Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 13 November 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 11 Nov 2015 10:00 PM PST
General Konoshenkov has more good news to report on the Russian campaign against terrorism in Syria:

“Over the last three days, Russian jets made 137 sorties in the Syrian Arab Republic and destroyed 448 facilities of terrorist infrastructure in the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Idlib, Latakia, Raqqa, Hama and Homs,“

“A direct hit led to the destruction of four mortars and an ammunition depot, an airstrike by a Su-24M bomber destroyed a hangar with four tanks and one APC inside,”

“In the suburbs of Zerba, in the Idlib Province, a large Jabhat al-Nusra command center was destroyed. The facility was established over the course of the last three weeks and it was well camouflaged.”

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Posted: 11 Nov 2015 09:00 PM PST
Researchers have found an 'impressive' difference in temperature between blocks that make up the Great Pyramid of Giza and other pyramids in Egypt.

by 21st Century Wire

The team is using infrared thermography to scan and map the pyramids.

In a statement, the team said this:

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Posted: 11 Nov 2015 08:00 PM PST
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc… They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.” – Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)

The topic of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), alongside the extraterrestrial hypothesis being one of multiple explanations for their appearance (which seems to  be quite a common phenomenon), is an area of interest for many people that’s continually growing, and for good reasons.

This is in large part due to the fact that we now have hundreds of credible witnesses that have officially testified to the reality of an extraterrestrial presence, and its relation to the already disclosed UFO ‘problem.’

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Posted: 11 Nov 2015 07:00 PM PST
“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” – Nassim Haramein, director of research for the Resonance Project

by Arjun Walia

It’s been more than one hundred years since Max Planck, the theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics, said that he regards “consciousness as fundamental,” that he regards “matter as a derivative from consciousness,” and that “everything we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

He is basically saying that the non-physical ‘substance’ of consciousness is directly intertwined with what we perceive to be our physical material world in some sort of way, shape or form, that consciousness is required for matter to be, that it becomes after consciousness… and he’s not the only physicist to believe that.

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