Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Terrorism is always created and managed from governments and only from governments...

Sunday 8 November 2015

Terrorism is always created and managed from governments and only from governments...

The 11/08/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Pakistan’s spy service engages jihadis to vandalize Hindu sites in India
By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 03:03 pm

Pakistan’s spy service engages jihadis to vandalize Hindu sites in India
“Pakistani spy agency Inter–Services Intelligence (ISI) has engaged Indian Mujahideen terrorists to carry out vandalism at religious places in India for stoking communal tension.” That is, tension between Muslims and Hindus. This is by no means the first time that this Pakistani government agency has engaged in jihad activity; it was also implicated in the […]

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Report: UC Merced stabber was on terror watch list, had Islamic State flag
By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 02:58 pm

Report: UC Merced stabber was on terror watch list, had Islamic State flag
If the information in this report is true, then Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke was deliberately lying when he told the media that this attack had nothing to do with Faisal Mohammad’s Islamic faith. What is the motive of these people? When it comes to Islamic jihad attacks, virtually all public officials downplay the Islamic […]

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Michigan: Majority Muslim city council elected, “Today we show the Polish and everybody else”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 02:45 pm

Michigan: Majority Muslim city council elected, “Today we show the Polish and everybody else”
The nation’s first, but certainly not last, majority-Muslim city council has just been elected in Hamtramck, Michigan. Immediately one of the Muslims has caused controversy by showing himself to be somewhat less than the tolerant multiculturalist that he was no doubt assumed to be. Will we see any supremacist and pro-Sharia initiatives from this city […]

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India’s VP: Western countries wrong to link Islam with terrorism
By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 09:40 am

India’s VP: Western countries wrong to link Islam with terrorism
About Islamic jihadis linking Islam with terrorism, Dr. Ansari was silent. “Western countries linking Islam with terrorism not true: Ansari,” Daily Excelsior, November 7, 2015: NEW DELHI, Nov 6: Refuting the view by Western world that Asian countries are using Islam for encouraging terrorism, Vice-President M Hamid Ansari has said there is no place for […]

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Islamic State frees 37 kidnapped Syrian Christians
By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 09:27 am

Islamic State frees 37 kidnapped Syrian Christians
“Other reports suggest IS has been paid to free the hostages.” Kidnapping infidels and releasing them for ransom or enslaving them, as well as killing them if that option is deemed most advantageous for the Muslims, is fully sanctioned in Islamic law: “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the […]

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California school district bans drawing Muhammad
By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 09:08 am

California school district bans drawing Muhammad
The assignment was not meant to mock Muhammad or insult Muslims. It simply involved drawing pictures related to various Islamic terms: Koran, Mecca, Muhammad. The banning of images of Muhammad even at this level and with this intent is kowtowing to violent intimidation, which will only encourage more of it, and accepting Sharia restrictions on […]

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Maronite Patriarch of Antioch: Muslims want to conquer Europe with ‘faith and the birthrate’
By Ralph Sidway on Nov 07, 2015 08:51 am

Maronite Patriarch of Antioch: Muslims want to conquer Europe with ‘faith and the birthrate’
The cardinal said that “Muslims look on Christians as weak and believe that since they have no children and barely practice their faith, Islam will easily conquer them. Sadly, Muslims take their faith more seriously than most Christians, and they are gaining ground because of it.” And the weaker Christians and Westerners look, the more conquering […]

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New Jamie Glazov Moment: The Leftist Heart of Darkness
By Jamie Glazov on Nov 07, 2015 08:46 am

New Jamie Glazov Moment: The Leftist Heart of Darkness
In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, I dissect The Leftist Heart of Darkness, unveiling what resides in the heart of leftists to deny why Sonia Bibi was set ablaze for refusing a marriage proposal in the Muslim world.   Don’t miss it. The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Please donate through our Pay Pal account, subscribe […]

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Newsmax video: Raymond Ibrahim on downed Russian flight and Sisi’s Egypt
By Raymond Ibrahim on Nov 07, 2015 08:44 am

Newsmax video: Raymond Ibrahim on downed Russian flight and Sisi’s Egypt
I was recently interviewed by JD Hayworth on Newsmax TV. We discussed the significance of the downed Russian flight over Sinai — including how it ultimately belies ISIS’ weakness vis-a-vis heavy Russian bombardments — and the amorphous nature of Islamist groups in Sisi’s Egypt and elsewhere. The segment begins right around the 3-minute mark in […]

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“Palestinian” Muslims shoot Israelis worshiping at Hebron shrine
By Robert Spencer on Nov 07, 2015 06:28 am

“Palestinian” Muslims shoot Israelis worshiping at Hebron shrine
This AP story is heavily slanted toward the “Palestinian” side, as always with the mainstream media, but it still gives the reader an impression of what is happening in Israel: an escalating and increasingly bloody jihad against Israeli civilians. “Palestinian Shooting Attacks Signal Escalation in West Bank,” Associated Press, November 6, 2015: HEBRON, West Bank […]

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