
What you are about to see is more evidence that the growth of poverty in the United States is wildly out of control.
Americans becoming less religious, especially young adults: poll:
The share of U.S. adults who say they believe in God, while still high compared with other advanced industrial countries, slipped to 89 percent in 2014 from 92 percent in 2007, according to the Pew Research Center's Religious Landscape Study.