Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday 10 November 2015

The 11/10/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Senegal: Four imams arrested for jihad terror activities
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 06:48 pm

Senegal: Four imams arrested for jihad terror activities
Imams? How could this happen? Don’t they know the Qur’an teaches peace? John Kerry should jet over to Senegal and explain Islam to these imams. Too much misunderstanding goingon. “Senegal authorities arrest 7 for suspected extremism ties,” Associated Press, November 7, 2015 (thanks to Lookmann): DAKAR, Senegal — A Senegalese judge says four imams and […]

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Canadian mag puts jihad murderer on cover, portrays him as victim
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 06:28 pm

Canadian mag puts jihad murderer on cover, portrays him as victim
“It’s a disgrace that he is on the cover of a mainstream news magazine, being portrayed as a victim, and in the company of two real victims, including a victim of Islamic terrorism.” Quite so — and of a piece with the mainstream media’s avid desire to portray Muslims as victims, no matter what the […]

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UK: “I’m going to come right away and blow up the shop…I’m a Muslim”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 06:05 pm

UK: “I’m going to come right away and blow up the shop…I’m a Muslim”
“Following an appeal from the defendant’s mother and sister, District Judge Quentin Purdy granted him conditional bail…Ahmed is forbidden from contacting the French Bookshop or any members of staff and must not enter the London Borough of Kensington & Chelsea or leave the area surrounded by the M25 while on bail. He will be fitted […]

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Sharia in the Netherlands: police confiscate Muhammad cartoons at freedom rally
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 02:52 pm

Sharia in the Netherlands: police confiscate Muhammad cartoons at freedom rally
Drawing Muhammad is not illegal under Dutch law or the law of any other Western country. It is only illegal under Islamic law. The Dutch police, in confiscating these cartoons, have become enemies of the freedom of speech and free society, and enforcers of Sharia. “WATCH: Police Confiscate Mohammed Cartoons At Dutch Anti-Islam Rally,” by […]

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Jews not invited to Swedish Kristallnacht commemoration: “security risk”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 02:37 pm

Jews not invited to Swedish Kristallnacht commemoration: “security risk”
It is becoming increasingly common for cowards and trimmers to use real and imagined security risks as a fig leaf to cover up their slavish adherence to the norms dictated by authoritarian political correctness. “Critics claim that Hägglund’s omission must be due to the crowd he invited to the event, implying that it could only […]

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Jordan policeman murders American and South African trainers
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 02:28 pm

Jordan policeman murders American and South African trainers
“In the absence of any other obvious motive for the shooting it will be assumed that the killings were intended as an act of solidarity with militant groups in the Middle East.” “Jordan policeman kills American and South African trainers,” BBC, November 9, 2015: A Jordanian policeman has opened fire at a police training centre […]

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UK: Muslim official nixes anti-Islamic State presentation at University College London
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 01:32 pm

UK: Muslim official nixes anti-Islamic State presentation at University College London
The British government several years ago banned me from entering the country. The UK Home Office’s letter explained that this was because I had stated that Islam had a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers, which is tantamount to banning me for pointing out that the sky is blue. The same Home Office, meanwhile, has allowed […]

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Jerusalem: Muslim repeatedly hits Israeli tour guide over the head with a glass bottle
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 12:14 pm

Jerusalem: Muslim repeatedly hits Israeli tour guide over the head with a glass bottle
“The terrorist, 22-year-old Omar Alfrouk Abidaya of the southeastern Jabel Mukaber neighborhood, was charged with aggravated assault and an attempt to seriously wound his victim in a racially motivated attack.” This indicates the myopia and willful ignorance that persists at the highest levels, even in Israel, where Muslim clerics openly call for genocide and jihadis […]

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Pakistan: Christians build churches despite death threats
By Robert Spencer on Nov 09, 2015 10:07 am

Pakistan: Christians build churches despite death threats
Javed David doesn’t seem to understand the situation. Muslims have threatened David and warned him to stop building new churches. So why is he going ahead? Why is he needlessly and recklessly poking them in the eye? They told him they didn’t like this activity — doesn’t he realize how much he is harming Muslim-Christian […]

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New Glazov Gang — Sweden: On the Verge of Collapse
By Jamie Glazov on Nov 09, 2015 09:02 am

New Glazov Gang — Sweden: On the Verge of Collapse
In this new special edition of The Glazov Gang, I was joined by Ingrid Carlqvist, a Senior Distinguished Fellow at the Gatestone Institute. Ingrid came on the show to discuss Sweden: On the Verge of Collapse, unveiling the cliff that Sweden is speeding toward — as the mass wave of Muslim “refugees” overwhelms the country. […]

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