Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 24 June 2013

Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
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The Democrats are coming out of the closet as fellow fascists, just like their Republican "friends." Sure, they throw a few crumbs to women, gays and unions, but for the most part they have been betraying the middle class, failing to prosecute bankers,  going after whistle blowers at historically high levels. 
There's no solution to be found electorally. Only three Senate Democrats and Bernie Sanders opposed Obama's trade representative appointee who assured Elizabeth Warren he would continue to keep the TPP agreement secret and not allow the American people to see the words. The answer has to be activism. OPEDNEWS supports activists and protesters like no other progressive media site. 
OEN has evolved to become a further left leaning site, usually in disagreement with both Republicans and Democrats. We know that's cost us a lot of liberal readers, to the right of where we stand. If you value the positions we've taken, please support us. We know that some of you can't afford to make donations. But many of you can, and we really need your help. We run on a smaller donor budget than any of the other sites known for being major progressive sites-- under $5000 a month. This is a particularly important month for us. Please take a few moments to make a donation today. 
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Daily Headlines

Speaking with GRITtv host Laura Flanders about the National Security Agency snooping scandal, Chomsky remarked that "the Obama administration is dedicated to increasing terrorism; it's doing it all over the world."

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a secret Free Trade Agreement under negotiation. It continues the WTO assault on food sovereignty. Access to food is a basic human right. Instead, TPP expands the notion that food is just another commodity subject to economic speculation and exploitation solely to increase the profits of multinational corporations.

The central issue is our dire shortage of democracy. How can we have real consent of the governed when the government is entrenched with extreme secrecy, surveillance and contempt for privacy?

The creation of a secret police state apparatus represents a fork in the road for the United States. Snowden said his motive was to make it possible for the American people to decide whether the Surveillance State is what they want -- and that they couldn't do this unless they knew what was going on behind their backs.

Perspective is all. Look at Palestinian freedom from the Israeli perspective and what do you see? You see a challenge that must be met in Israel's best interests. But look at Palestinian freedom from the Palestinian perspective and you see not a challenge for Israel, but a responsibility placed upon an Israeli government that continues to rely on the occupation as its way of "controlling" the neighborhood.

I am not complaining as a disgruntled employee. I am complaining as if a bystander watching in amazement as all of this goes down. I see a lot of colleagues struggling daily to make ends meet. I even know of a colleague who had to live in his office because he couldn't find an affordable apartment. And then these reports come out about lavish lifestyles and vacation homes and everything starts to click.

What does the IRS scandal have to do with the recent disclosures about National Security Agency surveillance programs that sweep up phone records and internet communications? The answer doesn't involve President Barack Obama thuggishly conspiring to spy on political foes and average Joes. But the two controversies have this in common: congressional oversight. The NSA leaks underscore the compelling need for vigorous and extensive monitoring of secret government action by congressional leaders who are elected to look out for the public's interest. The trumped-up IRS scandal shows how many of those leaders cannot be trusted to take their oversight duties seriously.

According to the Real Clear Politics summary of recent polls, only 14 percent of Americans approve of how Congress is doing its job. The disapproval rate is 78 percent. Notably, when voters in states across the country were polled regarding their congressional representatives, the senator with the lowest net job approval rating was ... Mitch McConnell.

Everybody's talking about Snowden, his revelations and their significance. But government officials and their subservients in the mainstream media aren't participating in a debate; they are attempting to avoid one. It's to hide the most important truth: we, the people of the United States, are the real target of this surveillance.

By century's end, rising sea levels will turn the nation's urban fantasyland into an American Atlantis. But long before the city is completely underwater, chaos will begin.

By Yes Magazine
Yes Magazine: From Housing to Health Care, 7 Co-ops That Are Changing Our Economy
How manufacturers, retailers, restaurants, and others are doing business the cooperative way.
Scary stories of kidnappings and explosions lead our news feeds, but it's the good news that helps break down the myth of our own powerlessness.

here's a heartwarming example of a corporation doing some good in the world. OEN usually criticizes corporations for the bad they do. When one does some good, it deserves recognition.

Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.

Lambda Legal is an organization at the forefront of gay liberty.

By Ethan Indigo Smith
Cellphones Ruined Communication
My Attempts at Maintaining Friendship Without a Cellphone in The 21st Century

This summer holds blessings and challenges for all of us. Look at our world. If we don't stop it now, corporations will continue to control our politics, our environment and our financial system. So while we each have a responsibility to stand up for a different kind of world, we also need to relax and enjoy ourselves. This next month is a good time to do both.

"I need to get off the radar" - Hastings email
There is a lot of news that our newspapers and TV stations won't cover. But we might hope that the possibility that one of their own was murdered for getting too close to a sensitive story - this is the kind of news that they wouldn't ignore. Perhaps someone will investigate. A Los Angeles TV station has reported that an LA PD officer received an email from Michael Hastings the day before he died under suspicious circumstances, saying:
Why The NWO Hates Syria
(Video from SyriaGirl)
Nelson Mandela was in critical condition Sunday after a deterioration in his health, and doctors "are doing everything possible'' for him, South Africa's government said. The office of President Jacob Zuma said that on Sunday evening the president had visited Mandela, the former president of the country who was imprisoned for nearly three decades as he battled the country's apartheid system of racial separatism. Zuma's office said he was informed by Mandela's doctors that his condition had become critical in the past 24 hours.

Snowden's evasion of a US extradition request and indictment for espionage was the result of Russia, China and Hong Kong standing up to the US, which has been left sputtering and embarrassed, says TCBH! journalist Dave Lindorff

James Madison, so-called "father of the Constitution" and fourth U.S. president, is at the center of a historical debate over what the original intent of the Framers was and whether a strong federal government fits with those principles. The dispute revolves around Madison's shifting alliances.

s with all informant systems, especially ones that "profile" for certain behaviors deemed to be a threat to the state, only the most conformist will thrive. It's a recipe for disaster if one is looking for any kind of dynamic, creative thinking. Clearly, that is the last thing these creepy bureaucrats want.

By Sam Amer
A Sprinkle of Socialism is What We Need
We need to add some socialism to improve capitalism
By David McBain
Reckless Bankers and Rotting Fish Heads
It seems some bankers are to be jailed for reckless conduct in the UK in future. Calling for a new criminal offence to deal with "reckless conduct in the management of a bank," with automatic prison sentences a Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards wants senior bankers to take more responsibility for their actions. On the other hand, someone was reminding us that fish rot from the head.
After Mitch McConnell became Senate Minority Leader in 2007, the yearly total of filibusters doubled . It's now assumed that any legislation over which there is disagreement requires a super-majority of 60 votes to pass. Democrats could use the nuclear option to break McConnell's stranglehold. Yet they lack the will to do so.

By Yasmeen Ali
The Killer Machine
On drone attacks in Pakistan.A matter of hot debate.
High unemployment and feelings of injustice for the killing of people in their area by drones and Yemeni air strikes provide a fertile recruiting ground for al Qaeda in Yemen. Yemen prisons in which young people have been detained and imprisoned for months and years without trial by the Government of Yemen is a key place where radicalization for armed groups, including al Qaeda, occurs.

The Shiites are pouring into Syria in order to fight against the Sunnis. In other words, the 9th Century has come 'a calling. But what is it that has divided them for so long? Read on and learn . . .

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The impression that the Fed is tired of trying so hard got even stronger last week, after a news conference in which Mr. Bernanke seemed quite happy to reinforce the message of an imminent reduction in stimulus. The trouble is that this is very much the wrong signal to be sending given the state of the economy. We're still very much living through what amounts to a low-grade depression -- and the Fed's bad messaging reduces the chances that we're going to exit that depression any time soon.

The Western governments and their Arab stooges in the Persian Gulf are stepping up their criminal acts in Syria due to their obsession with Iran's growing influence in the region, an analyst says. He added that Western governments are determined to "isolate and undermine Iran, an important ally of Syria and a key opponent to Western hegemonic ambitions in the vital oil- and gas-rich Middle East region."

US politicians attacked Vladimir Putin on Sunday and called for Russia to hand over Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who admitted leaking top secret spying documents. As Snowden landed in Moscow after leaving Hong Kong, where the US had requested his arrest, leading Democratic senator Chuck Schumer accused the Russian president of sticking a finger in the eye of the US.