Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday 4 November 2015

The 11/04/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Muhammad Had “British Values”?
By Robert Spencer on Nov 04, 2015 08:45 am

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Muhammad Had “British Values”?
In FrontPage today I discuss a new attempt to sell more Islam in the schools in the UK — as the solution to “extremism,” of course. How best to fight against the global jihad? The claim is increasingly common in the West that the best way is…more Islam. “This is a golden opportunity,” wrote the […]

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UN: Iran’s human rights record worse under Rouhani than Ahmadinejad
By Robert Spencer on Nov 04, 2015 08:37 am

UN: Iran’s human rights record worse under Rouhani than Ahmadinejad
Rouhani, you’ll remember, is a “moderate” according to the international media. He is supposed to represent a departure from Ahmadinejad, Iran’s coming in from the cold. Reality, as always, is different. “UN Report: Iran’s Human Rights Record Worse Under Rouhani than Ahmadinejad,” by Adelle Nazarian, Breitbart, November 2, 2015 (thanks to Cecilia): A report released […]

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Kerry urges Tajikistan not to go overboard in its crackdown on Islam
By Robert Spencer on Nov 04, 2015 08:27 am

Kerry urges Tajikistan not to go overboard in its crackdown on Islam
“Secretary of State John F. Kerry on Tuesday urged the president of Tajikistan not to go overboard in its crackdown on political Islam and expressions of faith….Although the population is 98 percent Muslim, several peaceful Muslim groups have been banned and their offices forced to close. Under the pretext of combatting Islam, men with long […]

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Muslims in Australia give $35 million to fund jihad terror
By Robert Spencer on Nov 04, 2015 08:12 am

Muslims in Australia give $35 million to fund jihad terror
“Australia is on high alert for attacks by radicalised Muslims or by home-grown militants returning from fighting in the Middle East, having raised its threat level to ‘high’ and unleashed a series of high-profile raids in major cities.” “Home-grown militants returning from fighting in the Middle East” should not be allowed to reenter Australia. By […]

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As jihadis attack Kurds, so do the Turks
By Robert Spencer on Nov 04, 2015 07:38 am

As jihadis attack Kurds, so do the Turks
Once again the question arises: which side are the Turks on? The Erdogan regime has never been much interested in moving against the Islamic State, and continues to fight against the Kurds, who are standing against the Islamic State. It is likely that Erdogan hopes that the Islamic State will eliminate the Kurds, and then […]

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Philippines: Muslims demand $60 million for 3 non-Muslim hostages
By Robert Spencer on Nov 04, 2015 07:17 am

Philippines: Muslims demand $60 million for 3 non-Muslim hostages
Kidnapping infidels and releasing them for ransom or enslaving them, as well as killing them if that option is deemed most advantageous for the Muslims, is fully sanctioned in Islamic law: “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them […]

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Swedish editor wants to “fill land with ISIS” to get rid of anti-immigrant Swedes
By Robert Spencer on Nov 04, 2015 06:58 am

Swedish editor wants to “fill land with ISIS” to get rid of anti-immigrant Swedes
How quickly would the Islamic State jihadis that Theodor Stig-Matz would welcome into Sweden capture and behead him? Do you think they would pause long enough to commiserate with him about how racist those horrible Sweden Democrats are? He says he was being ironic. However, Leftists all over the West have been much more willing […]

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Spain: Muslims break into church, spray “Allah” on wall, destroy crucifix
By Robert Spencer on Nov 04, 2015 05:40 am

Spain: Muslims break into church, spray “Allah” on wall, destroy crucifix
Why did they do this? The church must have “provoked” the poor dears. Maybe the priest or deacon drew a picture of Muhammad, or “poked them in the eye” in some other way. After all, we know that Islam is a Religion of Peace, and that Muslims would never, ever do something like this unless […]

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Egypt: Christian tortured for refusing Islam
By Raymond Ibrahim on Nov 04, 2015 05:28 am

Egypt: Christian tortured for refusing Islam
A Christian man was abducted and tortured for refusing to convert to Islam last week in Egypt. Fayiz Fouad, a Coptic Christian, was kidnapped as he was returning from a visit to the St. George Coptic Orthodox Monastery in Qena. His vehicle was forcefully stopped in a Nag Hammadi village that he had to cross […]

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New Glazov Gang: Stephen Coughlin on ‘Catastrophic Failure’
By Jamie Glazov on Nov 04, 2015 05:19 am

New Glazov Gang: Stephen Coughlin on ‘Catastrophic Failure’
In this special edition of The Glazov Gang, I was joined by Stephen Coughlin, the co-founder of and the author of the new book, Catastrophic Failure. He came on the show to discuss his book and How American Leadership is Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad. Don’t miss it! The Glazov Gang is […]

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Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” tries to murder Israeli on international flight
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 07:46 pm

Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” tries to murder Israeli on international flight
“He came up behind my seat and started to choke me with a lot of force, and at first I couldn’t get my voice out and call for help. He hit me over the head with a metal tray and shouted ‘Allah akbar’ and ‘I will slaughter the Jew.'” Imagine the international outcry if a […]

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Spain: Three Muslims “set to commit Charlie Hebdo attack” arrested in dawn raids
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 06:45 am

Spain: Three Muslims “set to commit Charlie Hebdo attack” arrested in dawn raids
They were affiliated with the Islamic State. What Charlie Hebdo-like targets they intended to hit have not been revealed. “Spain terror alert: Three men ‘set to commit Charlie Hebdo attack’ arrested in dawn raids,” by Gerard Couzens, Express, November 3, 2015 (thanks to Lookmann): POLICE in Spain say they have arrested three Moroccans who were […]

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Al-Qaida top dog Al-Zawahiri calls for lone wolf jihad attacks in U.S. and other Western countries
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 06:35 am

Al-Qaida top dog Al-Zawahiri calls for lone wolf jihad attacks in U.S. and other Western countries
“The first matter is striking the West and specifically America in its own home, and attacking their interests that are spread everywhere. The supporters of Israel must pay with their blood and their economy.” This will lead Leftists and anti-Semitic paleocons to think that if the U.S. stopped supporting Israel, there would be no more […]

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Al-Qaida: Islamic State divides Muslims instead of targeting Jews and Christians
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 06:26 am

Al-Qaida: Islamic State divides Muslims instead of targeting Jews and Christians
“Instead of directing their fight towards the enemies of the Ummah, and instead of directing their arrows towards the Jews and Christians, they choose to direct their arrows towards the chests of Muslims.” The Qur’an forbids Muslims to kill other Muslims (4:92), although death is mandated for heretics and apostates, and that’s the Islamic State’s […]

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Sharia punishment: Islamic State in West Africa amputates hands of two thieves
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 06:11 am

Sharia punishment: Islamic State in West Africa amputates hands of two thieves
As the Heavy story notes, this is in complete accord with the Qur’an. But in the West, if you take note of what the Qur’an says and see that jihad groups are acting in accord with it, and if you point out that Sharia is incompatible with numerous Constitutional principles, you’re a racist, bigoted “Islamophobe.” […]

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US military wasted $43 million of taxpayer money on useless Afghanistan gas station
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 05:51 am

US military wasted $43 million of taxpayer money on useless Afghanistan gas station
The gas station should have cost no more than $500,000. And that’s not even the worst of it: the entire Afghan enterprise, all the lives and all the billions, have been entirely wasted. Afghanistan is not a reliable ally now and will not be in the future. Nor is it a secular republic that respects […]

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Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Iran’s Parliament Says ‘Death to America’ Chant Is the ‘Symbol of the Islamic Republic’
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 05:38 am

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Iran’s Parliament Says ‘Death to America’ Chant Is the ‘Symbol of the Islamic Republic’
Remember when John Kerry told us they didn’t really mean it? My latest in PJ Media: As he was concluding the calamitous nuclear agreement with Iran last summer, John Kerry asked the Iranians to cut out the “Death to America” chants. (This was not long before he told an astonished world that the chants did […]

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UK’s Independent: Muhammad had British values, so fight “extremism” by teaching more Islam in schools
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 05:28 am

UK’s Independent: Muhammad had British values, so fight “extremism” by teaching more Islam in schools
This is just the sort of thing the addled Leftists of the Independent eat up by the truckload. But let’s look into some of the British values that Islamic tradition holds Muhammad as having taught: Women must cover everything but their face and hands: “‘O Asma’, when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it […]

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Video: Thousands march against Muslim migrant invasion in Dresden
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 05:07 am

Video: Thousands march against Muslim migrant invasion in Dresden
Resistance is growing. This Pegida march in Dresden takes 20 minutes to pass the camera. Video thanks to Marc.

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Somalia: Muslim group ambushes military trainees, says it murdered 30
By Robert Spencer on Nov 03, 2015 05:01 am

Somalia: Muslim group ambushes military trainees, says it murdered 30
Regarding the attack on the hotel, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said: “We want to confirm that such terrorist acts does not mean Shabab’s revival, but in the contrary shows clear signs that they are in desperate situation.” Here is yet more indication of their desperation. “Islamist al Shabaab ambushes Somali military trainees, says kills […]

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