Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 13 November 2015


US Gambling on War with Russia in Syria 
By Finian Cunningham
The hawks in the Pentagon and the CIA, seem to be willing to push the risk of a two-prong vice to its logical conclusion - a war with Russia in Syria. -
Did Russia Just "Gently" Threaten The USA?
By The Saker
We are the indispensable nation and f**k the rest of the planet!" Right? Wrong. What happened today is a gentle reminder of that.    -
Grandmaster Putin Beats Uncle Sam at His Own Game
By Mike Whitney
Obama may be down, but he's not out just yet. He still has a few more tricks up his sleeve and he's sure to use them before this thing is over.     -
The Gulf Arabs Slip Out of Dodge
By Paul R. Pillar
With little notice and no fanfare, the Gulf Arab states have withdrawn from significant participation in the war in Syria.    -
Remaking the Middle East: How the US Grew Tired and Less Relevant
By Ramzy Baroud 
US foreign policy continues unabated, with business as usual often guided by the preponderant norm that "might is right", and by ill-advised personal ambitions and ideological illusions. -
It's a $cam!
The American Way of War in the Twenty-First Century

By Tom Engelhardt
Every disaster in which the U.S. military takes part only brings more bounty to the Pentagon.   -
"War Is Beautiful" - "The Horror Makes The Thrill"
By John Pettegrew
The hawks in the Pentagon and the CIA, seem to be willing to push the risk of a two-prong vice to its logical conclusion - a war with Russia in Syria. -
A Stunning Anti-War Polemic
By Stephen Lendman
No wars are good ones. All are fought for wealth, power, conquest and dominance. No one endures their horrors without being scarred for life . -
Will Obama Give Israel even more American Weapons and Dollars to Kill Palestinians?
By Ann Wright
Israeli attacks on people in Gaza and the West Bank will end when we the citizens of the U.S. force our government to stop its military and diplomatic backing of the State of Israel.  -
This Ain't Your Grandfather's Civil Rights Movement
By Glen Ford
"More unarmed Black folks have been killed by police this year than were lynched in any years since 1923."  -
The Flood of Refugees into Europe: "The New Slave Trade"By Peter Koenig
Refugees are becoming the new slaves. Many are highly educated, but poor, hungry and without shelter. -
Portuguese Revolution Falls Far Short
By Paul Craig Roberts
In the Western world democracy has been decapitated. In Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Latvia, and the United States itself, there is no connection between the will of the people and the policies of the government. -
Hard News    

 ISIS takes 47 dead to Mosul; Peshmerga seize many more bodies:
The Islamic State group (ISIS) transferred 47 bodies of its dead fighters to the Mosul morgue, as dozens more corpses fell into the hands of the Peshmerga forces
40 ISIS dead in one Shingal village alone:
Forty Islamic State (ISIS) militants were killed in heavy clashes in one Shingal village alone in Thursday's assault by the Peshmerga, a Rudaw correspondent reported from the scene.
Kurdish forces seize Iraq's Sinjar town from Islamic State:
Kurdish peshmerga forces backed by U.S. air strikes seized the Iraqi town of Sinjar from Islamic State on Friday, a Reuters witness said, in one of the most significant counter-attacks since the militants swept through the north last year.
Kurdish forces claim to have cut off Isis supply line near Sinjar in Iraq:
Troops say they expect to enter northern Iraqi town and clear it soon in an operation that aims to test US plans to defeat militants using Kurds as proxies.
Suicide bomb in Baghdad kills at least 18: medics:
At least 18 people were killed and 41 wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up at the funeral of a pro-government Shi'ite Muslim fighter in Baghdad on Friday, Iraqi police and medical sources said.
At least 43 people killed as ISIS bloodies heart of Beirut :
SIS struck deep into Beirut's southern suburbs Thursday, killing at least 43 people and wounding over 200 in one of the deadliest spillovers into Lebanon of the nearly 5-year-old civil war in Syria.
Russian Warplanes Hit 289 Terrorist Targets in Syria in Two Days:
Russian warplanes have carried out 107 sorties and hit 289 terrorist targets in Syria over the past 48 hours, expanding the operation range from six to eight provinces, the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday.
Putin: Free Syrian Army shares intel on ISIS targets, US reluctant to cooperate:
Russia has been cooperating with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which shared their intelligence on Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) positions targeted by Russian airstrikes, said President Vladimir Putin in an interview on Friday.
'Jihadi John': US air strike targets Islamic State militant in Syria:
A US military source said there was a "high degree of certainty" he had been killed in Thursday's attack in Raqqa. Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born British militant, appeared in videos of the beheadings of Western hostages.
US-backed Syrian alliance seizes town near Iraqi border:
 A recently formed U.S.-backed Syrian rebel alliance captured on Friday the town of al-Houl in Hassakeh province that was held by ISIS fighters, a spokesman for the Kurdish fighters, part of the grouping, said.
Putin rolls out the big guns:
Russia deploys advanced 'Growler' anti-aircraft missile system in Syria able to hit jets at an altitude of up to 90,000 feet as far away as Tel Aviv
Putin says has no 'right' to ask Assad to leave power:
"Syria is a sovereign country, Bashar al-Assad is a president elected by the people. So do we have the right to discuss with him these issues? Of course not," Putin said in an interview with the Interfax and Anatolia news agencies.
Kerry: Uncertainty hangs over Syria talks:
According to a leaked version of the latest draft Russian proposal, Moscow wants ally Assad to stay in office during an 18-month transitional period.
Iran says will 'definitely' take part in Syria talks in Vienna:
Iran will "definitely" attend international talks in Vienna on the Syrian conflict this weekend, a foreign ministry spokesman said on state television without specifying the level of Tehran's delegation.
14 killed in southeast Turkey:
Authorities also said security forces had killed 11 militants of the banned Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) on Thursday in clashes in the towns of Cizre and Silopi, near Turkey's borders with Syria and Iraq. Three Turkish soldiers were killed on Friday in the mainly Kurdish southeast of the country.
Turkey to be offered €3bn to help curb influx of refugees to EU:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other EU leaders want to clinch a €3-billion deal with Ankara to curb the influx of asylum seekers coming to Europe from Africa and the Mideast. The EU wants Turkey to beef up its border patrols with Greece in return.
Coalition strikes, fighting kill 24 Yemen rebels:
Saudi-led coalition air strikes and attacks by pro-government forces killed at least 24 rebels Thursday in Yemen's south, where the insurgents have been pushing to regain lost ground, military sources said.
Explosion kills several worshipers at mosque in northwest Yemen: residents:
A bomb exploded Friday during midday prayers at a mosque frequented by Houthi supporters in Yemen's northwestern Mahwit region, killing several worshippers and wounding others, residents said.
2 Israeli settlers killed in shooting attack south of Hebron:
Two Israeli settlers were shot dead and another injured in a shooting attack on their car in the south Hebron hills in the southern occupied West Bank on Friday, Israel's army said.
Palestinian, 23, shot dead during Hebron-area clashes: -
Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian man Friday during clashes in the town of Halhul north of Hebron in the occupied West Bank. Hassan Jihad al-Baw, 23, died after being shot in the heart, doctors at Hebron's al-Ahli Hospital told Ma'an.
Palestinian dies from injuries after being shot by Israeli soldiers: -
A 22-year-old Palestinian died on Friday from wounds sustained a day earlier after being shot by Israeli soldiers in the Hebron district during clashes.
Undercover Israeli troops raid hospital, kill Palestinian:
Israeli undercover forces raided a hospital in the West Bank on Thursday, shooting dead a Palestinian during an attempt to detain another man suspected of carrying out a stabbing, the Palestinian health ministry and doctors said.
Amnesty: Hospital killing in Hebron an 'extrajudicial execution': -
Amnesty International said Thursday that the killing of a 28-year-old Palestinian by undercover Israeli forces during a raid on the al-Ahli hospital may amount to an "extrajudicial execution."
Video: Israeli forces chase, beat student in northern West Bank:
Once the student was on the ground, more soldiers exited the jeep and immediately circled the young man and began kicking and hitting him all over his body.
A look at illegal, Israeli settlement growth:
Some 570,700 settlers now live in the Palestinian territories, according to the latest Peace Now figures from the end of 2014, with 370,700 in the West Bank and 200,000 in east Jerusalem.. Virtually the entire international community, including the United States, views the settlements as illegal or illegitimate.
US backs new EU labeling guidelines for goods from illegal Israeli settlements:
The US State Department said on Thursday it doesn't consider the new EU rule banning "Made in Israel" tags on goods produced in the occupied West Bank as a boycott of the Zionist regime.
At least 22 dead in Central African Republic village attacks:
At least 22 people were killed in a string of raids on villages in Central African Republic this week, a local official and state radio said on Friday, as an escalation in violence threatened to derail a visit by the pope and crucial elections.
Afghan Official Claims Splinter Taliban Group Leader Killed:
A senior figure of a breakaway Taliban faction has been killed in battle between rival insurgent groups in southeastern Afghanistan, an Afghan police official said Thursday.
International Criminal Court cites evidence of NATO forces abusing Afghanistan detainees:
U.N. prosecutors said on Thursday they had evidence suggesting international forces in Afghanistan had caused serious harm to detainees by subjecting them to physical and psychological abuse.
Three killed in clashes in rebel east Ukraine:
One Ukrainian soldier and two civilians were killed in eastern Ukraine, officials said on Friday, as clashes between government forces and pro-Russian separatists intensified after two months of relative calm.
Islamic State video threatens attacks in Russia 'very soon':
Al-Hayat Media Center, Islamic State's foreign language media division, released a Russian language video with chants of "Soon, very soon, the blood will spill like an ocean"
Egypt Air barred from flying into Russia: Moscow airport: :
 Russian aviation authorites have banned Egypt Air from flying into the country, one of Moscow's airports said Friday (Nov 13), with Russian flights between the two countries already suspended following the passenger jet crash in Sinai.
End of Shengen? Europe's open-border policy on brink as refugee talks fail:
Europe is close to reintroducing border checks throughout the continent after emergency talks on the refugee crisis collapsed when EU members and Shengen area states failed to reach agreement.
Microsoft to host data in Germany to evade US spying:
Microsoft's new plan to keep the US government's hands off its customers' data: Germany will be a safe harbor in the digital privacy storm.
Report: Germany Spied on FBI, US Companies, French Minister:
German public radio station rbb-Inforadio reported Wednesday that the country's foreign intelligence agency spied on the FBI and U.S. arms companies, adding to a growing list of targets among friendly nations the agency allegedly eavesdropped on.
France demands answer on German spying:
French President Francois Hollande called Thursday for Berlin to supply all the information it had after reports Germany's foreign intelligence service spied on Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, saying it was not the kind of behaviour he expected between friendly countries.
ISPs say the "massive cost" of Snooper's Charter will push up UK broadband bills:
UK ISPs have warned MPs that the costs of implementing the Investigatory Powers Bill (aka the Snooper's Charter) will be much greater than the £175 million the UK government has allotted for the task, and that broadband bills will need to rise as a result.
Greek police tear gas anti-austerity protesters:
Police in Greece have fired tear gas to disperse anti-austerity demonstrators after brief clashes broke out in Athens.
Watch: Man TASERed To Death Had HANDS & FEET Shackled!
And Cops Continued To TASER Him :
'Million Student March' Wants Free College Education and Debt Forgiveness:
More than 100 college campuses are hosting student marches and rallies today to fight for the right to a free college education, the forgiveness of student debt, and a higher minimum wage for all campus workers.
America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs:
We visit Beattyville, Kentucky, blighted by a lack of jobs and addiction to 'hillbilly heroin'
GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win:
Some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney - despite his insistence that he will not run again.