They have created a white-torture centre for a specific State/Government-Organized Stalking-Mobbing [S/G-OS-M] operation/persecution [on the basis a German government Secret Decree (Merkel-Gauck + Interior and War Ministers) got on 01 November 2013, for a specific S/G-OS-M clandestine operation/persecution] in Kaiserdamm 36/apt.25 etc, 14057 Berlin, where they use a team of irregulars, of their insane and criminal parallel terrorists and mafia-men/women [K. Brandt, Ilse Brandt etc etc], with devices for watching through walls for white-torture. It is since 01 April 2015 they operates in this specific place [here, as irregulars, they are using Germans, Italians and Arabs]. In Germany, they are implementing thousands of these white-torture operations, accessory parts of stalking-mobbing harassments and persecutions by working places and educational institutions... ...and hundreds of thousands at NATO-AngloAmericanEmpire level... They are programs for trying creating terrorists and terrorism.