Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 2 November 2015

The 11/02/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

German town of 100 forced to take 750 migrants
By Robert Spencer on Nov 01, 2015 07:19 pm

German town of 100 forced to take 750 migrants
What could possibly go wrong? Seriously, how long will it be before the migrants are in charge, and what will happen then? “German Town Of 100 Gets Enriched By 750 Migrants,” by Blake Neff, Daily Caller, October 31, 2015: German government officials have compelled a small town with just 102 people to take in approximately […]

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NYPD undercover officer foiled jihad bomb plot in NYC
By Robert Spencer on Nov 01, 2015 06:53 pm

NYPD undercover officer foiled jihad bomb plot in NYC
Pamela Geller sums it up: “This story quotes a Muslim professor saying that ‘for an undercover to be seeded in a community for that long without a specific target raises some deeply troubling questions about the direction of policing in our city.’ What should really raise some deeply troubling questions is that this program was […]

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Video: “Islam is coming to take over Germany whether you want it or not”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 01, 2015 06:39 pm

Video: “Islam is coming to take over Germany whether you want it or not”
This guy must be some kind of an Islamophobe: “Islam is coming to take over Germany whether you want it or not…not through war but by the fact that Germans don’t reproduce and Muslims have 7-8 children each…but not only that, your daughters will marry bearded Muslims and wear the hijab, their sons will wear […]

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Jihadis trained in Islamic schools of Pakistan and Afghanistan
By Robert Spencer on Nov 01, 2015 06:27 pm

Jihadis trained in Islamic schools of Pakistan and Afghanistan
“We teach our children the value of love above religious sentiments. We train them for peace and love. That’s why they are not involved in any kind of activity that’s detrimental to peace. Students who are educated in other institutions — they are the ones involved in violent activities.” “There are no jihadis here, because […]

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Germany’s Muslim population to quadruple in the next five years: 20 million Muslims by 2020
By Robert Spencer on Nov 01, 2015 01:54 pm

Germany’s Muslim population to quadruple in the next five years: 20 million Muslims by 2020
That’s five years from now. This will involve societal upheaval on an unimaginable scale. But it’s full speed ahead for the Merkel government, despite internal evaluations that lay it out plainly: “We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law. […]

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Islamic State school in Afghanistan: “We must implement God’s religion over all people”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 01, 2015 10:07 am

Islamic State school in Afghanistan: “We must implement God’s religion over all people”
What is the Kalashnikov for? “To defend the faith.” “We must implement God’s religion over all people. God says do jihad until intrigue, idolatry and infidelity are finished in the world.” One might almost think this had something to do with Islam. It would be refreshing if some Muslim spokesman in the West would explain […]

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Christian leader invites Islamic State leaders to dinner, they respond, “We’ll chop your head off”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 01, 2015 09:33 am

Christian leader invites Islamic State leaders to dinner, they respond, “We’ll chop your head off”
Here in a nutshell is the encounter between Postmodern Man and the Man given to ancient and ineluctable realities of human nature. One wants to talk it all out, the other wants to kill. That’s all there is to it. One thinks we ought to be able to rise above all that, and the other […]

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UK’s four largest prisons: Muslim prisoners demand jizya from non-Muslim prisoners
By Robert Spencer on Nov 01, 2015 09:12 am

UK’s four largest prisons: Muslim prisoners demand jizya from non-Muslim prisoners
“One Whitehall source told the Sunday Times that the tax may have been inspired by the actions of ISIS, who are well known to demand jizya from non-Muslims living in Syria and Iraq.” Or maybe they got the idea from the Qur’an: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold […]

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New Jamie Glazov Moment: We Love You, Asia Bibi
By Jamie Glazov on Nov 01, 2015 08:57 am

New Jamie Glazov Moment: We Love You, Asia Bibi
In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, I proclaim We Love You, Asia Bibi. The video is dedicated to a Christian mother of five who is awaiting execution for loving Jesus in solitary confinement in Pakistan. I share Asia’s horrifying ordeal and ask: Who will stand for her?   Please watch and spread the message. Thank you. […]

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