Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 12 November 2015


US-Turkey Invasion Derailed by Syrian Army Triumph at Kuweires 
By Mike Whitney
ISIS is on the run, the myriad other terrorist organizations are progressively losing ground, Assad is safe in Damascus. -
UK Accuses U.S. Of Supporting Terrorists But Sells Out To Saudi Arabia
By Moon Of Alabama
The UK will support the Saudi position on the terrorist groups Ahrar al Shams, which is related to and closely cooperating with al-Qaeda, and the Saudis will buy more British weapons. -
Another Barking Mad Anti-Russian Story
By Finian Cunningham
This is trial-by-media with an unmistakable political agenda. A veritable show trial by the Western media based on no evidence, stacked up on allegations and prejudice. -
The UK Military, Jeremy Corbyn and the Threat of Dictatorship
By Chris Marsden
The public declaration of opposition to Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, by the head of the UK's armed forces is a milestone in the disintegration of British democracy. -
What Obama Should Have Told Bibi
By Philip Giraldi
Compared to other strategic partners in the region including Turkey and Egypt Israel is of little or no importance . -
Debt Serfdom in America
By Liaquat Ali Khan
As of October 2015, American consumers owe $8.17 trillion in mortgages, $900 billion in credit cards, and $1.19 trillion in student loans. -
300 Veterans, Some With PTSD, Are On Death Row: Report
By Tracy Connor
The case of Lockhart - whose brigade had a dozen other men charged with murder or attempted murder after coming home from Iraq - is highlighted in a new report. -
In Case You Missed It
Veteran's Day: A Time To Honor Duped Murderers?
By fishychick
I am sick of pretending that a person who joins today's army is a hero. They are a mercenary at best, and a murderer looking for legitimate employment at worst. -

Hard News    

 Rebel rocket attack kills 5 in Syria's Aleppo:
At least five civilians were killed on Wednesday by a fresh rebel rocket attack against a government-controlled neighborhood in the northern city of Aleppo.
Russian bomber destroys IS tanks, infantry vehicles in Syria's Homs - Defense Ministry:
The Russian aviation group in Syria has over the past 2 days made 85 sorties against 277 terrorist facilities in the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Latakia, Hama, Homs and Idlib
Syrian opposition provided intel to target terrorists around besieged key airbase - Russia:
Syrian government forces received intelligence on terrorist positions around the besieged Kweires airbase from opposition sources, which helped them lift the two-year blockade, the Russian Defense Ministry has revealed.
Free Syrian Army decimated by desertions:
In Aleppo, the rebel group has weakened as fighters leave due to low pay, poor conditions and fragmentation. Ahmad Jalal, 21, a field commander in the FSA, admitted that the salaries "can be as low as $50 a month, and sometimes salaries are not paid due to [lack of] support".
Israel warplanes strike near Syria airport: Report:
Israeli warplanes have struck targets near the international airport in the Syrian capital, Damascus, Syrian media says
Syria 'terrorist' list to be drawn up at Vienna talks: Britain:
Around 20 countries and international bodies will meet on Saturday in Vienna to try to push forward a peace plan for Syria that would include a ceasefire between Bashar al-Assad's regime and some opposition groups.
Syria : Russia 'peace plan' revealed ahead of key summit:
A Russian document circulating at the United Nations has proposed a constitutional reform process in Syria, lasting 18 months, to be followed by presidential elections.
Rebels dismiss Russian peace plan:
Syrian opposition figures and Gulf commentators dismissed on Wednesday a Russian draft proposal for a process to solve the Syrian crisis, saying Moscow's aim was to keep President Bashar al-Assad in power and marginalize dissenting voices.
US needs boots on the ground to 'occupy & govern' Syrian territories - Air Force secretary:
Washington needs "boots on the ground" in Syria in addition to its air campaign against ISIS, which is not fruitful despite some progress. US Air Force secretary has admitted that "ground forces" is a must in order to "occupy" and "govern" parts of Syria.
"It's Going To Take Years": US Air Force Calls For Ground Troops To "Occupy And Govern" Iraq, Syria:
One thing you might have noticed of late is that Washington seems to be preparing the US public for the possibility that the Pentagon is going to put "boots on the ground" in Syria and by "boots on the ground," we mean more than 50 "advisors."
US F-15s in Turkey to protect Americans from Russian strikes: Official :
US fighter jets have been deployed in Turkey to protect slower American warplanes from potential Russian or Syrian attacks, a Pentagon official says.
Erdogan offers 'friendly warning' against fueling conflict in Syria:
In an apparent reference to Russia's involvement in neighbouring Syria, he also offered a "friendly warning" that those adding fuel to the conflict would find themselves in the same fire.
Turkey: Syria land operation possible but not alone:
 Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said a ground forces operation in Syria could be possible but Turkey would not conduct such an operation alone, speaking in an interview with CNN International's Christiane Amanpour on Nov. 9.
Erdogan says allies approaching idea of "safe zone" in North Syria:
Turkey's allies in the fight against Islamic State are getting closer to the idea of forming a safe zone in Syria, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday, adding he saw positive developments on a no-fly zone and the carrying out of air operations.
5 killed in attacks, clash in southeast Turkey:
Two separate attacks blamed on the Kurdish rebels and a clash between the militants and Turkey's security forces have left four security personnel and one civilian dead in the southeast, officials and news reports said Wednesday.
US, allies conduct 11 strikes in Syria, 17 in Iraq: US military:
In Syria, strikes near al-Hawl, Dar Az Zawr, al-Hasaka, Mara and Palmyra, destroyed vehicles, fighting positions and two vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices. In Iraq, the strikes were concentrated around Sinjar, al Huwaijah and Ramadi, and also hit near Kisik, Mosul, Albu Hayat, destroying vehicles and weapons systems
28 killed in battles against IS militants in Iraq:
A total of 28 people were killed on Tuesday in clashes with Islamic State (IS) militants in northern and central Iraq, while reinforcement troops arrived near the IS-held city of Ramadi as the final attack to free the city from the extremist militants looms, security sources said.
With Ramadi encircled, Iraqi forces brace for urban warfare:
Iraqi forces appear better positioned than ever to launch an offensive against Islamic State militants controlling Ramadi, now that months-long efforts to cut off supply lines to the city are having an effect, but plenty of risks remain.
ISIS threatens the people of Ramadi with death in the event of raising white flags:
The member of Anbar Council Rajia Barakat announced on Wednesday, that ISIS elements have threatened the people of Ramadi of death in the event of raising white flags, pointing out that ISIS is trapping hundreds of families inside the city.
Extremists cheer killing of Americans in Jordan:
Islamic extremists are cheering a Jordanian for killing two Americans and at least three others at a police training facility on Monday, and urging followers to copy the man's attack. Supporters of the violence called 29-year-old Anwar Abu Zaid a "martyr," and said that his "beautiful news" should inspire copycats.
13 rebels killed in south ambush by Yemen loyalists:
Pro-government forces on Wednesday killed 13 rebel fighters in an ambush in Yemen´s south after the insurgents took back several positions in the area, a military source said.
Qatari soldier killed in Yemen:
A Qatar special forces soldier was killed in Yemen today, Qatar's foreign minister has said, marking this country's first reported casualty in the conflict.
Recognize Israeli annexation of Golan, Netanyahu hints to Obama:
The Israeli leader hinted that given the ongoing war across the border in Syria and the jihadist militias and Iranian-backed forces slowly taking over the country, Israel now seeks American recognition of its annexation of the Golan Heights.
Israel behind Arafat 'assassination': Palestinian inquiry:
Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - The head of the Palestinian team looking into the death of Yasser Arafat on Tuesday again accused Israel of assassinating the iconic Palestinian leader in a Paris hospital.
Watch: Two held for 'racist' beating of Bedouin youth:
 Two people were arrested Tuesday for beating a Bedouin youth as he was held on the ground by security guards at the Beersheba Mall on Sunday.
Abbas: Security, stability unattainable under Israeli occupation:
In a televised speech commemorating the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's death, Abbas said that Palestinians are determined to live with freedom and dignity and condemned Israel's plans to extend the occupation through settlement expansion, saying they made peace elusive.
EU orders consumer warning labels on goods produced in Palestinian occupied lands:
The European Commission has adopted new guidelines on labeling of products from Israeli-occupied Arab settlements. Brussels says the move is technical but Israel has called it discriminatory.
Lawmakers blast 'anti-Semitic' EU over illegal settlement labeling:
Politicians across spectrum criticize move, comparing it to boycotts and saying it won't advance peace; Foreign Ministry summons envoy
READ: Full European Union labeling guidelines:
Following is the full text of the European Union's announcement regarding the labeling of products made by Israelis in the West Bank, the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem:
13 soldiers killed in Libya fighting: Army:
At least 13 members of Libya's army were killed by violence on Tuesday in the east of the war-torn country, an army spokesman said. "Most of the soldiers were killed by landmines planted by terrorist organisations," spokesman Miloud al-Zawi told LANA, the official news agency of the internationally recognised government.
U.S. offers $27 million in rewards for information on al Shabaab commanders:
The U.S. Department of State said on its website that this included up to $6 million for information on Abu Ubaidah, the al Shabaab leader who took command in September 2014 after his predecessor, Ahmed Godane, was killed by a U.S. missile strike.
Thousands of Afghans march, demand justice for slain Shiites:
Anger and frustration over the brutal killings of seven members of Afghanistan's minority Hazaras spilled into the streets of Kabul on Wednesday, with about 10,000 people marching to demand justice for the Shite minority and calling on the government to do more to ensure the nation's security or step down.
Australia accused of denying detainees medical care:
Health workers say officials are preventing offshore refugees from getting much needed medical assistance in Australia.
America's new, more 'usable', nuclear bomb in Europe:
The B61 bomb, 180 of which are stockpiled in Europe, is getting an upgrade which will make it more "usable" in the eyes of some in the American military
Putin: Russia to develop strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defense shield:
According to the Russian president, the true goal of the US missile defense shield is to neutralize Russia's nuclear potential
U.S. Military Officials Aim to Bolster Troop Presence in Europe:
Senior U.S. military leaders have proposed sending more forces into Europe on a rotating basis to build up the American presence and are stepping up training exercises to counter potential Russian interference.
Former Putin aide Mikhail Lesin found dead in US hotel:
Mr Lesin worked as an aide to the presidency between 2004 and 2009, when he helped advise on the creation of the news channel Russia Today.
Fact or fiction?
Russian Emissary Death In US Spurs Flight To Moscow Of Plane Shootdown Terrorists:
Mikhail Lesin who had been dispatched to the United States by President Putin to act as his personal liaison with top Obama regime intelligence officials in negotiating the "circumstances/facts" surrounding the Islamic State's downing of Flight 9268 over Egypt.
Moscow tells Twitter to store Russian users' data in the country:
Legislation that came into force on September 1 requires both Russian and foreign social media sites, messenger services and search engines to store the data held on Russian users on servers located inside the country.
7 children among 14 dead in migrant boat sinking off Turkey:
A wooden boat carrying dozens of migrants sank off the Turkish coast on Wednesday, killing 14 people including seven children stuck inside the vessel's cabin, officials and reports said.
'Like a war': Calais residents terrified over 3rd night of clashes between police & refugees :
French police have used teargas and water cannon on migrants during clashes in the infamous Jungle refugee camp in French port of Calais on Tuesday night. Tensions on previous nights led to dozens of injured officers.
Germany refugee riot over torn Koran leaves 17 hurt:
Twenty people tried to lynch an Afghan man of 25 after he tore pages from the Koran and threw them in a toilet, according to reports in the town of Suhl. When police tried to intervene they also came under attack.
Refugee influx could cost Germany $22.58 billion this year:
Germany faces costs of over 21 billion euros ($22.58 billion)this year to house, feed and educate hundreds of thousands of refugees, the Munich-based Ifo institute said on Tuesday.
German intelligence 'spied' on Fabius, FBI, UN bodies:
Germany's foreign intelligence service spied on targets including French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, the FBI and the UN children's fund, a media report said Wednesday.
Europe pays tribute to war dead on Armistice Day:
Church bells tolled and officials laid wreaths across Europe on Armistice Day on Wednesday to pay tribute to the millions of soldiers killed during World War I.
El Chapo Manhunt Leaves 600 Displaced, 100 Children Traumitized:
"Mom, why are they trying to kill us?" a young girl asked her mother as they ran through the wilderness fleeing from a massive and indiscriminate attack by Mexican marines who opened artillery fire and dropped grenades on hundreds of innocent civilians
Trump Defends Immigration Plan, Recalls 'Operation Wetback':
The U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Tuesday praised a 1950s deportation program implemented by then President Dwight Eisenhower, known as "Operation Wetback," and used it to defend his promise to deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States.
Lawsuit: FBI raided New Mexico home with sleeping children:
A new federal lawsuit says FBI agents used military-grade stun grenades against three sleeping children during a 2013 pre-dawn raid of a New Mexico home. The lawsuit alleges that agents blindly detonated multiple explosive devices during the raid, inflicting shrapnel wounds and severe emotional trauma against the children.
Profit Prisons - Inmates Charged for Jail Stay, Left Buried in Debt When they Get Out:
Did you know that people who end up in prison for a variety of different reasons have a very good chance of being charged a fee for every day that they stay behind bars as if they were voluntarily staying at a hotel?