Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Today’s “Must Read” Stories
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Bob Woodward’s Airbrushed History of Watergate

by Ray Locker
He was a player in the events that brought down Nixon, not just an observer. Here’s what he did.

The Surprising Backstory Behind the Successful Campaign to Derail Keystone

by Andrew Needham
The debt environmental activists owe Native Americans.

Review of “Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency” by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard

by James Graham Wilson
This is an odd, badly written book, that relies on outdated interpretations and weak sourcing.

This Is What Happens When an Historian from Iraq Teaches Veterans of the Iraq War

by Ibrahim Al-Marashi
They give him a lesson.

Ahmed Chalabi “The Fabricator”

by Brian Glyn Williams
The life and death of the Iraqi behind the WMD myth.

How Momentous Is It that the US Is Opening an Embassy in Cuba? This Momentous.

by Matt Peppe
Forty years ago this month they were on opposite sides in the fight over Angola, with the US on the side of South Africa’s apartheid regime.

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Epic clash between Bill O’Reilly and George Will over the Fox News host’s book on Reagan

At the center of the dispute are the events of early 1987 in the White House of Ronald Reagan.

Stonehenge Begins to Yield Its Secrets

Discoveries in the past decade have revealed more about the people for whom Stonehenge and nearby monuments held great meaning.

Jews not invited to Swedish Kristallnacht commemoration

Organizers in Umeå claim the event is a 'security risk', downplay Holocaust's horrors.

Cuban Revolutionaries Hope Their Legacy Won’t Fade Away

Memories of overthrowing a Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship remain strong among the elders of Santiago de Cuba, the city where the fight began, but the younger generation is ready to move on.

Mississippi Flag, a Rebel Holdout, Is in a New Fight

“My flag’s been flying for 33 years, and I’m not about to take it down.”

ISIS is issuing an official license to loot

In exchange, ISIS gets a nice chunk of the excavators' profits as "tax."

60 Minutes profiles the writer who gave us the play, Hamilton

An unorthodox musical with a diverse cast about the life of Alexander Hamilton is creating waves on Broadway and beyond while it smashes box office records.

Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship

Carson's campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described. West Point has no record of Carson applying, much less being extended admission.

Has Obama elected more Republicans than any human being in history? Kind of.

It's not at all uncommon for a president's party to lose state legislative seats during his administration.

Time Magazine is donating its media archive to the New-York Historical Society

Comprising more than 7,500 linear feet of an estimated seven million documents and artifacts, the Time Inc. collection provides a detailed perspective of 20th-century history.

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Historians in the News
What follows is a streamlined list of stories.  To see the full list:  Go Here!

NYT lauds new biography of Bush the Elder by Jon Meacham

Meacham is toughest on Bush for insisting in 1987 that he had been “not in the loop” on the Reagan administration’s arms-for-hostages. Bush lied, says Meacham.

Drew Faust on John Hope Franklin and 'Historians to the Rescue'

Historian Drew Gilpin Faust opened the Centennial Symposium honoring John Hope Franklin by praising the legacy he left for activists and scholars and for research “that rescued us from bad history.”

German historian Hans Mommsen dies aged 85

Celebrated writer challenged conventional narrative of Nazi rule

History Camp expands to the heartland

The first History Camp outside of New England draws professors from colleges across Iowa.

Eric Rauchway cites Freud’s explanation of the appeal of gold to conservatives

In an interview in Salon, Rauchway says he’s a little surprised that we’re talking about the gold standard in 2015

Complaint: The high school term paper is near dead

Will Fitzhugh, the editor of The Concord Review, says few high school students these days ever get the experience of writing a term paper.

Timothy Snyder taken to task by Walter Laqueur

The Yale historian’s much-lauded new book promises a revolutionary view of the Holocaust. But it misleads more than it enlightens.

Art historians are using games to teach

Anne McClanan discusses the pedagogical utility of incorporating gaming into art history and museum studies.

Andrew Bacevich calls on historians to do political history

He argues that by not doing it, historians have let a false political narrative take hold among the general public.

Glenda Gilmore says Margaret Spellings must accept gays or resign from UNC

She won’t address her previous animosity toward gays.

World Net Daily to Publish David Barton's Discredited Book of Jefferson

It had been pulled from publication by HarperCollins.