Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 20 June 2013

Feinstein on NSA, Ron Paul: Gold to infinity, GMO engineer goes organic, Agent caught snooping, Dolce & Gabbana sentenced+more
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Updates From Infowars 6/20/13
Feinstein On NSA: Nothing to See Here, Please Move Along

Obama and Congress continue effort to minimize damage inflicted on American people by Stasi state.
Ron Paul: Dollar Will Collapse, Gold Will “Go To Infinity”

'Former congressman says that precious metals will literally become priceless'
Urgent action alert: EPA about to raise allowable concentrations of glyphosate on food crops

Public comments are due by July 1
Dolce and Gabbana sentenced to jail for tax dodge
Journalist Who Brought Down Gen. McChrystal Dies In Car Accident

Editor’s note: Journalists who mess with government and military power often die under mysterious circumstances.

NSA Agent Caught SNOOPING 
Former GMO Engineer Drops Biotech and Goes Organic
State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control