Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Latest NewsJun 18, 2013
Egyptian Support for Syrian Rebels Still Words Over Action
Egypt has further aligned itself with those trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It remains unclear, though, how far Egypt will back its words with action. ...
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US picks defected Syrian general as sole conduit of arms aid to rebels
The Obama administration has picked defected Syrian General Salim Idriss as the sole conduit of direct US military assistance to anti-Damascus insurgents. ...
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Gulf States to Launch Sanctions Against Hezbollah
Gulf Arab states are preparing to launch a series of measures against Hezbollah’s interests in the region.
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Turkish Government Threatens Military Force Against Protesters
Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc has warned protesters that the government may deploy "elements of the armed forces" to help police end nearly three weeks of protests. ...
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Iran's President-Elect and Nuclear Program
Iran's President-elect Hassan Rohani says more transparency in the country’s nuclear program would help ease international economic sanctions on Tehran. ...
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Report: NSA Leaker Denies Contact with Chinese Gov
U.S. intelligence contractor who recently exposed some U.S. surveillance operations has denied he had any contact with the Chinese government.
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Apple Reveals Number of NSA Information Requests
The Apple company said it had received as many as 5,000 requests from U.S. law enforcement for customer data over the past six months.
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Pentagon Signs New Russian Helicopter Deal
Russia and the United States have signed a contract for the delivery of Russian Mi-17 helicopters for the Afghan army.
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