Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 6 November 2015


UK: Dubious Rights Protections in Investigatory Powers Bill 

The Investigatory Powers Bill is cause for concern around a variety of issues, from the protection of whistleblowers and journalistic sources to bulk hacking and data collection. ARTICLE 19 will be working with partners at Don’t Spy on Us to analyse and comment on the Bill. This will be a defining moment for democratic rights in the UK. Read more >


Turkey: New AKP Government must ensure Freedom of Expression

Having won an outright majority in last week's elections, President Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) must focus on fostering conditions for a diverse and pluralistic media, including by refraining from harassment of independent journalists and media outlets.Read more >


Brazil: The Marco Civil da Internet 

Despite progress in some areas, lack of regulation around this legislation continues to endanger freedom of expression, privacy, and the right to internet access.
Read more | The Marco Civil da Internet Analysis (EN) |Analise do Marco Civil da Internet (PT-)


Mexico: State of Censorship

A19's interactive documentary showing how fear, impunity and violence are commonplace when exercising the right to freedom of expression in Mexico.
Read more | State of Censorship | Estado de Censura (ESP)


Bangladesh: Murder, Violence, and Demonstration in Dhaka

Following the murder of Faisal Arefin Dipan, writer, blogger and publisher, and attacks on another editor as well as two writers, hundreds took to the streets of Dhaka. Writers, publishers, and bookshop-owners demonstrated, with books burned and businesses closed in protest against impunity around the murder of communicators.


Kenya: Silenced and Intimidated - Attacks on Freedom of Expression

Attacks on journalists have increased substantially in number in 2015, with 65 individual attacks on journalists and social media users.
Read more | Read the Report | Silence and Intimidation by Numbers Infographic


Rwanda: Government must commit to Freedom of Expression at UPR

The Rwandan Government must use the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review to make commitments to protect and promote the right to freedom of expression and information. Read more >


Freedom of Expression in East Africa

ARTICLE 19's monthly snapshot of Freedom of Expression in Eastern Africa.   Read the Newsletter >


Digital Rights: Who can you Trust?

 I have read and agreed to these terms and conditions
           ... No, you haven’t - they were long, complex, tedious, and designed for lawyers. Thankfully, Ranking Digital Rights have done it for you, launching a global ranking of the world’s most powerful Internet and telecommunications companies on issues of free expression and privacy.
Read More | The 2015 Ranking Digital Rights Corporate Accountability Index


How Erdogan tried to silence critics ahead of Turkey's election

Just a few days before the Turkish electorate went to the polls, viewers who were tuned into BugunTV witnessed some unexpected drama, as the channel broadcasted the police raid of its own offices, until the moment it was finally shut down. Read more >
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