Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 21 June 2013

Thursday 06-20-2013                                               Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser


Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21
Govt "Volunteers" to Give Journalists Access to Docs In Brad Manning Trial
False Flag Biological Attack Expected This Summer?

Next Phase of Syrian Invasion Begins -- The Central Bank Connection

20 Items to Kick Start Your Food Storage Plan

Food, Guns, Gold: “The Record is Rather Clear On the Side of Commodity Money”

Obama’s Plan to Depopulate the Suburbs

The CDC is lying to you again: flu reality vs. flu fiction

Big Brother Writ Large in America
Fast-Tracking Toward War on Syria
Stephen Lendman

Recent Supreme Court decision hugely undermines your right to remain silent
Project Chess: Skype’s secret program aimed at making calls readily available
to intelligence agencies

Madison Ruppert

Financial Markets Freak Out When Fed Hints at Slowing Down Injections
Waste List: 66 Crazy Ways Govt Is Wasting Your Hard-Earned Money
Mass Carnage: Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver, Eur & Japan Get Pummeled

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Today's Forum Topics

A Time For Letting Go

Flyer for Voluntaryism Project

Amazing Anti-Monsanto song


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Why Won’t The FBI Tell the Public About its Drone Program?

Trans-Pacific partnership: Neoliberal arm of Obama’s Asia-pivot

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FBI Director: Obeying the Constitution “Will Take An Awful Long Time”

Nikola Tesla: Maverick, Visionary and Master of Light

Holy Fukushima – Radiation From Japan Is Already Killing North Americans

First Congressman Allowed to Read Secret Treaty Says “This ... Hands The Sovereignty of Our Country Over to Corporate Interests”

Top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

Oz State Bans Unvaccinated Kids from Childcare

Texas Becomes First State to Ban Warrantless Searches of Email

Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

‘Nobel of agriculture’ goes to Monsanto executive

The Terror Con Used to Funnel Money to Surveillance-Industrial Complex

NSA Claim of Thwarted NYSE Plot Contradicted by Court Documents

NSA Boss Asks Congress For Blanket Immunity For Companies That Help NSA Spy On Everyone

Brazilian Cities Roll Back Transport Fare Hikes After Protests