Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday 8 November 2015


Russia Wins While West Spins
By Finian Cunningham
Russia, has conducted its policy on Syria with principle and integrity. It is standing by the sovereign right of the Syrian people, as international law obliges. - 
Western Media's Despicable Justification of Terrorism
By David Macilwain
Western media's veritable gloating over the murder of tourists is another mark on their long record of shame -
'Make No Mistake About It, This Is a War'
By John Nichols
U.S. ground troops are being sent to Syria without congressional authorization. Why are so few members speaking up? -
Bush-41 Finally Speaks on Iraq War
By Felicity Arbuthnot
The elder Bush knew all too well what was happening. He also knew what his son George was capable of - not to mention the inclinations of Cheney, Rumsfeld and other white-collar criminals.-
Tony Blair Heading for Handcuffs and a War Crimes Indictment? 
By Felicity Arbuthnot
Further Revelations - "Bombshells". "Burning" the Evidence. - 
Who Supports the Troops?
By Sheldon Richman
Demanding an end to the wars in which the troops are fighting, killing, and dying seems not to count as support.-
On Bended Knee to Netanyahu
By Paul R. Pillar
Official Washington's liberal establishment is on bended knee in an obsequious show of obeisance -
I'm Ashamed of What's Happening in India
By Arundhati Roy
"intolerance" is the wrong word to use for the lynching, shooting, burning and mass murder of fellow human beings. -
Ex-GAO Head: US Debt Is Three Times More Than You Think
By Bradford Richardson
The former U.S. comptroller general says the real U.S. debt is closer to about $65 trillion than the oft-cited figure of $18 trillion. -

Hard News    

Syrian Army kills 39 terrorists in Hama province:
A Syria army unit killed more than 8 terrorists and injured 13 others from the so called "al-Jabha al-Shamiyeh" terrorist group in Maakraba village in Hama countryside.
Air raids kill 23 civilians near Damascus: activists:
At least 23 Syrian civilians were killed Saturday in airstrikes on a rebel-held town outside Damascus, activists said.
10 dead in Syria government raids on ISIS-held town: Pro-rebel activist:
At least 10 people were killed Sunday in Syrian government airstrikes on a town held by ISIS in northern Aleppo province, an activist said.
More US troops possible in Syria: Pentagon chief:
More US troops could "absolutely" be deployed to Syria if Washington identifies more "capable local forces" as partners in the fight against the Islamic State jihadist group, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said in an interview aired Sunday.
Democrats And Freedom Caucus Members Agree On Something: War Authorization:
An unusual coalition of House Democrats and Republicans on Friday urged Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to schedule a war authorization debate in response to the news that President Barack Obama is deploying U.S. troops in Syria.
US, allies conduct 31 strikes against ISIS: US military:
The attacks included 12 against fighting units and an ISIS supply cache in Syria and 19 in Iraq.
Bombs across Baghdad kill nine people: sources:
Bombs in and around Baghdad killed at least nine people on Saturday, police and medical sources said, highlighting security challenges that include Islamist militancy and sectarian conflict.
Yemen: At least 50 killed in Taiz:
More than 50 people have been killed in Yemen in the past two days in fighting between the Arab coalition and Houthi fighters backed by troops loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, medical sources and residents say.
Houthis push back towards Aden:
Houthis retake several key positions lost in southern Yemen in past months:
Fact or fiction?
Saudi stops deposed Yemeni president from fleeing:
He tried to board a Russian plane in Sanaa. Deposed Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh tried to flee the capital Sanaa aboard a Russian plane but he was prevented by the Saudi-led coalition imposing a ban on flights over the conflict-battered Arab country, Yemen's media reported on Friday.
Palestinian shot dead, 3 Israelis injured after suspected car attack: -
Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian Sunday after he allegedly carried out a suspected vehicular attack that left three Israelis injured near the Tapuah Junction south of Nablus, Israeli media reported.
Palestinian shot, injured after stabbing attack near Gush Etzion:
An Israeli security guard on Sunday shot a Palestinian woman following a stabbing attack at the entrance to the illegal Israeli settlement of Beitar Illit, near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc in the southern occupied West Bank, an Israeli army spokesperson said.
Most Israelis support extrajudicial killings:
Poll says more than 50 percent support killings of Palestinian suspects as politicians call for civilians to arm.
Israel to request $5 billion a year in "aid":
Israel has asked the United States to raise the amount of the annual defense aid from the current 3 billion dollars to 5 billion dollars, an American source revealed to Reuters.
Star-studded US gala raises $31m for IDF, in one night:
Actors Jason Alexander, Antonio Banderas, Liev Schreiber among guests at Beverly Hills event, with a performance by The Beach Boys
Netanyahu's new spokesman apologises for insulting Obama, Kerry:
Ron Baratz has accused Obama of anti-Semitism, suggested his own country's president was not important enough to assassinate and described Kerry as having the mental abilities of a 12-year-old.
9 killed in attack on bar in Burundi's capital:
At least nine people were killed in an overnight attack at a bar in the latest violence in Burundi's capital, witnesses said Sunday, as security forces went door-to-door to disarm civilians in neighborhoods seen as opposition strongholds.
Boko Haram suicide bombing kills two in Chad:
A twin suicide bombing by women attackers in the flashpoint area of Lake Chad on Sunday killed two people and wounded 14 others, a security source in the Chadian capital N'Djamena said.
Somali lawmaker dies after shooting: prime minister:
A Somali member of parliament has died hours after he was shot and wounded when gunmen sprayed his car with bullets, the prime minster said Sunday.
80 killed in fighting between Taliban rival groups:
"The fighting started from early Saturday morning in Khak-i-Afghan and Arghandab districts of Zabul Province. About 60 fighters of Mullah Dadullah and 20 of Akhtar Mansour have been killed," Farahi said.
Islamic State kidnaps, kills seven in southern Afghanistan: Police:
Islamic State militants kidnapped and killed seven people, including three women, in the southern province of Zabul, a police official said on Sunday, amid heavy fighting in the region between the group and Taliban insurgents.
20 'militants" killed in airstrikes in Pakistan:
At least 20 militants were killed in airstrikes in two separate areas of Khyber Agency in Pakistan's northwest tribal regions on Saturday, defence officials said.
Russia & China are 'challenging the world order' - US Defense Sec:
 Although the US military "do not seek" a new Cold War, it is determined to oppose the rising global powers - Russia and China - in order to protect the US-dominated "international order," US Defense Secretary Ash Carter has said.
Legendary US Army Commander Says Russia Would "Annihilate" US In Head-To-Head Battle:
Moscow's intervention in Syria has the West concerned that for the first time in nearly thirty years, The Kremlin doesn't fear a direct confrontation.
Investigators '90 percent sure' bomb downed Russian plane:
Investigators of the Russian plane crash in Egypt are "90 percent sure" the noise heard in the final second of a cockpit recording was an explosion caused by a bomb, a member of the investigation team told Reuters on Sunday.
Russian plane crash: Islamic State leaders 'celebrated' downing, communications indicate:
Communications between IS leaders in Raqqa, Syria and persons in the Sinai Peninsula included boasts about the Airbus A321M, operated by Metrojet, which crashed on Saturday en route to St Petersburg from the Red Sea resort of Sharm al-Sheikh, killing all 224 people on board.
No evidence that bomb caused Metrojet plane crash: Russian agency:
Russia said there is no evidence that the Metrojet A321 plane in Sinai was downed by a bomb on board, reported the Russian official news agency TASS on Saturday. He also confirmed that the only evidence is "certain noises recorded by the cockpit voice recorder". He stressed that it is too early "to say that they indicate an explosion"
Sound of explosion heard on Russian plane's black box: French TV:
According to the investigator, the explosion was not consistent with an engine failure, the report said.
ISIS-backed terror group Wilayat Sinai are named as the prime suspects in the downing of the Russian plane:
Also known as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, the Salafist Sunni group originally declared themselves Al Qaeda's wing in the Sinai in 2011, although they were never formally accepted by top terror chiefs.
British extremists linked to jet bomb:
London & Birmingham voices heard cheering disaster: BRITISH extremists were behind the bombing of a Russian jet over Egypt, intelligence experts believe.
British MPs push for military action in response to Egypt plane crash:
A majority of Labour are prepared to push for military involvement in Syria after a Russian passenger plane broke up in mid-air over the Sinai last week, a senior Labour MP has said.
ISIS's 'Most Potent' Crew Is Now in Sinai-and Says It Bombed Russia's Jet:
The terrorists claiming they took down Metrojet Flight 9268 aren't some run-of-the-mill jihadi crew but 'one of the most active and potent ISIS affiliates,' U.S. officials say.
US Coast Guard plane violates Venezuelan air space - defense minister:
"Forty-eight hours ago an intelligence plane of US Coast Guard raided Venezuelan region," Minister of Defense for the National Armed Forces of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Vladimir Padrino Lopez told the local media.
US border patrol staff reject body cameras:
It found operating cameras may distract agents while they're performing their jobs, may hurt employee morale, and may be unsuited to the hot, dusty conditions in which Border Patrol agents often work.
Watch: Ted Cruz Says Any President Who Doesn't Pray Daily Isn't Fit To Lead This Country:
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