Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 12 November 2015

The 11/12/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

German nightclub refuses migrants to protect women from harassment
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 06:42 pm

German nightclub refuses migrants to protect women from harassment
“It was never an issue for us what religion, background or skin colour guests have. Everyone comes in as long as he respects a few basic, self-evident rules,” said the club. They’re aware, however, that certain men tend to see women who are unveiled and non-Muslim as “uncovered meat,” to be taken at will. Watch […]

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France: Police and migrants clash for third straight night in Calais ‘Jungle’
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 06:15 pm

France: Police and migrants clash for third straight night in Calais ‘Jungle’
One would think that genuine refugees would be peaceful and grateful to their hosts. But this is a hijrah. “Police and migrants clash for third straight night in Calais ‘Jungle,'” AFP, November 11, 2015 (thanks to C. Cantoni): Clashes erupted between police and migrants of a makeshift camp near the northern French port of Calais […]

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IMF chief: Islamic finance has “potential to promote financial stability”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 05:51 pm

IMF chief: Islamic finance has “potential to promote financial stability”
“He said the Islamic system channels credit into productive investments that are socially responsible and not in wasteful speculative activity.” Productive investments, i.e., no pork, no alcohol, nothing that doesn’t comply with Sharia. Lagarde wants to promote financial stability at the expense of the West’s culture and character, but in that she is no different […]

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Muslim plots jihad mass murder in France after being twice prevented from traveling to Syria
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 12:32 pm

Muslim plots jihad mass murder in France after being twice prevented from traveling to Syria
Authorities in Western countries who work so hard to prevent Muslims from traveling to Syria and Iraq to wage jihad seem to have given insufficient attention to the possibility that those whom they have prevented from traveling may try to wage jihad at home. Now we see exactly that happening. “France arrests man in IS-linked […]

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UK Muslim who plotted to behead British civilian named his kitten “7/7”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 12:11 pm

UK Muslim who plotted to behead British civilian named his kitten “7/7”
“We should link up on 9/11 for a chill out. It will feel good. Happiness in the air.” The self-proclaimed lovers of death glory in its most gruesome manifestations. Since the prevailing view in Britain is that poor dears such as Yousaf Syed are provoked to jihad by “Islamophobia,” the Cameron government better go to […]

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Al Nusra’s Lion Cubs Religious Academy: “All the Christians and a message to America, your grave is in Syria”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 11:19 am

Al Nusra’s Lion Cubs Religious Academy: “All the Christians and a message to America, your grave is in Syria”
“The war gains belong to God and the messenger…Oh mother, don’t be sad, I’ve chosen the land of jihad. Wipe your tears, I only went to fight the Jews…All the Christians and a message to America, your grave is in Syria, our Front is victorious…They don’t want jihad. They don’t want Allah’s laws…Youths will establish […]

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Carson on the Islamic State: “We have to destroy their caliphate…before they destroy us”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 10:51 am

Carson on the Islamic State: “We have to destroy their caliphate…before they destroy us”
“We’re talking about global jihadists, and their desire is to destroy us and to destroy our way of life….our goal is not to contain them but to destroy them before they destroy us.” Why is it so rare to hear presidential candidates make such simple, obvious and commonsensical statements? “Carson on ISIS: ‘Destroy Their Caliphate,’” […]

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UK Muslims claim to be “negatively affected” by counter-terrorism policies
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 10:36 am

UK Muslims claim to be “negatively affected” by counter-terrorism policies
Don’t fight against jihad terror, it will only provoke jihad terror. Apparently the Islamic Human Rights Commission expects the British government to do nothing in the face of the jihad terror threat beyond demonizing and persecuting more foes of jihad terror — under the guise of combating “anti-Muslim hatred.” The cowering dhimmi government of David […]

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Egyptian TV host to atheist: “We don’t want any atheists or infidels here”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 11, 2015 10:01 am

Egyptian TV host to atheist: “We don’t want any atheists or infidels here”
This exchange doesn’t ever get anywhere close to being a rational discussion. Its very failure to do so, however, is yet another illustration of the deep hostility Islam inculcates toward opposing viewpoints: “Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow him are merciful to one another, harsh to disbelievers” (Qur’an 48:29). There is no […]

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Islamic State bombs Christian convent in Iraq
By Raymond Ibrahim on Nov 11, 2015 09:24 am

Islamic State bombs Christian convent in Iraq
The Islamic State reportedly detonated the convent belonging to the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena on the morning of November 5. The explosion of the convent caused considerable damage to adjacent buildings. According to the Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights and other media, this latest attack by the “caliphate” occurred in Tel Keppe—“Hill of […]

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