Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 2 November 2015

The European Union Times

Posted: 01 Nov 2015 06:20 AM PST

The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is reporting today that the catastrophic destruction of Kolavia Flight 9268 that had departed from Egypt’s Sharm El-Sheikh in route to Saint Petersburg yesterday was due to its being struck by a portable surface-to-air missile device fired by Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, and which these “barbarians”posted video of and took responsibility for in their social media postings.
According to this report, Flight 9268, an Airbus A321, vanished from radars at 4:14am GMT yesterday while overflying the northeastern region of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and had not issued any emergency transmissions (SOS) prior to it catastrophic destruction that caused the deaths of 224 passengers and crew and resulted in a massive debris field of 16 square kilometers (6 square miles).

At the exact same time Flight 9268 was destroyed, this report continues, Aerospace Forces high command issued an “urgent/immediate” report that the highly secretive Olymp (Olympus) satellite operating over this region had detected the launching of a “range-enhanced” British man-portable surface-to-air missile designated as a Starburst.
Important to note, this report explains, are that all known missiles, such as the Starburst, have a unique “signature” upon their firing that is programmed into the Olymp satellite so that the detection of these weapons can be instantly made and defended against.
However, this report further says, the detection “devices” providing protection against the launching of these types of missiles is only present in Federation warplanes, and not civilian aircraft like Flight 9286, thus it had no ability to either evade or defend itself against this type of attack.
As to how Islamic State terrorists obtained such a lethal weapon of war such as this Starburst, this report continues, is due to British company Thales Air Defence providing these missiles to Saudi Arabia under a contract signed in 2007, and who openly operates in this kingdom too, and their shipment of them to Kuwait military forces.
With wealthy donors in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia supporting the Islamic State, this report continues, Federation military forces have long prepared for both British and American weapons, such as the Starburst missile, given to these nations to find their way into these terrorists possession, but did not envision their use against civilian aircraft as the retaliation against them for doing so would be “staggering”.
But with Aerospace Forces now obliterating these Islamic State terrorists in Syria, this report notes, their US-Saudi-Kuwait “founders and sponsors” have begun to panic to such as a degree that the Obama regime has now ordered US military forces into this war zone as “human shields” to protect ISIS, and the deliberate targeting of innocent civilian aircraft has become acceptable to them too.
To the measure of retaliation the Federation will use for this deliberate war crime, this report concludes, has yet to be decided—but with Prime Minister Medvedev stating earlier today that this attack “will be avenged” after hisappointment by President Putin to head the commission examining this crisis, it remains a known fact that Russia has never taken lightly the killing of innocent children, mothers, daughters and grandmothers, and which the Chechens can well attest to.

Posted: 01 Nov 2015 06:09 AM PST

The Kogalymavia airliner did not send an SOS call before it suddenly “disappeared off the radar.” A Russian passenger airliner crashed early Saturday in the Sinai Peninsula en route from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg.
A top Russian investigative committee has begun a criminal investigation into the crash.
The Islamic State took responsibility for the downing.
Russia, however, has said the claim “can’t be considered accurate.”
The Islamic State and other jihadi groups have vowed to retaliate against Russia for its airstrikes in Syria and its defense of Bashar al-Assad.
The Islamic State in the Sinai
Following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and “unprecedented clashes” in the lawless Sinai, elements of the Ansar Bait al-Maqdis group claimed allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State.
The group is made up largely of Bedouins, Egyptians and foreign jihadists. It has declared the Egyptian army and police to be apostates that can be killed.
Ansar Bait al-Maqdis has bombed pipelines that carry gas from Egypt to Israel and Jordan numerous times, has attacked police and military intelligence facilities, has taken responsibility for car bombings in Cairo and has reportedly carried out attacks inside Israel.
A large number of attacks have occurred in and around Hasna where the Russian airliner went down.
The group is thought to have missile technology. In January 2014 a rocket was launched from the Sinai to Eilat, Israel. It was intercepted by the Iron Dome system. Ansar Bait al-Maqdis took responsibility for the launch.
The same month Ansar Bait al-Maqdis claimed it had shot down a military helicopter in the Sinai.
It also claimed to have launched three Grad rockets from the Sinai into southern Israel near the Gaza Strip.
The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy says “the group is known to be the strongest and best coordinated in Egypt, and it is in possession of advanced weaponry, including man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS), rocket-propelled grenades, Grad rockets, and mortars.”
MANPADS, however, are not capable of downing aircraft at 30,000 feet.
In June, 2014 it was reported that ISIS acquired Stinger missiles from army bases they had taken over in Iraq. The Stinger missile is a low-altitude missile capable of reaching aircraft at 10,000 feet.
On July 17, 2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine, reportedly with a medium-range surface-to-air Buk missile. Advanced variants of the Russian Buk have a range of 30 miles and can reach an altitude of nearly 80,000 feet.
Posted: 01 Nov 2015 06:03 AM PST

Hundreds of people have taken to the streets of Sicily protesting against Trident Juncture 2015, the largest military maneuvers in more than a decade, which NATO claims are designed to adapt the alliance to “emerging security challenges.”
The protesters marched through the streets of the city of Marsala, less than 10 miles (16km) from Vincenzo Florio Airport. The airport is a base for the 37th Wing of the Italian air force and is one of the forward operating bases (FOBs) used by NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control.
Organized by the “No war, no NATO” group, activists from all corners of the Italian island marched with banners reading “Sicily is not laboratory of the war” and “Sicily is no war zone”. People urged the Italian government to better invest in education and the medical sector rather than military activity.
Accompanied by police in riot gear, the procession blocked traffic in the city center as protesters proceeded to reach Victory Square. A large portion of the crowd expressed concern with NATO activities disturbing the local tourism industry.
The US-led Trident Juncture 2015 military exercises which began on October 19 involve 36,000 troops from 30 countries. More than 160 aircraft including fighter jets, helicopters, surveillance planes, and drones, operating from 15 air bases in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, the three Allies hosting Trident Juncture are also taken part in the maneuvers. The exercises are the biggest NATO military exercise to take place since 2002.
NATO has significantly stepped up its military presence and activity along the Russian border, including in the Baltic states and eastern Europe, since Russia’s reunification with Crimea and the outbreak of conflict in eastern Ukraine, which the alliance blames on Moscow. Russia views NATO’s ongoing expansion and constant military activity as hostile and destabilizing.
Posted: 01 Nov 2015 05:57 AM PST
Heat-seeker ‘grenades’ have been developed by a group of British scientists to annihilate cancer tumors.
In military, missiles equipped with infrared homing are the ones that dash towards targets giving off infrared radiation like the emissions of a jet engine. They are simply called heat-seeker missiles. In the realm of biology and medicine, cancer cells have been observed to grow and multiply much faster than the healthy ones. The fast multiplication demands more food, and receiving more food requires the cancer cells to build up their own blood vessels. The higher metabolism of cancer cells, then, means that cancerous cells are hotter than the surrounding tissue. Now, with the heat-seeking missile technology in mind, could one think of a tech capable of targeting hot cancer cells without damaging the cooler healthy ones? This is exactly the question that a group of British researchers had in mind.
Researchers at Manchester University have made a group of liposomes, the tiny spherical vesicles, heat-sensitive and then filled them with chemotherapeutic agents to target heat-emitting cancer cells.
Built out of cell membrane and usually used in the body to deliver molecules into cells just like cellular postal service, the liposomes are now “heat-activated grenades” that find hot cancer cells and inject lethal contents into the enemy structure to destroy it.
Stable at lower temperatures, the secret armies of heat-activated liposomes “explode” and release their healing contents only at 42 degrees Celsius as soon as they reach the cancer cells.
“Once they reach a ‘hotspot’ of warmed-up cancer cells, the pin is effectively pulled and the drugs are released. This allows us to more effectively transport drugs to tumors, and should reduce collateral damage to healthy cells,” said Kostas Kostarelos, the study author and professor of nanomedicine at the university.
According to Kostarelos, turning liposomes into carriers of cancer medicines has been “a holy grail” of nanomedicine and dispatching liposomes on a new mission could be an effective way of targeting treatment towards cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.
The new tech has been tested on a group of mice implanted with colon and rectal cancer tumors, which led to a “greater uptake” of chemotherapy drugs in cancerous tissues with reduced side effects.
The novel findings will be presented at the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer Conference in Liverpool scheduled to open on Sunday.
Posted: 01 Nov 2015 05:45 AM PST

German government officials have compelled a small town with just 102 people to take in approximately 750 migrants from Syria and other countries, The New York Times wrote Saturday.
Sumte, a small town at the western fringe of the former East Germany, was informed earlier this month by its municipal government that it had been assigned to accept over a thousand of the asylum seekers that have poured into Germany over the course of 2015. The number was so high that mayor Christian Fabel first thought it was a joke, but after a storm of local protest, the figure was lowered to 750, not out of sympathy but because it was believed a thousand would overwhelm the town’s sewage system.
The municipal government plans to house migrants inside an abandoned office building, but other than that, services for them will be scarce. Sumte has no school, no shops, and extremely limited public transportation options. Residents have expressed fears that the migrants, who are disproportionately young men, will bring a crime wave that will make it unsafe to go outside. Officials have responded by saying it will still be perfectly safe to go out at night, because the town’s streetlights will stay lit.
The Times’ write-up, by reporter Andrew Higgins, suggests the biggest problem for Sumte isn’t crime or other issues that could potentially arrive with the refugees, but rather the possibility that their arrival could make locals question the wisdom of nearly limitless immigration. The migrants, he says, have proved to be political boon for Holger Niemann, a member of the local council described as a nationalist who seeks to preserve Germany’s genetic heritage.
Niemann’s anti-immigrant opinions are upsetting town members who say they are simply incompatible with democracy:
Reinhold Schlemmer, a former Communist who served as the mayor here before and immediately after the collapse of East Germany, said people like Mr. Niemann would “have been put in prison right away” during the Communist era.
“Now they can stand up and preach,” he said. “People say this is democracy, but I don’t think it is democracy to let Nazis say what they want.”
Thus far, though, the Times says that “tolerant values” in Sumte have won out: “When Mr. Niemann took the floor at a meeting in October between villagers and regional officials responsible for migrants,” the paper says, “Mr. Hammer snatched away the microphone.”
Caught on Video – German Muslim: “Islam Is Coming and Your Daughters Will Wear the Hijab”
A German Muslim warned a local German man recently.
“Islam is coming and your daughter will wear the hijab.”
From the video: (translated)
“Islam is coming to take over Germany whether you want it or not…not through war but by the fact that Germans don’t reproduce and Muslims have 7-8 children each…but not only that, your daughters will marry bearded Muslims and wear the hijab, their sons will wear a beard! The Muslims will have four wives and 27 children and what does the German man have? One child and maybe a little pet dog! The German has taken advantage of the Muslim for too long, just so he can drive his Mercedes… now Islam is coming and your daughters will wear the hijab! Ha! I can see the look of hate in your eyes!”

Posted: 01 Nov 2015 05:21 AM PST

The Russian embassy in Egypt said all passengers and crew members on board the Russian airliner which crashed Saturday in Sinai were dead.
Egyptian military and security officials said none of the passengers and crew of the Russian Airbus A321 which crashed earlier on Saturday in the Sinai Peninsula were alive. This information was confirmed by the Russian embassy in Egypt.
“Unfortunately, all the passengers of the Kogalymavia Flight 9268 are dead. We express our condolences to the families of the crash victims.”
According to the Russian embassy in Egypt, there were 212 passengers and 7 crew members on board. Earlier on Saturday, the Russian Transportation Ministry said there were 217 passengers and 7 crew on board.
Officials confirmed that 129 bodies and two black boxes from Airbus were found at the site of plane crash.
“Up to now, 129 bodies have been recovered,” Ismail said at a press briefing, adding that all bodies are taken to Cairo.
The victims include four Ukrainian nationals, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin wrote in his Twitter account.
Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry of Belarus said in its Russian-language Twitter account one Belarusian citizen could be on board.
St Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchenko told reporters Saturday that two Ukrainian citizens and one Belarusian were on board the plane.
The Sinai aircrash became the deadliest air accident in the history of Russian aviation, surpassing the 1985 disaster in Uzbekistan, where 200 peoplpe died.
The airliner en route from Sharm el-Sheikh to St Petersburg went off radar at 3:21 AM GMT 23 minutes after take-off.
Search operations are continuing for the remaining 95 bodies of the Airbus-A321 flight 9268 that crashed en route from Sharm El-Sheikh to St. Petersburg.
Posted: 31 Oct 2015 03:32 PM PDT

US officials have confirmed today that special forces soldiers will be deployed on the ground in Syria, despite the fact that Obama promised he wouldn’t deploys ‘boots on the ground’.
A senior administration official told the BBC that there will be “fewer than 50” forces deployed in the region to “train, advise and assist” vetted opposition forces.
According to the official, this does not mark a change US strategy, but rather an “intensification” of the campaign in Syria.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest also said that the decision was made by Obama in order to provide additional support for Syrian rebels fighting against the government there.
“There are now moderate opposition forces that are 45 miles (72km) outside Raqqa,” Earnest said. “The president is prepared to intensify the elements that have shown promise.”
He said: “This is an intensification of a strategy he discussed a year ago.”
Something else Obama discussed previously was his decision to not “pursue an open ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan.” He also promised not to send in ‘boots on the ground’ in Syria or pursue an open ended air campaign.
Turns out that was all BS, again.