Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 22 June 2013


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"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." - Patrick Henry
"Sunshine is the greatest disinfectant" - Louis D. Brandeis
"In America, the government belongs to the people. Inherent in our system of self-government is the idea that the People have the right to know what our government and government officials are doing and to hold them accountable for their actions" - Citizen Access Project
"Nothing so diminishes democracy as secrecy." - Ramsey Clark
June 22/23, 2013
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Qatar: Arming Syrian Rebels to Bring Peace, Justice
By Al-Akhbar
Qatar's prime minister said on Saturday the only way to resolve the civil war in Syria was to arm rebels battling Syrian government forces.
Russian Advanced Weapons for Syria: Report
By Dam Press
Putin clearly stated that the Middle East is going to witness a significant change. Syria will be armed with weapons that have never been seen before [in the Middle East] including computer guided smart missiles that never miss their target.
No Proof Who Used Chemical Weapons In Syria: UN
"We are not able to say who has used chemical agents or chemical weapons and we are very much worried about the chain of custody of the substances," Pinheiro told reporters after an informal meeting with UN Security Council ambassadors.
Hezbollah's Palestinian Problem
By Franklin Lamb
Hamas's change of stands has caused the movement to lose the credibility and popularity that it once enjoyed from diaspora Palestinians and the Arabs.
Groundhog Day in Afghanistan
US Turns Up 12 Years Late For Talks With The Taliban
By Lindsey German
Why had one of the poorest countries in the world been subjected to more than a decade of invasion and occupation, if the eventual outcome was to talk to the very people that the war had been against?
Let's Be Very Careful About Who We Call "Traitor".
By Julian Assange
Two dangerous runaway processes have taken root in the last decade, with fatal consequences for democracy.
On the Espionage Act Charges Against Edward Snowden
By Glenn Greenwald
Who is actually bringing 'injury to America': those who are secretly building a massive surveillance system or those who inform citizens that it's being done?
Britain's Spy Agency Taps Fibre-optic Cables for Secret Access to World's Communications
By Ewen MacAskill, Julian Borger, Nick Hopkins, Nick Davies and James Ball
Exclusive: British spy agency collects and stores vast quantities of global email messages, Facebook posts, internet histories and calls, and shares them with NSA, latest documents from Edward Snowden reveal.
GCHQ Revelations
Mastery of the Internet Will Mean Mastery of Everyone
By Henry Porter
Privacy is the defining quality of a free people. Snowden's compelling leaks show us that mastery of the internet will ineluctably mean mastery over the individual.
Government Can Map Your Every Move
By Lindsay Wise and Jonathan S. Landay
If you tweet a picture from your living room using your smartphone, you're sharing far more than your new hairdo or the color of the wallpaper. You're potentially revealing the exact coordinates of your house to anyone on the Internet.
Hypocrisy At The Brandenburg Gate
Stasi in the White House
By Paul Craig Roberts
Like so many others, Germans proved themselves willing to be used for Washington's propaganda purposes.
Follow the Money:
The Secret Heart of the Secret State
By Chris Floyd
The intelligence-security industry isn't about protecting the United States or you, except for extraordinarily rare, virtually accidental occurrences. It's about wealth and power.
Obama: Hypocrite Of The Century
Irish Lawmaker Calls Obama a War Criminal
The "unprecedented slobbering" during the president's visit to Northern Ireland, she said, had even led to speculation that "you were going to deck the Cabinet out in leprechaun hats decorated with a bit of stars and stripes to really mark abject humiliation."
Federal Bureau Exoneration
How The FBI Can Assassinate Anyone They Want
Rachel Maddow takes on the complicated story of the death of Ibragim Todashev, killed by the FBI under circumstances that seem to change everytime the story is told.
What Cop T-Shirts Tell Us About Police Culture
By Radley Balko
An anonymous public defender sent this photo of an NYPD warrant squad officer wearing a t-shirt with a pretty disturbing quote from Ernest Hemingway.
Why Are Americans So Passive?
Get Pissed Off and Break Things
By Ted Rall
The appropriate, intelligent and self-preserving response to mass theft is rage, demands for action, and decisive punishment of political and economic leaders who refuse to change things.

Hard News  
Afghanistan: 50 "Armed Insurgents" Killed:
A commander of national army forces in Nangarhar contacting BNA said, in this operation nearly 50 insurgents including Pakistani Taliban were killed and 50 others were arrested by Afghan and foreign forces.
20 people killed in Afghanistan:
At least 18 Taliban militants and two policemen were killed when insurgents attacked a police checkpoint in northern Afghanistan, police said on Saturday.
Suicide Bombers, Gunmen Kill 23 In Iraq Attacks:
A suicide bombing inside a Shiite mosque during evening prayers and other attacks north of Baghdad killed 23 people in Iraq on Saturday, as officials announced preliminary results for local elections in two provinces that showed the bloc of the country's speaker of parliament in the lead.
Intense fighting in Damascus, Aleppo:
Syria's army on Saturday pressed a fierce assault launched four days ago against rebel areas in northern and eastern Damascus, killing three children with mortar fire, a monitoring group said.
"Friends" of Syria agree to supply urgent rebel "aid":
Ministers from the 11 core members of the Friends of Syria group agreed "to provide urgently all the necessary materiel and equipment to the opposition on the ground", according to a statement released at the end of their meeting in Qatar.
Washington Post: Chemical Weapons Claims in Syria Unreliable :
Chemical weapons claimsDespite months of laboratory testing and scrutiny by top U.S. scientists, the Obama administration's case for arming Syria's rebels rests on unverifiable claims that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its own people, according to diplomats and experts.
Deputy Leader of Syrian Journalists' Union:
Iraqi Plants Producing Chemical Arms for Rebels: Vice-Chairman of the Syrian Journalists' Union Mostafa Meqdad said that chemical plants in Iraq are producing chemical weapons for the terrorists in Syria, confirming the remarks by Russian President Vladimir Putin who had revealed the involvement of certain groups in Iraq in the production of such weapons.
No good guys among Syrian rebels - Paulo Sergio Pinheiro:
It is impossible to choose unequivocally good guys among the groups of Syrian rebels and send weapons to them. This warning was voiced by chairman of the UN independent panel investigating possible violations of human rights in Syria Paulo Sergio Pinheiro on Friday.
Obama: 'U.S. Forces Recently Deployed to Jordan':
"At the request of the Government of Jordan, a combat-equipped detachment of approximately 700 of these forces remained in Jordan after the conclusion of the exercise to join other U.S. forces already in Jordan," Obama writes.
Jordan says it hosts 900 US military personnel:
The first Jordanian public official to speak publicly of the numbers of US troops in the kingdom, Abdullah Ensour told reporters on Saturday that 200 of the personnel were experts training for how to handle a chemical attack. He said the remaining 700 are manning a Patriot missile defence system and F-16 fighter jets
Amman denies CIA training Syria rebels in Jordan:
On Friday the Los Angeles Times reported that the Central Intelligence Agency and US special forces have been training Syrian rebels at a new US base in the desert in southwest Jordan since November
Hamas executes two Israel 'collaborators' in Gaza:
Hamas hanged two men accused of collaborating with Israel on Saturday, a statement from the interior ministry of the Islamist movement's government in the Gaza Strip said.
Turkish protesters accused of terror links:
Government says demonstrators working for 'terrorist' group, as fresh protest begins in Taksim Square.
Assemblies emerging in Turkey: a lesson in democracy: Op-Ed:
The protesters are starting to counter-pose their own direct democracy to the sham of a democracy proposed by Erdogan's authoritarian neoliberal state.
Obama administration charges NSA whistleblower Snowden with espionage:
US federal prosecutors have charged whistleblower Edward Snowden with espionage, theft and conversion of government property in a criminal complaint, and asked Hong Kong to detain him ahead of a move to extradite him.
Edward Snowden extradition attempts 'could take years':
Hong Kong legal experts say US could face lengthy diplomatic and legal process to try NSA whistleblower in American court
Iceland-Bound Jet for Edward Snowden 'Could Take Off Tomorrow':
An Icelandic businessman is offering to transport Edward Snowden to the island nation aboard a chartered jet if Iceland's government grants asylum to the man who exposed the National Security Agency's massive harvesting of Internet and phone records.
White House Petition To Pardon Edward Snowden Passes 100,000:
A petition filed on the White House's website to pardon Edward Snowden passed more than 100,000 signatures on Saturday, a day after news broke that the whistle-blower was charged by the federal government.
Leaked NSA Doc Says It Can Collect And Keep Your Encrypted Data As Long As It Takes To Crack It:
If you use privacy tools, according to the apparent logic of the National Security Agency, it doesn't much matter if you're a foreigner or an American: Your communications are subject to an extra dose of surveillance.
How does GCHQ's internet surveillance work?:
Learn more about the system for collecting content and metadata, and what GCHQ can do with it
GCHQ and security services 'need parliamentary oversight':
The shadow foreign secretary has called for parliamentary and ministerial oversight into the work of GCHQ and other intelligence agencies, over surveillance of electronic communications.
Revealed: The Story Behind the "NATO 3" Domestic Terrorism Arrests:
Accused of domestic terrorism in the course of the Chicago NATO summit, Brian Church, Brent Betterly and Jared Chase were arguably victims of police entrapment and the use of "Red Squad" tactics the Chicago police were formerly enjoined from employing.
MoD serves news outlets with D notice over surveillance leaks:
BBC and other media groups issued with D notice to limit publication of information that could 'jeopardise national security'. Editors were asked not to publish information that may "jeopardise both national security and possibly UK personnel" in the warning issued on 7 June, a day after the Guardian first revealed details of the National Security Agency's (NSA) secret Prism programme.
Amerian Gulag: US steps up efforts to break Guantánamo hunger strike:
Increasingly brutal tactics are being used in an attempt to break the hunger strike by detainees at Guantánamo Bay, according to fresh testimony from the last British resident still held in the camp.
Documents Show FBI Monitored Mexican Author, Carlos Fuentes:
The FBI and the U.S. State Department closely monitored Mexican author Carlos Fuentes for more than two decades because he was considered a communist and a sympathizer of Cuba's Fidel Castro, recently released documents show.
Brazil protests: Dilma Rousseff unveils reforms:
In a televised address she said she would draft a new plan to benefit public transport and that all oil royalties would be used in education.
Analysis: After the Fed shock, markets set for more turmoil:
If that was the message Ben Bernanke was trying to deliver when he said the Federal Reserve could soon start scaling back its massive stimulus program for the U.S. economy, it's safe to say investors received it loud and clear.
U.S. Weighs Doubling Leverage Standard for Biggest Banks:
The standard would increase the amount of capital the lenders must hold to 6 percent of total assets, regardless of their risk, according to four people with knowledge of the talks. That's twice the level set by global banking supervisors.
World's largest Bitcoin exchange suspends US withdrawals:
For the next two weeks Bitcoin users in the US will be unable to withdraw the virtual currency in dollars. Major exchange Mt. Gox cited an unusually high demand as the reason for the suspension, while customers worried the company has run out of cash.
IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 'Unauthorized' Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address:
That was not the only Atlanta address theoretically occupied by thousands of "unauthorized" alien workers receiving millions in federal tax refunds in 2011. In fact, The IRS sent 11,284 refunds worth a combined $2,164,976 to unauthorized alien workers at a second Atlanta address; 3,608 worth $2,691,448 to a third; and 2,386 worth $1,232,943 to a fourth.
Student Loan Proposal Would Avert Deadline, But Raise Borrowing Costs, Boosting Government Profit: -
Student borrowers and their families would pay more to finance college under a proposal pushed by a bipartisan group of senators, increasing the federal government's profits despite warnings over record student debt levels.

"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,883

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :3,341
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001

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